My new story. This is the first installment. I hope you enjoy. More to come. This one sets the scene and the tone of the story.
The economy had hurt the Johnson’s as much as anyone in the past four years. Artie had seen his already meager take home pay steadily decline. The rising cost of insurance passed on to the employees and lack of pay increases to match had decreased his net pay by as much as 5 percent per year so that he was realizing only 75% of his pay scale from four years ago. Artie was still lucky enough to have a job while his office had seen cutbacks of 20% of the work force in that same time. His wife, Janice, had begun to look for work outside the home. She had not worked outside since their son was born. Jimmy was now in middle school and was a very independent boy, so she felt it was time to contribute to the family income.
Janice applied for many positions that fit her background but no offers had been received yet. This day she had an interview with a local company known for their baby diapers that were manufactured right there in Coochee, Georgia. The job was in the office and right up her alley for the skills required. A neighbor who worked there had given her a good reference so she was quite confident about the interview.
The beautiful spring morning was already getting warm here in South Georgia. Janice dropped Jimmy off at school. She was dressed for her interview and looked really good this morning with a mid-length skirt and nice flowered top. The outfit accentuated her slim figure and curves while not being overly revealing. The light skirt was just above the knees and had a bounce as she walked that could turn the heads of anyone she passed. Underneath Janice wore her new flowery cotton panties and bra with stockings and open toed shoes to match the whole outfit. She really felt good this morning. “I’m going to nail this interview!” she though as she parked in the guest spaces by the front of the offices of the CooChee Manufacturing Company. Inside she was asked to have a seat and wait for the manager. Janice had had a bit too much coffee that morning so she asked the receptionist if she could use the rest room. The receptionist opened the door and escorted Janice down the hall with instructions to just return the same way when she was finished. Inside the restroom, Janice was a bit surprised to see that it was decorated in baby prints and had a slight aroma of baby powder. She looked around, opened a cabinet door and discovered a stack of diapers, wipes and other items. Janice thought “They must be open about employees bringing their babies with to work. Why else would there be this in the restroom? After all, they do make baby diapers and supplies here so it makes sense.” She also thought that the diapers appeared a little big for a baby but the actual size did not really register in her mind.
Almost immediately after returning to the reception area Janice was met by a tall, good looking woman who introduced herself as the general manager, Margie. She followed Margie back to a conference room that had displays of the products prominently located around the walls. They were joined by Stephen, the Personnel Manager and by Kate who would be the supervisor over Janice if she got the job. The interview went very well and about two hours later, Janice was asked if she would like a tour of the whole facility and perhaps have lunch with them in the company cafeteria. Janice was thrilled because a very generous offer was made for the compensation package including better benefits than Artie received. If she accepted she would not only be supplementing their income but they could save on the insurance.
On the tour, Janice was shown a display room with almost the complete line of products manufactured by the company at this plant and one in Paccie, Pennsylvania. There was everything for the baby including wipes, powders, creams, bottles, pacifiers and especially the major product, diapers. They made cloth diapers using imported soft materials. They also made disposables of their own design that were known for their similarity to the best qualities of cloth diapers but were inexpensive and disposable. There was a wide array of plastic pants in various prints. Sizes ranged from the tiniest diapers for preemies to regular baby diapers to toddler sizes and even preteen sized diapers for which there was a growing demand.
In the next show room were items that really surprised Janice. There were products made for the larger sizes of teens and adults with the brand name of Secure. Kate began to explain, “Our product base is addressing all needs from birth to elderly and all in between. The ages of 25 and up are the quickest growing segment of the industry other than the elderly. The stigma of being incontinent is becoming less prevalent and more are out in the open about their medical issues. With the teens and twenties, the electronic age has brought a greater incident of those who would rather complete their tasks or play the computer games without interruption and thus are beginning to use our products on a regular basis. I hope you don’t take this wrong, but we even advertise on some of the fetish web sites and get some of the AB/DL business.”
“Uh, what is AB/DL?” asked Janice.
“Well, AB is Adult Baby. These are adults who, for whatever reason, desire to act and be treated like a baby. Some get a feeling of comfort from the play acting. Others feel a need to go back to a time in their lives when they had no cares other that when they would be fed and changed. Still others actually seem to get a sexual high from the play. DL is Diaper Lover or adults who just like wearing diapers whether they use the diapers or not. This is not in any way pedophilia. The AB or DL does not have anything to do with children or real babies. It is purely an adult desire and usually carried on in private. We make an adult diaper that is so discrete that you cannot tell when someone is wearing it.” With that comment she turned around as though to show off her outfit of fitted slacks and blouse. “Would you believe that I have one on right now?”
Julie could not believe what she just heard. “You are wearing a diaper?” she asked as she looked right at Kate’s rear.
“Though it is not required, we encourage our employees to at least try the products for a few days and see how they fit, feel and even function. After all, how can we sell something we know nothing about?”
Julie had not given her answer about taking the offer yet. After viewing the production areas, Janice began to take notice that a good portion of the workers looked like they had padding. She realized that most of the workers had to be wearing diapers and some even looked like the diaper was a bit thicker or hanging lower in the crotch than most. Perhaps those had been used? She told Kate that she would need to sleep on it that evening and speak with Artie. Kate asked for an answer by the end of the next day as there were other candidates to interview if Janice did not want the job. “I would like you to take home some of our products to look at more closely.” She said as they walked back to the front office. Kate made sure that Janice had a sample bag with a couple of adult sized diapers in both disposable and cloth, plastic pants of Janice’s size as well as the more typical baby and toddler sized items to look over.
Janice arrived home in the middle of the afternoon. She brought he bag into the house and sat down to think about the job, what it would mean to their family to be more secure financially and what the items in the bag represented. She thought about what Kate had said about encouraging the employees to try the products. She thought, “How far did Kate mean to go with the products? Just try them on and wear them for a while or actually use them for their intended purpose? I guess she meant to actually try them in the way a diaper is meant to be used.”
As she sat there thinking all this, the door opened and in bounded James who had taken the big yellow school bus home. “What is all that, Mom?” He asked. Janice told her son about the job interview she had that morning. About the company and about the products the company made. She omitted the news about how the employees are encouraged to get to know all about the products. She did not show James the oversized diapers or plastic pants. That evening Janice and Artie discussed the job in length, including the suggestion of trying the products. Artie was actually turned on a little by the thought of Janice in a diaper though he hid the feelings from her. He was a little dismayed that he should have such feelings. All he said was, “It would not hurt to try one on and see how it feels. You don’t have to do any more than that and it sounds like they will not mind if you decline to wear one. I think you should take the job.
As they prepared for bed that evening, with James already sound asleep, Janice spotted the bag of diapers and began thinking, “It would not hurt to at least try one on.” She unfolded a cloth diaper and looked it over. “It has not been all that long since James was in diapers. In fact, he still has the occasional wet night even now. I have diapered a child but how would I put this on myself?” Artie spotted her holding the diaper and began to be aroused again at the thought of his beautiful wife in a diaper. As he watched, Janice picked up the plastic pants and held them to herself as though checking the size. She was clad only in her nice panties and bra.
Unaware that Arte was watching, Janice put down the plastic pants and reached for the diaper again. She folded the diaper just like she used to fold the baby diapers for James. Then with her panties still on, she experimented with trying to put the diaper between her legs and pulling it up the front. She extended the diaper around her waist so the corners met at her sides. She tried to reach the bag again to get the extra large diaper pins that were there but dropped the diaper in the process. As she bent down to retrieve the diaper she finally spotted Arte watching her. “Are you enjoying the show?” she asked.
Artie answered, “Do you want some help?”

The economy had hurt the Johnson’s as much as anyone in the past four years. Artie had seen his already meager take home pay steadily decline. The rising cost of insurance passed on to the employees and lack of pay increases to match had decreased his net pay by as much as 5 percent per year so that he was realizing only 75% of his pay scale from four years ago. Artie was still lucky enough to have a job while his office had seen cutbacks of 20% of the work force in that same time. His wife, Janice, had begun to look for work outside the home. She had not worked outside since their son was born. Jimmy was now in middle school and was a very independent boy, so she felt it was time to contribute to the family income.
Janice applied for many positions that fit her background but no offers had been received yet. This day she had an interview with a local company known for their baby diapers that were manufactured right there in Coochee, Georgia. The job was in the office and right up her alley for the skills required. A neighbor who worked there had given her a good reference so she was quite confident about the interview.
The beautiful spring morning was already getting warm here in South Georgia. Janice dropped Jimmy off at school. She was dressed for her interview and looked really good this morning with a mid-length skirt and nice flowered top. The outfit accentuated her slim figure and curves while not being overly revealing. The light skirt was just above the knees and had a bounce as she walked that could turn the heads of anyone she passed. Underneath Janice wore her new flowery cotton panties and bra with stockings and open toed shoes to match the whole outfit. She really felt good this morning. “I’m going to nail this interview!” she though as she parked in the guest spaces by the front of the offices of the CooChee Manufacturing Company. Inside she was asked to have a seat and wait for the manager. Janice had had a bit too much coffee that morning so she asked the receptionist if she could use the rest room. The receptionist opened the door and escorted Janice down the hall with instructions to just return the same way when she was finished. Inside the restroom, Janice was a bit surprised to see that it was decorated in baby prints and had a slight aroma of baby powder. She looked around, opened a cabinet door and discovered a stack of diapers, wipes and other items. Janice thought “They must be open about employees bringing their babies with to work. Why else would there be this in the restroom? After all, they do make baby diapers and supplies here so it makes sense.” She also thought that the diapers appeared a little big for a baby but the actual size did not really register in her mind.
Almost immediately after returning to the reception area Janice was met by a tall, good looking woman who introduced herself as the general manager, Margie. She followed Margie back to a conference room that had displays of the products prominently located around the walls. They were joined by Stephen, the Personnel Manager and by Kate who would be the supervisor over Janice if she got the job. The interview went very well and about two hours later, Janice was asked if she would like a tour of the whole facility and perhaps have lunch with them in the company cafeteria. Janice was thrilled because a very generous offer was made for the compensation package including better benefits than Artie received. If she accepted she would not only be supplementing their income but they could save on the insurance.
On the tour, Janice was shown a display room with almost the complete line of products manufactured by the company at this plant and one in Paccie, Pennsylvania. There was everything for the baby including wipes, powders, creams, bottles, pacifiers and especially the major product, diapers. They made cloth diapers using imported soft materials. They also made disposables of their own design that were known for their similarity to the best qualities of cloth diapers but were inexpensive and disposable. There was a wide array of plastic pants in various prints. Sizes ranged from the tiniest diapers for preemies to regular baby diapers to toddler sizes and even preteen sized diapers for which there was a growing demand.
In the next show room were items that really surprised Janice. There were products made for the larger sizes of teens and adults with the brand name of Secure. Kate began to explain, “Our product base is addressing all needs from birth to elderly and all in between. The ages of 25 and up are the quickest growing segment of the industry other than the elderly. The stigma of being incontinent is becoming less prevalent and more are out in the open about their medical issues. With the teens and twenties, the electronic age has brought a greater incident of those who would rather complete their tasks or play the computer games without interruption and thus are beginning to use our products on a regular basis. I hope you don’t take this wrong, but we even advertise on some of the fetish web sites and get some of the AB/DL business.”
“Uh, what is AB/DL?” asked Janice.
“Well, AB is Adult Baby. These are adults who, for whatever reason, desire to act and be treated like a baby. Some get a feeling of comfort from the play acting. Others feel a need to go back to a time in their lives when they had no cares other that when they would be fed and changed. Still others actually seem to get a sexual high from the play. DL is Diaper Lover or adults who just like wearing diapers whether they use the diapers or not. This is not in any way pedophilia. The AB or DL does not have anything to do with children or real babies. It is purely an adult desire and usually carried on in private. We make an adult diaper that is so discrete that you cannot tell when someone is wearing it.” With that comment she turned around as though to show off her outfit of fitted slacks and blouse. “Would you believe that I have one on right now?”
Julie could not believe what she just heard. “You are wearing a diaper?” she asked as she looked right at Kate’s rear.
“Though it is not required, we encourage our employees to at least try the products for a few days and see how they fit, feel and even function. After all, how can we sell something we know nothing about?”
Julie had not given her answer about taking the offer yet. After viewing the production areas, Janice began to take notice that a good portion of the workers looked like they had padding. She realized that most of the workers had to be wearing diapers and some even looked like the diaper was a bit thicker or hanging lower in the crotch than most. Perhaps those had been used? She told Kate that she would need to sleep on it that evening and speak with Artie. Kate asked for an answer by the end of the next day as there were other candidates to interview if Janice did not want the job. “I would like you to take home some of our products to look at more closely.” She said as they walked back to the front office. Kate made sure that Janice had a sample bag with a couple of adult sized diapers in both disposable and cloth, plastic pants of Janice’s size as well as the more typical baby and toddler sized items to look over.
Janice arrived home in the middle of the afternoon. She brought he bag into the house and sat down to think about the job, what it would mean to their family to be more secure financially and what the items in the bag represented. She thought about what Kate had said about encouraging the employees to try the products. She thought, “How far did Kate mean to go with the products? Just try them on and wear them for a while or actually use them for their intended purpose? I guess she meant to actually try them in the way a diaper is meant to be used.”
As she sat there thinking all this, the door opened and in bounded James who had taken the big yellow school bus home. “What is all that, Mom?” He asked. Janice told her son about the job interview she had that morning. About the company and about the products the company made. She omitted the news about how the employees are encouraged to get to know all about the products. She did not show James the oversized diapers or plastic pants. That evening Janice and Artie discussed the job in length, including the suggestion of trying the products. Artie was actually turned on a little by the thought of Janice in a diaper though he hid the feelings from her. He was a little dismayed that he should have such feelings. All he said was, “It would not hurt to try one on and see how it feels. You don’t have to do any more than that and it sounds like they will not mind if you decline to wear one. I think you should take the job.
As they prepared for bed that evening, with James already sound asleep, Janice spotted the bag of diapers and began thinking, “It would not hurt to at least try one on.” She unfolded a cloth diaper and looked it over. “It has not been all that long since James was in diapers. In fact, he still has the occasional wet night even now. I have diapered a child but how would I put this on myself?” Artie spotted her holding the diaper and began to be aroused again at the thought of his beautiful wife in a diaper. As he watched, Janice picked up the plastic pants and held them to herself as though checking the size. She was clad only in her nice panties and bra.
Unaware that Arte was watching, Janice put down the plastic pants and reached for the diaper again. She folded the diaper just like she used to fold the baby diapers for James. Then with her panties still on, she experimented with trying to put the diaper between her legs and pulling it up the front. She extended the diaper around her waist so the corners met at her sides. She tried to reach the bag again to get the extra large diaper pins that were there but dropped the diaper in the process. As she bent down to retrieve the diaper she finally spotted Arte watching her. “Are you enjoying the show?” she asked.
Artie answered, “Do you want some help?”