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Metamucil Diet

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  • Metamucil Diet

    I read a little while back on the Photo Board about the larger messes acquired by a Metamucil diet. Can anyone elaborate on how that is accomplished. My GF is planning a messier weekend than normal for us. Just looking for ways to increase the amt produced. Many thanks ahead of time.

  • #2
    I believe it varies per individual, but sometimes I'll take a double or even triple dose every few hours and follow each dose with a full glass of water. It makes really nice thick squishy messes, especially if you can skip your regular evacuation for a day. The extra water is important because the metamucil will absorb a surprising amount and could cause some dehydration at these higher doses.

    I also find metamucil-induced messes are easier to clean up, which is kind of a bonus.

    Let us know how it goes!

