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Has an experience triggered your desire to do it in your underwear? and what was it?

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  • Has an experience triggered your desire to do it in your underwear? and what was it?

    It’s something that’s happened to me a lot, especially when I was young. One of them was after moving into an aunt and uncles house to finish my last couple of years of high school. I had to share my much younger cousin’s room, which seemed like a horrible idea at first. It didn’t take long for me to change my mind when it became obvious, she was obsessed with me. She thought I was the most amazing person on earth and told everyone what she thought.

    Not long after moving in I started to notice how nicer her panties were compared to my underwear. All her panties had bright colors and pictures on the front, but my underwear was dull and boring. Although I hadn’t pooed in them since I moved in most of them had previous evidence, which didn’t go unnoticed by my aunt. One day as she put our washing on the bed, she began to question why they were in the state they were in. She compared them to my cousins, pointing out how clean hers were and how much older I was. Her intention was to embarrass me, and it did, but it had the opposite effect on my cousin.
    When I finally admitted to doing it in my underwear, she got quite excited and wanted to know everything. When we went to bed that night, she asked me to tell her about a time I had done it and that seemed to completely fascinate her. The next morning as we got ready for school, she told me she also had a secret and asked if I wanted to know. When I said yes, she showed me the panties she was wearing and told me they were her favorites. She then explained how she swapped them each morning and afternoon so she could keep wearing them. Once she finished telling me she asked if I wanted to keep them for the day, insisting I had to give them back when I got home from school.

    We were already late so all I had time to do was put them in my pocket and leave for the bus stop. The moment I got the opportunity I took them out of my pocket, and it was obvious they had been her favorites for a while. They were not clean like her other panties and they had the most amazing mix of pussy butt and pee. As I sat in class thinking about what was in my pocket and where they came from, my mind started racing. I knew from experience where that was probably going to lead to, but it was already too late, the thought of doing it in my underwear had already started and the outcome was inevitable. I had only been at my new school for about a month but my desire to do it soon overcame any possible repercussions. My plan was to do a little in my underwear as a test, but like they usually were at that age, it was in the form of a massive, big log. The moment it got past the point of no return I was committed and that felt amazing.

    Doing it in risky situations was something I liked to do, and this was definitely one of them. From past experience I knew the hard school chairs made it virtually impossible, so I was already sitting with my feet under me. That gave the log room to settle in my underwear and to my amazement there was another equally huge log ready to come out. I also knew from past experience what sitting on the hard chair was going to do. In my mind, sitting properly was the final commitment in the act of doing it in my underwear, so with no one looking I moved my feet away. As the huge logs flattened out and spread around my underwear, triggering every nerve it touched, any repercussions vanished.

    I hadn’t heard of anyone doing it in their underwear at my new school, but I just had, and it felt amazing. At the time my desire to do it often outweighed the risks and that was one of them. It was still fairly early in the day and I was going home to a very busy house full of visitors and an extremally possessive cousin.

  • #2
    Enjoyed your story. Don't know if you are a boy or a girl from your story, but sharing a room with a younger girl cousin I must assume you are a girl. As a guy quite old comparatively to you, I enjoy pooping my underwear though I don't get to do it often. If my body cooperates and my bowels want emptied late in the evening as I'm sitting at my desk, I often "tease" by pushing to see how far I can get it to come toward my anus and maybe cause a skid mark or two. I also put a half sheet of paper towel forward and back under my butt to my crotch so I don't have a bad cleanup. I've had a lot of fun pushing it slowly out and then clenching and causing some to be cut off and forced back in me which is a heck of a sensation. Eventually I'll push more and more into my pants and enjoy the rush of feel-goods it causes since our anus is so infused with nerve endings the rush of endorphins is most pleasant. I don't usually push all of my poop into my pants. I'll get up and go into the bathroom and stand by the toilet and push some more into my pants. I then bend and squat and put my hand over the growing bulge in my cutoff shorts and push my poop against my hand. I stand up and enjoy the feeling of the warm poop in the seat of my shorts and briefs. I'll slide my shorts down and step out of them, then my briefs, carefully so I don't loose any poop making a mess outside of the boundaries of the paper towel. I'll dump it into the toilet, using the clean part of the towel to wipe me, finishing with wet wipes after toilet paper. Lots of pleasurable sensations. Thanks for sparking the memory of my last poop fun. Enjoyed yours!


    • #3
      The pooping fetish started for me when I was six or seven. I was walking home from school and really had to go. In those days there were only a few medium sized cities in my county and the rest was citrus groves so I dashed into an orange grove. I had been expecting to hide behind a nice tree and drop my drawers and do it on the ground, but for reasons I will never understand, I just did it in my pants instead. It felt so good I kept doing it and doing it, and it was not long until I was in big trouble because my mother figured out I was doing it on purpose, no child of my age could ever have so many "accidents." I finally stopped when I started to get more friends and become popular in school. But when my husband I divorced and I was living alone for the first time, all my childhood fetish fantasies came back to me, and I wanted to explore them, so I started peeing and pooping in my underwear again when I was safely at home alone, but then I wanted passionate relationship action. I had a male friend who was into fetish stuff, so he made a profile for me on the old alt.com site, but I never got much satisfaction from online relationships, even when I succeeded in arranging real time meetings with a few guys. I am still living alone and still doing it.


      • #4
        Glad you're still around and sharing with us, Maria! I shared before in the past that my fetish was kindled in first grade when a girl classmate sitting on the floor in a circle with all of us during story time loudly groaned and tried to stand up. The wise teacher knew what her problem was and told her to go ahead to the girls room. Which by the way was way down several flights of stairs in the basement. She only got up in a squat and she let go. I was just a few feet away and back then girls always wore dresses. Her panties were clearly visible and a strong stream pouring out of them forming a big puddle under her. I was mesmerized. In third grade during quiet time a girl in front of me seated at her desk in a short red dress peed her panties. I saw the yellow liquid pooling around her bum and dripping on the floor. It is said toddlers are fascinated with their bodily functions, girls and boys. Guess not all of us grow out of that fascination! I was always fascinated with people going into the bathroom and trying to listen to what they were doing. After I was a mid teen and driving I would come home after high school all horny with teen hormones. I was a latchkey kid a lot of my school years. I have to poop rather urgently so I'd go down in the basement by the washer/dryer, bare cement floor and a drain. I'd sit on an old wooden chair and fanaticize about being in class not being able to leave for the restroom. Of course with a hard on, I'd pee a bunch in my briefs and then force my bm into my briefs still sitting. I'd go over to the basement toilet empty my poop into it and then use the wash tub to wash out my briefs and clean up. I only did that a few months and for some reason lost interest. Many years later in the mid 2000s when the singer Fergie publicly drunk, wet her pants on stage, that strongly rekindled my fetish and with the internet, firmly established it! And here we are. BTW my wife a couple of years ago volunteered a story of her about 13 walking home from school. She had a strong urge to poop and she knew she wouldn't make it home. She said she found a bunch of bushes in a yard next to a house and went behind and dropped her panties and let it go. She didn't offer much detail but it was a good story for me, and somewhat of a surprise from her. She didn't say anything more about clean up, maybe she had kleenex in her purse or book bag to wipe herself or maybe not and she had a couple skid marks in her panties. She knows of my pee fetish but not the poop fetish. Ah, life! Thanks again, Maria, for sparking our own memories with yours. Just curious, you've been around here a few years, if you don't mind sharing, and if I may respectfully ask, your age? Or just "...ish" if you don't want to be exact. For my own imagination of you...


        • #5
          One of my earliest memories is of me soiling myself on accident. I was maybe...four years old or so, and playing tee-ball at a local park. I was somewhere in the outfield, I think, and not even thinking about needing to poop, just focused on the kid who was trying to hit the ball off of the pole in front of him, when it all of a sudden happened.

          I don't even remember needing to use the bathroom at all, and then suddenly there was a load of semi-solid shit in my pants. I immediately screamed for my dad, who ran out onto the field and asked me what was wrong. I told him I had to go to the bathroom, and he took my hand and led me off the field toward a line of port-a-potties some distance away.

          After we'd left the baseball diamond a fair ways behind us, he confronted me with the question, "Did you already go?" to which I nodded in embarrassment but said nothing. He brought me to a port-a-potty anyway, and I tried my damnedest to dump as much of the shit into the bowl as I could, using toilet paper to scoop a bunch of it in. Realistically, I should have just thrown the underwear into the toilet, but I didn't. I just put them back on, pulled my pants up, left the port-a-potty and wore them home.

          The memory is traumatic, which is why it has stuck with me all the years of my life, but it's the earliest memory I have of going in my pants. I've never had a genuine accident of any sort in all the years since, though there have been a number of close calls.

          I don't know if the incident at the park is what instilled the desire to soil myself on purpose, but it is likely a contributing factor.

          For a more in-depth story of how I learned I was into soiling, I offer the following tale of my development, laid out for your consideration:

          I developed a pee fetish in my early teens, which gradually transitioned into a diaper fetish, and from there soiling as well. This happened gradually over my early teen years, the better part of twenty years ago.

          It all started when I saw a piss porn image on a site that was not devoted to fetish porn at all, but was a more generic 'shock' site, and realized it turned me on. I looked up more images of women peeing in places that aren't usually acceptable to urinate(In the park, at home on the floor, on furniture, in bed, etc.)

          Eventually, I started fantasizing about what it would be like if people(women being the focus of my fantasies) just casually relieved themselves while going about their daily lives. Like, "What if someone was walking their dog, and when the dog stopped to pee, the owner did too?" or "What if they're sitting down for dinner and they just let go right in the chair while chowing down?" I should probably mention here that in my fantasies, these nameless, faceless women were perpetually unclothed for the sheer convenience.

          The scenarios were many and varied, but all involved women peeing whenever the urge struck. "That could get pretty messy pretty quick," I thought, picturing pools of urine on the floors of every building around. By the time my fantasies had evolved this far, I was starting high school, and I imagined the school desks having holes cut in the seats and the seats themselves resembling toilet seats. Beneath the seats, I pictured buckets or some kind of detachable bag that could be swapped out after each class.

          It was around this time that I started adding poop to my fantasies, thinking to myself, "What if someone didn't just pee, but pooped into the bucket/bag instead? That would stink up the whole classroom pretty quickly."

          The idea that someone might poop in front of a group of other people who wouldn't be shocked or disturbed by the deed at all, because it would just be normal to them, intrigued me. Pooping wasn't exactly sexual for me at the time, just more of a thought I would now consider when constructing new fantasy scenarios. It was necessary, after all, to consider the chance that when people were peeing all over the place without restraint, some of them might need to poop as well.

          After some time, I started thinking about people peeing in their pants like it was normal, but without anyone being able to tell. Diapers had unofficially entered my fantasies, even though I didn't really make the connection yet. I had just thought, "Clothes that conceal when someone has peed themselves," without ever thinking, "That's a diaper, you idiot."

          Eventually I made the connection that diapers were functionally indistinguishable from the 'pee concealing clothes' I had thought up, and I officially had a new fetish.

          Of course, if someone is just going to go around wetting themselves with reckless abandon, they might as well poop with that same reckless abandon, right? Suddenly, my fantasies had shifted to women wearing diapers, whether exposed or concealed under their clothes, soaking or soiling their diapers on a whim as they went about their daily lives, uninterrupted by such pesky notions as bathrooms.

          As the years have gone by, I've come to enjoy the soiling aspects of my fantasies a lot more, much more than I had initially. Years ago, when I first developed these fetishes, poop was just a bit of an additive to my fantasies, but nowadays, if I'm engaging in a fantasy, it practically always involves my wife soiling herself for me. (She's never done this, by the way. She knows I have a diaper fetish and that I often wet and sometimes mess, but does not engage in these fantasies herself.)

          So there you have it. How I got into soiling, stated more clearly than I think I've hitherto stated it anywhere, even in my own mind.


          • #6
            I remember between the ages of maybe 6 and 8 being kind of obsessed with poop. Not the poop itself but the act of pooping. I don't remember how this started or why but one thing I used to do often, at that age, was I would sit on the floor next to the toilet with my bum pressed firmly against the floor and I would poop. I remember liking the feeling of the poop being forced out and the pressure. Again, I have no idea why this behavior started or why I ever felt this way. As far as I remember it was just always this way.

            I also have a memory of being caught pooping outside behind my garage by the neighbor girl who was a year older than me and my parents used to babysit.

            I didn't deliberately poop my pants until I was maybe 12 or 13. But as soon as I did it the first few times I then would do it as often as possible.
            I eventually got in a relationship with a girl when I was 16 or 17 and she would poop her pants for me and she was totally accepting of my fetish even though she didn't share the same fetish.

            Later in life (I'm now in my late thirties) my fetish has progressed such that my biggest joy is pooping my pants in public. I rarely do it these days - maybe once or twice a year (mostly due to covid). For me the fetish exists as a way for me to relieve stress. I am no longer in control when I poop my pants, especially in public, so all I can do is deal with the situation in front of me second by second. The pressure that builds when I have to poop and the feeling of it pushing out into my pants is still very much a great feeling.


            • #7
              Originally posted by neoyouchef View Post

              I also have a memory of being caught pooping outside behind my garage by the neighbor girl who was a year older than me and my parents used to babysit.

              The pressure that builds when I have to poop and the feeling of it pushing out into my pants is still very much a great feeling.
              Neoyouchef, I share that same fascination with the great feeling of pushing a bm into my pants. I'm assuming that it's because of the large amount of nerve pathways our anal/rectal regions are infused with. That explains the rush of endorphins, the feel good rush when it slides out. If you read my post above, you noticed when I was a mid teen I'd sit on an old chair in the basement and force a bm into my briefs. Same awesome feeling I'm sure you felt. And as I mentioned, some of us just don't outgrow our toddler fascinations with our bodily functions. I'm sitting here late at night contemplating the building feeling in my bum of the urge to poop. I have been "teasing" it all evening, pushing just to see how far I can get it to come towards my pants without pooping. Yet. I may have some further fun later when my wife's asleep.

              And I quoted your sentence about being caught pooping by a neighbor girl a year older than you. Did anything ever come about from that chance meeting or was she not of the same mindset? Cheers!


              • #8
                Hi northerner,

                I’m a guy so sharing a room with a younger female cousin didn’t seem like a good idea at all. For some reason I was her favourite out of all our other cousins and she made sure everyone knew it. She had embarrassed me quite a few times at BBQ or family gathering so I resisted the plan for me to move into my aunt’s house. It didn’t take me long to start changing my mind, even though my cousins gave me a hard time about it. After a while I pretended to be embarrassed by their ridicule but liked sharing a room with her. She liked it when I pooed in my underwear, especially when I did it at school. When I got home from school she always checked to see if my underwear were clean and wanted to know every detail if they weren’t.


                • #9
                  Not an early experience but a bad situation turned golden-brown.

                  Back in the early 1980s dated a girl from hell. Janice 5'2" olive-skinned beauty who wore a 34C cup bra and dressed to show off her assets had a job at a nudist camp snack bar. I liked the idea since I could visit, swim, play volleyball and just let it all hangout. Janice may have dressed hot, but would not do as the Romans. Besides being lazy she quickly made enemies,

                  After three weeks I got a call in the middle of the week she needed to leave the camp. It was over an hour ride to the nudist camp and she called as soon as I finished work. The next call came from teh man running the snack bar and he made it clear she had to be gone that night.

                  I pick her up as well as belongings. Five minutes after we got on teh main road she told me she had to use a toilet, she was a 'proper pooper'. I pulled into a gas station, it was too dirty. Two miles later we pulled into convience store, ten bikers looked like bad news. A mile down the road the lights were going off at a gas station, he would not unlock the outside restroom. She was complaining about the nasty people at the camp as she squirmed. The purple halter top, matching too snug terry cloth shorts and new running shoes showed off her perfect figure to perfection as she shifted in the car seat. She pointed to teh 'short cut'.

                  Ten minutes down the wooded road cows escaped from the fence, about fifty of the huge milkers roamed the road as a farmer and his grandson herded them back to safety. I helped while the dark haired beauty scolded the farmer and his teenage helper. It took thirty minutes.

                  Ninety minutes later we got to my apartment complex. She bolted out of the car holding her bubble butt and to the locked door. She begged me to open it. I pretended to drop the keys. Revenge is sometimes served like chunky chocolate ice cream! I got super stiff as I unlocked the door. She soaked her shorts with warm amber pee as three days worth of smelly, pliable, golden-brown poops made her shorts tent out prominently. She bawled like a baby as the three-orange sized odorous deposit settled in her floral bikini panties!

                  "Is it big?" She asked almost in a proud way as she blushed.

                  I led her to the bathroom and she admired her accident in the full-length mirror. I helped her to remove her shorts and halter top. The panties sagged as she patted her enormous bowel movement. I stripped and helped her clean-up in the shower and we never had better sex! She was a sex machine that night and even let me in her backdoor!

                  The next day at work I was exhausted. A week later I threw her out of my apartment.

                  But one night was golden-brown.


                  • #10
                    I started to experiment in early adolescence with wetting and messing my pants and thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of pooping my pants. Years later here I am this morning in a wet and messy diaper as I respond to this thread.


                    • #11
                      Hi frezzo44095, much as I did about 16 when I'd come home from high school as a latchkey kid. Read my post above what I did in our basement sitting on an old wooden chair. Still fascinated with bodily functions in my old age, too. Enjoy an occasional fun time of teasing my bm before pushing it into my briefs sitting at my home office desk. I do it late at night when my wife's in bed if my body's poop schedule permits. It's been daytime BMs for some time so I don't get the chance. But it may change itself so I can. Don't feel the urge right now. But I enjoy the sensation of it coming out and the intense release of the feel good endorphins from our high concentrations of nerves by our anus. Cheers!


                      • #12
                        Since retiring I've had time to think back over my early life and reading the above letters reminded me of possibly the first time I filled my pants. I was at a cricket match with a friend at Headingly, aged 12ish, and I needed a pee. The toilets in the 60's were not that brilliant. I wandered in and stood peeing and suddenly the urge to poop was upon me. I didn't know what to do. I'm peeing and can't stop and then I'm pooping and can't stop. A small bulge appeared in the seat of my shorts and I was horrified. A guy noticed and said to get into the cubical and get sorted. I finished peeing and managed to get into the cubical with a waddle. What got me was that I was so aroused. I felt light headed with such an erection, and confused feelings. I pushed again and really filled my pants. Feeling the bulge with one hand and wanking with the other I ejaculated into my pants. Of course what to do then! I felt so guilty and in a panic but managed to clean up to a good degree and with my messy pants folded up as best I could walked out to the nearest bin and put them in. I couldn't find my friend so I managed to get home by bus with my shorts sticking to my bottom. A few looks from other passengers. My mum was not amused and I got a spanking after cleaning up. But it was well worth it thinking back.
                        Since then it has been a regular thing for me to fill my pants (I'm now 70) and I find the stress release to be amazing. My wife knows but I keep it to myself. The spankings still happen though!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by markpants View Post
                          Since retiring I've had time to think back over my early life and reading the above letters reminded me of possibly the first time I filled my pants. I was at a cricket match with a friend at Headingly, aged 12ish, and I needed a pee. The toilets in the 60's were not that brilliant. I wandered in and stood peeing and suddenly the urge to poop was upon me. I didn't know what to do. I'm peeing and can't stop and then I'm pooping and can't stop. A small bulge appeared in the seat of my shorts and I was horrified. A guy noticed and said to get into the cubical and get sorted. I finished peeing and managed to get into the cubical with a waddle. What got me was that I was so aroused. I felt light headed with such an erection, and confused feelings. I pushed again and really filled my pants. Feeling the bulge with one hand and wanking with the other I ejaculated into my pants. Of course what to do then! I felt so guilty and in a panic but managed to clean up to a good degree and with my messy pants folded up as best I could walked out to the nearest bin and put them in. I couldn't find my friend so I managed to get home by bus with my shorts sticking to my bottom. A few looks from other passengers. My mum was not amused and I got a spanking after cleaning up. But it was well worth it thinking back.
                          Since then it has been a regular thing for me to fill my pants (I'm now 70) and I find the stress release to be amazing. My wife knows but I keep it to myself. The spankings still happen though!!
                          Hi markpants,

                          I did something similar when I was out with my friends at the local speedway. I was 14 at the time and had taken the new girl from school with us. I already needed to go before we got there but thought I could wait until after, where I could do it in my undies without anyone knowing. A while after we got there, I also became desperate to pee, so I reluctantly went to the toilets, which were always disgusting.

                          I thought using the urinal to pee would resolve my situation and allow me to stick to my original plan. Instead, the moment I started to pee an extremely firm log began to push its way into my underwear. It seemed like the biggest one I had ever done, and it felt incredible. It aroused me so much that instead of waiting for a cubicle to become free I snuck around the back of the building. I wanted to see what it had done to my underwear, which got me even more aroused. I could have easily dumbed the massive firm load out, but instead I sat on an old seat someone had left there.

                          It felt so amazing I completely forgot about where I was and who I was with. That was until the reality of what I had done kicked in. Like you I remember wondering what I was going to do next. Sitting on the seat made cleaning up impossible, so I eventually decided to go back to my friends. It was dark and I was wearing black pants and I didn’t seem to smell. For a while my friends seemed completely oblivious to what I had done until one of them said, “has someone done a shit in their pants”


                          • #14
                            Nothing unusual for me, just teenage experimentation and found out I loved the feeling of messing my pants. Now I mess my diapers and currently enjoying the soft, warm, squishy feeling of a wet and messy diaper this morning.


                            • #15
                              Hi mkblain.
                              It's funny how the excitement of filling your pants takes over. The letting go and sitting down give sensations that are hard to describe. Then the guilt trip once you realise what you have done. But I still keep doing it and get great pleasure from it. No guilt trips now either. Refreshing to know others feel the same.

