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REPOST: Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

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  • REPOST: Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

    Welcome to a session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee (TVPC) – this writer’s favorite fantasy. The story takes place in a high school not unlike other high schools. In this high school, however, there are strict rules regarding the toileting behavior of the school’s female students. Those who break the school toilet rules (including the rules against going to the bathroom in your pants) are brought before the TVPC to have their cases heard and their punishment given out if they are guilty. Meetings of the TVPC are called to order at 3:10 PM each school day in the TVPC meeting room – Room 222 of the high school. It should be noted that where this story takes place you need to be 18 in order to enter high school so all persons depicted, even though entirely fictional, are at least 18 years of age.

    My name is Arnold Ziffel and I’m chairman of the TVPC. What follows are the summary minutes of the TVPC meeting of Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

    We begin this afternoon’s session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee (TVPC) with 2 cases from yesterday -- 2 cases which occurred after school too late to be included on yesterday’s agenda. One concerns a girl who used the toilet and the other case, a girl who, unfortunately, didn’t use the toilet when she should have. Both of these occurred during rehearsal after school yesterday for our school’s upcoming Christmas program. The Christmas program -- featuring both band music and choral music as well as a stage performance -- is a huge event at our school. Mrs. Sylvester -- a Music Teacher and our school’s new Band Director -- is here for both cases. As this was a rehearsal rather than the actual program these are just regular toilet violations rather than toilet violations while representing the school.

    The first case is that of Claudia, a very pretty senior brunette and first-rate violinist. She is apparently the one who didn’t use the toilet as needed as she is charged with panty-soiling at yesterday’s rehearsal. “I’m very disappointed in you, Claudia,” I tell the petite senior beauty, “You’re a senior now and I really thought you had put these accident issues behind you.” Faithful readers of the TVPC surely know that Claudia has indeed had numerous issues with panty-soiling and other toilet violations in the past. Most of these instances stemming for her reluctance to use the school bathrooms -- at least the student ones -- to have her bowel movements. “You promised me that this being your senior year, the accidents were going to stop, young lady,” I lecture her, “You told me that you understood that you were too old to keep going in your pants and that you promised to do it in the toilet instead.” “You told me that you were tired of messes in your pants -- You told me that you were tired of getting detention and having to write lines all the time,” I remind Claudia, “But here you are, apparently having had another panty soiling -- apparently yet another mess in your pants just like you’ve been doing since you were a freshman.” “As I said, I’m very disappointed in you, Claudia,” I continue, “You told me that you had learned your lesson and were going to be using the girls’ rooms here at school -- even when you needed to do more than just pee.”

    Turning now to Claudia, she’s obviously very ashamed and upset at what she did at yesterday’s rehearsal. She’s always upset and embarrassed at having an accident, but still she doesn’t seem to always get to the toilet when she needs to. But Claudia insists that she is indeed doing better this year. “I’m sorry about having an accident -- It’s only the first one I’ve had this whole year,” she points out. “I really have learned my lesson,” she argues, “I’m trying really hard not to go in my pants anymore.” “I really have been going in the girls’ room when I need to -- I’ve gone here at school a lot,” she argues further, “I’ve gone #2 about a dozen times already this year and this was only my first accident.” “I used to always just try to hold it in at school when I needed to go,” she says, “But now I just go to the girls’ room when I need to.” “I hate doing that in the girls’ room here,” she tells us, “But I know that sometimes I just have to.” “I really do go at school now,” Claudia insists, “I really do.”

    “Well, obviously you didn’t do it in the girls’ room yesterday,” Mrs. Sylvester is quick to point out, “Obviously you did this one in your pants instead.” “Obviously, you knew you had to go but just didn’t go,” the Music Teacher lectures her, “You just ignored it and, of course, it eventually just came out in your pants.” “Disgusting!” Mrs. Sylvester yells at her, “How can you just go in your pants like that.” “Shameful!” she continues, “How can a girl your age just not go to the bathroom when she needs to.” But Claudia, while not exactly defending what she did, is quick to point out again that this is only her first accident this school year and that she’s done many more in the toilet than in her pants.

    Mrs. Sylvester, however, is unimpressed. “What do you think this is, toilet training?” she asks Claudia sarcastically, “Do you think you get a smiley face sticker every time you go potty?” “You’re in high school, you know?” she taunts the girl, “It’s supposed to be a given that you go in the toilet when you need to.” “You’re not supposed to go in your pants AT ALL anymore,” Mrs. Sylvester adds. “I’ve seen how good you are on the violin -- I’ve seen how good you and the others are with your PARTY OF FIVE ensemble,” the Music Teacher continues, “I think we’re going to have a great Christmas program next week.” “But now I get this -- Now I get a mess in your pants,” she admonishes Claudia, “Shame on you, Claudia -- Just shame on you.” “I’m sorry, but MOST of the time in the toilet just isn’t good enough,” she tells her, “You need to do it in the toilet ALL the time and not just MOST of the time.”

    I echo Mrs. Sylvester’s comments -- albeit not quite as harshly. “It’s certainly a good thing that you’re having fewer accidents than you’ve had in the past,” I tell her, “With your past record, I guess we have to consider this progress.” “But Mrs. Sylvester is correct, young lady,” I point out, “You really shouldn’t be going in your pants at all.” Claudia, bowing her head in shame, acknowledges that. “Yes, sir,” she says, as the tears begin. “And, as I understand it, this was pretty bad one, too,” I ask the toilet-troubled senior beauty, “I understand that this was a pretty big load.” Once again, Claudia acknowledges that as the tears now flow. “Yes, sir -- I guess it was kind of a lot,” she says, but also explains that it was a really solid load and didn’t smear very much in her panties at all.

    “It wouldn’t have smeared at all in your panties if you’d done it all in the toilet instead of your panties,” chimes in Mrs. Sylvester, “Do it in the toilet and then you don’t have any mess to clean up at all.” “But this was indeed quite a big load, Mr. Chairman,” Mrs. Sylvester turns and tells me, “You should have seen the bulge it created in the back of her jeans.” “It’s hard to believe that a girl of Claudia’s size could produce so big a load,” she adds, “Much less do a load so big in her pants.” “It wasn’t so bad, sir,” Claudia then chimes in her defense. “It wasn’t so bad?” Mrs. Sylvester asks her incuriously, “How bad does it have to be for you to consider it bad?”

    “It was pretty bad, Mr. Chairman,” chimes in Mrs. Duncan, who was also a witness to Claudia’s accident. That’s a compelling observation as Mrs. Duncan, obviously, has a lot more experience in catching girls with accidents and is typically a lot more sympathetic than most. Claudia has no answer as Mrs. Duncan echoes Mrs. Sylvester’s contention that due to the severity of Claudia’s accident -- specifically, the sheer size of the load in her panties -- she should receive more than the usual punishment. Though it’s only Claudia’s first panty-soling of the school year she does have other toilet violations -- specifically twice being “Late to the Class for Bathroom Purposes” -- so she’s not entitled to get off with just a warning. Still, it being a first panty-soiling offense (and it’s pretty remarkable that she’s gotten this far into the school year without having one), Claudia’s punishment will be pretty lenient and certainly nowhere near the kind of punishment that she has received in the past for her accidents. In particular -- since this was merely a band rehearsal and not the actual performance -- Claudia’s punishment need not be anything near what she’s gotten for past accidents at band performances. Those are, of course, considered accidents while representing the school and punished more severely.

    But with the annual Christmas program coming up next week, this does raise another concern. I first acknowledge to Claudia that it being a first offense, her punishment isn’t going to be that bad. “I mean, it’ll be a little more because it was so much in your pants,” I explain to her, “But it’s still only a first offense and not one while representing the school or anything like that.” “But I’m concerned about the actual performance next week,” I warn her, “And obviously you having an accident at that performance would be quite a serious matter and the punishment you’d get for that would be another matter entirely.” “It’s all well and good that you’ve now learned to do bowel movements in the girls’ room here at school,” I tell her, “But that being the case, one has to wonder why you did this particular one in your pants instead of a toilet in the girls’ room.”

    After some discussion on the matter, we finally arrive at what Mrs. Duncan and I already suspected. Claudia it seems, is managing to do her bowel movements in the various girls’ rooms upstairs. “The girls’ room up here on the 2nd floor isn’t so bad and neither is the one in the Science Wing,” she tells us, “And as long as I go when it’s quiet and there’s not other girls using it, I’m alright using the one in the Main Corridor.” “I tried to go upstairs when I had to go yesterday,” Claudia reports, “But that late after school, the hallways were all blocked off and the girls’ room in the hallway by the auditorium and gym was the only one I could use.” “And apparently you decided NOT to use it?” I ask her, “Apparently you decided to just go in your pants instead?” But Claudia argues that she didn’t just DECIDE to go in her pants. “I tried to hold it in, sir?” she argues, “I tried really, REALLY hard to hold it in.” “But you decided NOT to do it in the girls’ room there in the hallway by the auditorium?” I ask her. Reluctantly, Claudia admits that that’s true.

    “And that, of course, is the crux of the problem, young lady,” I point out, “What happens if you need to go -- What happens if you need to have a bowel movement on the night of the Christmas program?” “I mean, you’re not going to have access to the girls’ rooms upstairs that night, either,” I explain, “And you know as well as anyone that the TVPC takes very seriously girls having accidents at the Christmas program.” Faithful readers of the TVPC, of course, are quite familiar with Claudia’s past problems with handling her bowel movements at this important event. Claudia, though, assures us that it won’t be a problem this year. “I’ll manage, sir,” she tells me, “If I have to go that night, I’ll manage it.” Of course, I’m skeptical and I don’t mind telling her that. “You’ll mange?” I question her. “I’ll use the bathroom if I need to, sir,” she assures me, “I really hope I won’t have to go #2 that night but if I do have to go, I’ll do it in the toilet like I’m supposed to.” “I have having accidents in my pants, sir -- I hate the feeling of the mess in my panties,” she says, “I promise you that I’ll use the girls’ room there if I need to.”

    “Well, that sounds all well and good, Claudia,” I tell her, “But somehow you did manage to go in your pants yesterday, didn’t you?” “Yes, sir,” Claudia acknowledges, her head lowered in shame, “Yes, I did.” “That was just stupid of me -- It was stupid not just using the toilet when I needed to,” the petite senior beauty tells me, “But I really did learn my lesson, sir -- It just felt awful having that mess in my panties.” “It won’t happen again, sir,” she assures me, “I know I have to stop having accidents -- I know I’m way too old for that, sir.”

    Mrs. Sylvester is skeptical as well. “I hear what you’re saying, Claudia -- I like how you’re telling us that you hate having messes in your panties,” the first year Band Director tells her, “But I’d be more inclined to believe that had you not actually messed in your panties yesterday.” “And I’ve looked at your file, Claudia, and I’m sure you’ll agree it isn’t a pretty picture,” Mrs. Sylvester continues, “You certainly seem sincere but I’m still not sure you’re going to use the toilet and not mess in your pants if need to go that night.” “I see that in the past, you’ve been made to wear a diaper or some sort of pull-up at these major band events,” she continues, “I’m wondering if we should be doing that again for you for the show next week.” “You’re going to be a featured performer, young lady,” she reminds Claudia, “I don’t relish the thought of you playing the violin with a visible mess in your pants.” “I mean, it’s still obviously unacceptable to mess in a diaper,” Mrs. Sylvester notes, “But at least that would be better than her messing in her regular underwear.”

    Claudia, though, is adamant that she doesn’t want to wear a diaper or even a pull-up at the show next weekend and she’s quite upset at even the thought of that. She seems to think that she’s moved beyond that now and that she shouldn’t have to. “I swear if I have to go, I’ll use the girls’ room down by auditorium -- I swear I will even if it’s #2,” she reiterates, “I won’t go in my pants, I promise.” “Please, sir -- You don’t have to make me wear pull-ups again,” she tells me. “Please, Ma’am,” she then turns and says to Mrs. Sylvester, “Please Ma’am, I won’t be messing in my pants again -- You really don’t need to be worrying about that.” “It’s just one accident that I’ve had,” Claudia reminds us, “It’s just one accident that I’ve had this whole school year and I promise you that I’ve learned my lesson.” “I won’t doing it again, I swear,” she assures us again, “I know I’m too old to be doing that and I’m really tired of getting punished for toilet stuff all the time.”

    Once again, Claudia seems sincere and there has been considerable improvement in her toilet habits this year, but I certainly have concerns about this. As a featured performer, it would be a major embarrassment for our school if she were to have an accident at the show and it does make sense to have her wear a pull-up or some sort of protection just in case. But Claudia, obviously, doesn’t see it that way. And given that this is only her first accident of the school year, I really have no legitimate grounds to require that she wear anything other than her regular underwear at the show. I sternly warn her, of course, of the dire consequences that will befall her -- that will befall any of the girls -- for having an accident or committing another toilet violation at the show. “But I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt about that, young lady,” I tell Claudia, “And I’ll allow you to wear your regular underwear for the performance.”

    Finally moving on to her punishment for yesterday’s panty-soiling accident, it’s only her first of the year but having 2 other violations (twice being late for class for bathroom purposes) she’s not entitled to be let off with just a warning. But the punishment for such is a mild one -- albeit slightly more severe since the accident was so large. She’ll merely have to serve 2 hours of detention and write, “I will not soil my panties in school again” 200 times. “Yes, sir,” Claudia tells me, obviously accepting of her punishment. For her, over the years, she’s certainly experienced much worse.

  • #2
    REPOST: Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

    Moving on to our next case from yesterday -- the case of the girl actually using the toilet -- I call Hanna before the TVPC. Hanna is a gorgeous blonde-haired junior and she is charged with clogging a toilet -- with a combination of a bowel movement and toilet paper -- in the girls’ room down by the auditorium and gym. It no doubt happened as Hanna took a bathroom break near the end of yesterday’s rehearsal. When we last saw Hanna it was at a Special Session from band camp last summer during which Hanna had wet her bed. It was revealed during that session, however, that the bedwetting only happened because 3 of Hanna’s friends -- specifically, Aria, Spencer, and Emily stuck Hanna’s hand in warm water as she slept. Of course, it was her 3 friends rather than Hanna that got punished for that incident. Checking with Mrs. Sylvester, who has filed the “Clogging the Toilet” charge against Hanna, she confirms that it’s a “Category #2” clog (as noted, bowel movement and toilet paper combined) and that Hanna most certainly didn’t clog the toilet on purpose. “Obviously, Hanna simply did her business in the toilet just like she was supposed to,” Mrs. Sylvester reports, “And then she wiped herself just like she’s also supposed to do.” “Unfortunately, the combination of the two was too much for the toilet to handle,” Mrs. Sylvester reports further, “Still, I’d rather her do that than do what Claudia did.”

    Turning to Hanna, the beautiful, well-endowed blonde tells us that as the afternoon wore on during rehearsal she was feeling the need to go. “At first, I was thinking I’d wait until I got home,” she says, “I mean, I’m not one to avoid going at school when I need to, but going at home is still preferable to going at school.” “But then the need to go was becoming a little more urgent and I started thinking that maybe I shouldn’t wait that long,” she explains, “I was thinking that I really should go after rehearsal before heading home.” “But then the need to go got even stronger and I got to thinking that maybe I shouldn’t even wait that long,” Hanna continues, “I started thinking that I really should just get permission and go use the girls’ room right then and there.” “No sense waiting when you really need to go,” she reasons, “Obviously, I didn’t want to do what Claudia had just done.” “Obviously!,” Mrs. Sylvester chimes in, glaring at Claudia in the process, “Obviously, you’d rather do it in the toilet than in your pants.” Hanna nods her head in agreement and explains that she got permission from Mrs. Sylvester and then went to the girls’ room and did what she needed to do.” Mrs. Sylvester commends Hanna for that. “That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do,” she tells Hanna, although I think the comment was more intended for Claudia to hear, “If more girls were as responsible in handling their bodily functions as you were, we wouldn’t be having all these accidents problems in the band this year.” Hanna once again acknowledges the Band Director’s compliment.

    “Still, there is the matter of the clogged toilet,” I then point out, “Since you apparently didn’t do it on purpose, it’s not a serious offense, but you are, of course, still responsible for that.” “Yes, sir,” Hanna then acknowledges, “That did happen and I’m sorry about that.” The blonde-haired beauty pleads “Guilty” to “Clogging the Toilet” -- as noted, a “Category #2 clog with both bowel movement and toilet paper -- but emphasizes the fact that she didn’t do it on purpose. “I just sat down and went and it was a lot,” Hanna tells us, “I’m thinking that’s why the need to go came on so suddenly -- Because it was so much.” “And it was kind of a messy one, too,” she explains, “So it took a lot of toilet paper to wipe myself clean.”

    With that, there’s a bit of giggling coming from the detention section. As everyone turns to the source of the giggling, we see that it’s Hanna’s friend Spencer. Spencer is in detention herself for flushing a sanitary pad down the toilet. And by the looks of it, she is busily at work with the TVPC regulations on the Disposal of Sanitary Products -- handwriting 25 copies of that paragraph from the rulebook. “Leave it to Hanna to clog the toilet like that,” she says. I and the rest of the TVPC look at her puzzled. Spencer then explains that Hanna has a propensity for clogging the toilet when it comes to going #2. “She’s done it at my house and I know she did it at least twice at Aria’s house,” Spencer tells us, “Heaven only knows how many times she’s done it at her own house.” “Clogging toilets at home is one thing, though” she laughs, “Clogging one of these power flush toilets here at school is quite an accomplish.” “We call her ‘Poopzilla sometimes,” Spencer adds, laughing. Hanna, seemingly a bit annoyed at first, relaxes a bit and takes it in stride -- smiling with everyone else at her friend’s characterization. “Well, what can I say -- it happens to me sometimes,” she says smiling and a shrug of her shoulders, “Stuff happens and sometimes it comes out as a big one.” The implication, of course -- especially given the “poopzilla” moniker -- is that it’s Hanna’s bowel movements that typically cause her toilet cloggings.

    But, as Mrs. Sylvester notes, that’s not really the full story in this case. “I don’t know about those other cloggings,” Mrs. Sylvester says, “But this one was caused as much by using a lot of toilet paper as it was the bowel movement itself.” Spencer laughs again. “Well, Hanna’s know for that as well,” Spencer then tells us, “You wouldn’t believe how much toilet paper she uses whenever she goes.” “Um … well….I need to wipe,” Hanna answers back, “I do like to get my butt clean after I go.” “We all wipe our butts after we go, Hanna -- We all like to clean ourselves, too,” Spencer agues back, “But I don’t know anyone else who uses half a roll of toilet paper for a single bowel movement like you do.” With that, I use my gavel before the discussion gets further off track. “I think you’ve got some writing to finish, Spencer,” I tell the pretty brunette, directing her back to her task at hand and directing the TVPC back to it’s task at hand.

    But the discussion does raise an issue concerning Hanna’s toilet paper usage. Directing my question to Mrs. Sylvester, I have to ask whether Hanna’s toilet paper usage yesterday afternoon was excessive. Specifically, I need to determine whether Hanna, in addition to being charged with “Clogging the Toilet” (a clog obviously involving toilet paper), should also be charged with “Using Too Much Toilet Paper.” Our new Band Director has to think about that for a moment. “Well, it was a lot of toilet paper clogged there in the toilet, Mr. Chairman,” Mrs. Sylvester tells me. “But it really looked like it was all well used -- the toilet paper in the toilet was all very dirty, Mr. Chairman,” she explains, “It really looked like every wipe was a necessary one, sir.” Hanna is seen nodding her head to that. “Maybe she could have made those toilet paper wads a little less thick, though,” Mrs. Sylvester then suggests, “And certainly she shouldn’t have tried to flush all that toilet paper at once.” “All things considered, though I can’t really say that Hanna’s toilet paper usage was excessive,” Mrs. Sylvester concludes, “All things considered, I think charging her with clogging the toilet is enough.”

    “OK -- it’ll just be the one charge then,” I tell Hanna and note for the record, “We’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on the other.” “But you really should consider Mrs. Sylvester’s suggestion not to make your toilet paper wads as thick as you were doing yesterday,” I suggest, “You can save quite a bit of toilet paper that way.” “But either way, you can’t be flushing all that toilet paper at once,” I caution her. “Next time you have to use so much toilet paper don’t wait until you’re done wiping to flush it,” I explain, “Either flush the bowel movement separate from the toilet paper or flush after the first few wipes.” “You can still do what you need to do as far as wiping is concerned,” I assure Hanna, “You just shouldn’t try to flush it all down at once.” “There’s no reason you can’t use 2 or even 3 flushes to get everything down,” I suggest.

    “Yes, sir -- I understand,” Hanna tells me, nodding her head in agreement, “I’ll do that next time.” “I just think that particular bathroom has it in for me,” Hanna then suggests with a smile, “Every time I use it, I have a problem.” I and the rest of the committee look at her puzzled. “OK -- I don’t mean when I just pee in there -- I pee in there a lot,” she then clarifies, “But whenever I have to go #2 in that particular girls’ room it seems I always have a problem.” “I clogged a toilet in there last year, too, and twice back when I was a freshman,” Hanna explains, “And earlier this year, I didn’t realize that someone else had clogged toilet and I used it without knowing.” “And then there was the time I sat in pee,” she says, shaking head, “Coming back from that football playoff game where the toilets didn’t have doors on the stalls.” “I had been holding it in most of the afternoon and I really had to go bad,” she explains further, “I was so desperate that I just plopped my butt down on the seat with checking it first.” “Gross!!” she says, an exaggerated look of disgust on her face, “Someone had peed on the seat and I sat right in it!”

    Well, bad luck in the girls’ room or not, Hanna has a good toilet record. Her only previous offenses this school year were the aforementioned use of the clogged toilet for a bowel movement and once failing to flush the toilet after urinating. For punishment, the outgoing senior beauty will have to serve 2 hours of detention and write, “I will not clog the toilet in the girls’ room in school again” 200 times.

    Our next case is that of a cute, bespectacled freshman named Alison. She is not only charged with soiling in her panties today, but also messing on the toilet seat in the girls’ room. The panty-soiling apparently happened during Alison’s 6th period Algebra class with Miss Spellman. Miss Spellman is charging her with that violation. Coach Musso, on the other hand, is charging her with messing on the toilet seat. “I caught her in the girls’ room in the hallway down by the gym,” the spandex-clad gym teacher explains, “She was coming out of one of the stalls after just having used the toilet.” “I don’t think she realized just how serious her panty-soiling mess was,” Coach Musso speculates, “By sitting down on the toilet seat, she spread the mess to both sides of the toilet seat.”

    Looking over at the shy, freshman cutie, she looks quite scared and upset. She has messed in her panties before -- in fact, this would be her fourth such offense -- but it’s the first time that she’s done anything more than that. She‘s a bright girl -- she‘s a class officer as the Recording Secretary of the Freshman Class -- and she obviously knows that the punishment gets worse for repeat offenders. “Please don’t suspend my toilet privileges!” she pleads anxiously, “I’m sorry about messing on the seat, but I swear it was just an accident.” “I swear, sir -- I swear I didn’t do it on purpose,” she pleads, “I guess it just kind of happened when I sat down to use the toilet.” “Please, sir, please!” she tells me, now in tears,” I know I go in my pants sometimes but please don’t put me on toilet suspension.” Miss Musso tries to calm her down. “MADAME SECRETARY“ she calls the girl to get her attention. “We know you didn’t do it on purpose, Alison,” Miss Musso tells her, “You’re not going to get put on toilet suspension for this.” I nod my head pretty much in agreement with that. “Well, it is possible that a girl COULD get a toilet suspension for messing on the seat or the toilet or something like that,” I point out, “But as long as you didn’t do it on purpose and it’s your first offense for that, a toilet suspension isn’t very likely.” “I swear sir -- I didn’t do it on purpose,” she reiterates. “Like Miss Musso said, I was just using the toilet,” she explains, “And I guess I messed on the seat a little bit when I sat down.” Checking the Violation Report and checking again with Coach Musso, I confirm that fact for the anxious brunette. “You are only being charged with doing it accidentally,” I explain, “I really see no reason to give you a toilet suspension for that,” The toilet-troubled freshman cutie seems to breathe a sigh of relief at hearing that.”

    I must say, though, that I’m a bit puzzled as to what Alison was doing on the toilet. I mean, I know what girls do on the toilet, but judging by the very obvious load causing a bulge in Alison’s jeans, it would seem she was a bit late in using the toilet. Of course, I ask her about that. “I know -- I know I had already pooped in my pants,” she acknowledges, “But then I really had to pee.” “Of course, I really didn’t want to go to the girls’ room with poop in my panties,” Alison explains, “But I needed to pee really, REALLY bad.” “If I didn’t go pee, I was going to wet my pants,” she tells us, teary-eyed, “I know I had already messed my pants, but I really didn’t want to have a doubleheader.” As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, a “doubleheader” is when a girl goes both ways in her pants. That is, of course, punished more severely than if a girl merely soiled her panties. “I know it might sound silly since I’d already messed them,” Alison says, “But I just didn’t want to make it worse by wetting them, too. “I’m sorry that I messed on the toilet seat but it was just because I was using the toilet,” she tells me, “I just didn’t want to wet my pants.”

    Actually, it might have been better for her if she had just wet her pants. The additional punishment she’d have gotten for a “doubleheader” would have been far less than the punishment she’s going to get for messing -- even unintentionally -- on the toilet seat. Still, it’s noble that she’d want to avoid wetting her pants in spite of already having done worse in her pants. So far in her high school career, she’s managed to avoid wetting her pants, but the same can’t be said for panty-soiling. As noted, it’s already her 4th offense for that. That, of course, concerns me.

    “It’s good that you’d not want to wet your pants in school,” I tell her, “It’s good that you’d want to do that in the toilet like you’re supposed to.” “But it seems like your bowel movements are a different story, young lady,” I continue, “If only you’d have done that in the toilet when you were supposed to, you wouldn’t have had a problem with messing on the toilet seat later.” “If only you’d have done that in the toilet when you were supposed to, you wouldn’t be facing punishment on either charge today,” I lecture the shy, bespectacled freshman cutie, “But panty-soiling seems to have become a habit with you, hasn’t it. The shy and embarrassed freshman nods her head in agreement with that. She admits that she has some issues with “pooping” at school. “I’m sorry, sir, but I just don’t like to do that in the girls’ rooms here,” she tells me, “It isn’t just the girls’ room here but I only like to poop in my own bathroom at home.” “I don’t mind peeing so much at school -- I can do that when I need to,” she says, “But it’s just that I like to have more privacy when it comes to doing the other.” She says that her accident in Algebra class this morning happened because she was trying to hold it in until she got home from school. “I just didn’t make it, sir,” she meekly tells me. “You weren’t even close,” I tell her, in a decidedly more forceful tone.

    It’s alright to not like going at school, Alison,” I tell her, “I think most girls would rather use their own bathroom at home rather than to go at school.” “But sometimes you have no choice but to go at school,” I lecture the toilet-troubled freshman, “Obviously, it’s not alright to go in your pants instead of the toilet.” She nods her head -- presumably in agreement with that. “Yes sir -- I hate going in my pants,” she says, as she starts to cry again, “I know it’s gross and it’s disgusting and I’m ashamed of myself for doing it.” “It’s just that I have a really hard time going at school sometimes,” she explains, in tears, “I mean, I can go when I have to pee alright, but I’m still having a problem doing the other.” “But I’m really trying, sir -- I’m trying really hard not to mess in my pants anymore,” Alison explains further, “I’ve even gone at school a few times -- I really have. With that last statement, she seems almost a little proud of herself -- looking me in the eye and drying her own eyes of the tears. But when asked what happened today -- why she didn’t ask for a girls’ room pass from Miss Spellman when she obviously needed one -- she really has no answer. Breaking down in tears again, she can only tell me, “I just didn’t, sir -- I just didn’t.”

    “Well then, I think you need to try a bit harder in getting to the girls‘ room when you need to, young lady,” I suggest, “It would seem that these soiling accidents are becoming a problem for you.” “It’s certainly not a bad thing that you’ve at least had a few bowel movements in the toilet at school,” I explain, “But obviously you need to ALWAYS go at school when you need to -- not just some of the time.” “This is your 4th panty-soiling offense, Alison,” I remind her, trying to firm as well as gentle, “And obviously you know that the punishment gets worse each and every time you do it.” “And now that’s caused you an even worse violation for messing on the toilet seat,” I point out. “Umm -- Am I going to have to clean toilets after school for that?” she meekly asks me. This time it’s me nodding my head. “I’m afraid so, young lady,” I explain, “When you make a mess in the bathroom, cleaning the bathrooms is the punishment.”

    “But first things first,” I tell her. For the panty-soiling, she’ll have to write “I will not soil my panties in school again” 500 times and serve a week of detention sitting on the toilet. She lets out an audible groan at hearing that. “Fourth offense means you start serving your detention time on the toilet,” I point out, “If you don’t want to have to sit on the toilet AFTER school, then you need to be sitting on the toilet DURING school when need to have a bowel movement.” She then asks to be allowed to do her toilet sitting punishment in the 2nd Floor girls’ room. “I’ve used that bathroom a few times when I’ve gone poop at school,” she tells me, “It’s really the nicest bathroom in the school.” But I just shake my head “no.” “You’ll sit your time in the Main Corridor girls’ room,” I tell her and note for the record. “That’s the girls’ room nearest your Algebra class where you had your accident,” I explain, “That’s where you should have done your bowel movement rather than in your pants.” But obviously, Alison’s punishment will not end there. “As for your messing on the toilet seat,” I then tell her, “You’ll be spending another week in detention -- this time cleaning bathrooms.” “And it’s going to be another 500 times to write,” I tell her, “This time ’I will not mess on the toilet seat in the girls’ room in school again’ 500 times.” The poor girl lets out another audible groan at hearing that.

    “I really think you need to try harder to do your bowel movements in the toilet,” I reiterate, “Obviously, it’s only going to keep getting worse if you keep going in your pants.” For the record, I note that she’ll serve her toilet cleaning detention first followed by her toilet sitting detention next. Faithful readers of the TVPC surely know that as per TVPC rules, the more onerous detentions are served ahead of the less onerous ones.


    • #3
      REPOST: Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

      Just as I’m about to call the next case on our TVPC agenda, I see that Mrs. Sylvester has returned to our committee room. She doesn’t look happy and seeing that she has a student with her (who also doesn’t look happy), I can only assume that she has another toilet violation case for us. As I motion them both up to the podium, I see that the girls is Michelle, a petite sophomore flute player. “Is this another case for us?” I ask the Music teacher and Band Director. “Panty-Soiling!” Mrs. Sylvester loudly declares, pointing at Michelle, “I caught her with a mess in her panties at rehearsal a little while ago.”

      Looking over at the Michelle, I have to wonder just how bad the accident is as the load isn’t readily obvious under the denim blue skirt she is wearing. But then again, skirts can often do wonders in covering up even a moderate load in girls’ panties. Michelle pleads “Guilty” to the panty-soiling violation and when I ask her about the severity of the mess, she simply answers, “Its’ bad enough, sir -- I did the whole bowel movement in my pants.” Faithful readers of the TVPC will probably recognize Michelle from our TVPC Special Session back in November when she was punished for soling her panties -- while representing the school as a member of the band -- at a football gave over Thanksgiving weekend.

      “What is it with you girls,” Mrs. Sylvester then chimes in, quite angrily, “Do you girls suddenly decide that our rehearsals are the perfect time to mess in your panties?” “I mean, don’t you think that maybe you should go to the girls’ room when you need to?” she lectures the soft-spoken sophomore cutie, “Do you ever think that maybe going in your pants during rehearsal is a bad idea?” “That’s why, Mr. Chairman, we need to be giving out harsher punishments when they have accidents like this,” Mrs. Sylvester turns and says to me, “Even if we don’t consider it an accident while representing the school and punish it like that, it still should be worse than for a girl just messing herself in class.” “You know, we’ve got a lot to do to get ready for the Christmas program next week,” she turns and addresses Michelle again, “I really don’t have time to keep interrupting rehearsals to bring you girls to the TVPC.” “We’re coming along fine with the music and play portions of the show,” Mrs. Sylvester goes on, “But I’m starting to wonder if with you girls we should be practicing toilet training, as well.” “Do we really need to have you girls practice using the toilet?” she angrily asks Michelle.

      It was probably intended as a rhetorical question, but Michelle answers it anyway. “No,” she says meekly, lowering her head in shame as the tears begin to fall. Mrs. Sylvester, in turn, is left just shaking her head. “Well, I’m not so sure,” she says, referring, of course, to the need for toilet training amongst our girls. “This is high school,” she reminds Michelle, “You girls should be able to handle your toilet matters without it being such an issue.” “I’m sick and tired of you girls having accidents in your pants at band functions,” she adds angrily.

      But Michelle, regaining her composure a bit, tells us that it didn’t actually happen at band rehearsal. “I know I got caught there at rehearsal,” the talkative sophomore cutie acknowledges, “But it was already in my pants from before.” “I didn’t actually do it in my pants then -- It happened in English class the period before,” Michelle clarifies, “It was just that Mrs. Sylvester caught me with the mess at the rehearsal.” No doubt because of what Mrs. Sylvester had said about accidents at band events, Michelle feels compelled to explain that her accident happened in class instead. Still, doing it in class is no less shameful and it’s doubtful that it will result in any lessening of her punishment. “I first had to go during 7th period and I was planning to get a girls’ room pass from Miss Johnson and go during 8th period,” she explains, “But before I got a chance to ask for the pass, it started coming out in my panties.” She then explains further that Miss Johnson never noticed the accident and she made it to rehearsal without getting caught. “I guess it was because I wearing a skirt, but no one seemed to notice the mess while I was in class,” she says, “But then I guess Mrs. Sylvester smelled it or whatever and I got caught there.” I see Mrs. Sylvester nodding her head at the notion that it was the smell from the accident that gave Michelle away.

      That, of course, raises the obvious question of why she didn’t go during 7th period rather than waiting for 8th period. But before I can actually ask her that, Miss Bliss speaks up. Miss Bliss, a Social Studies teacher, first points out that Michelle is with her for Study Hall 7th period. That raises a few eyebrows on the committee because girls are actually encouraged to use a study hall period to take care of their bathroom needs rather than going during a class period. “I don’t understand,” I turn and tell Michelle, “Why wouldn’t you get a pass and go during 7th period when you had the chance?” But before Michelle can answer me, Miss Bliss chimes in again -- suddenly remembering something. “Didn’t you actually get a girls’ room pass from me 7th period?” the pretty Social Studies Teacher asks, “What’s going on here, Michelle?” The revelation, of course, raises even more eyebrows on the committee and in the committee room.

      “What gives, young lady?” I ask the girl, “Misusing a girls’ room pass would be another violation in addition to the one you already have for panty-soiling.” But Michelle claims it wasn’t like that. “I actually did go to the girls’ room,” she says, “I just didn’t actually use the toilet when I went.” “I wanted to go -- I really was intending to use the toilet,” she explains, “But I didn’t actually go -- I just washed my hands, checked myself in the mirror and then went back to study hall without actually going in the toilet.” Anticipating my next question, the petite sophomore flute player explains further that when she went to the girls’ room -- Specifically, the Main Corridor girls’ room -- she found it crowded. “This was during class time and I just couldn’t believe all the girls that were in there,” she says.

      “Blossom, Mary and Carly were all in stalls using the toilet,” Michelle reports, “And Mary and Carly were obviously doing more than just peeing.” “Ariel and some other girl must have been doing time on the toilet or something,” Michelle continues, “They were just sitting there on the toilet with the stall door open.” A quick check of TVPC records does show that Ariel was serving a toilet sitting punishment for accidentally urinating on the toilet seat (while squatting) and Mallory (presumably the “other girl” that Michelle was speaking of) was doing toilet sitting for soiling her panties. Toilet sitting punishments are, of course, done with the stall door open. “And Emma was in there getting punished as well,” Michelle goes on, “She was going from stall to stall with this little cart, emptying those little tampon boxes and restocking the stalls with toilet paper.” Again, a quick check of TVPC records indicates Emma was being punished -- 1 week of study halls cleaning bathrooms -- for clogging and overflowing a toilet. “There really were a lot of other girls in there, sir, Michelle reiterates.

      The implication, of course, is that a girls’ room crowded like that it was not very conducive for Michelle to do what she needed to do. “I know I can’t always expect to be along in there -- Even during a class period,” the petite sophomore explains, “But I didn’t really expect such a crowd, either.” “That‘s why I always try and go during a class period when I have to do more than just pee,” she says. “One or two other girls in there I can deal with,” she explains further, “But not a crowd like that -- Not when I’m trying to get privacy to go #2.”

      “So you didn’t actually use the toilet because of the other girls in there?” I ask her, “You went in your pants instead?” But Michelle says it wasn’t exactly like that. “I thought I could hold it in, sir,” she tells me, “I never thought that would be a problem at all.” “I really thought that I could just wait and go during 8th period instead,” she explains. “But unfortunately, I just couldn’t make it that long,” she explains further, “I had an accident before I could get to the girls’ room.” “I would have gone if I’d known I wasn’t going to be able to hold it in and wait,” Michelle adds, “I really would have rather gone then than go in my pants.”

      “Well, you had every opportunity to go during 7th period,” Mrs. Adler chimes in, “And obviously if you had gone then, you wouldn’t be standing before us with a mess in your panties now.” Michelle then acknowledges what Mrs. Adler is telling her. “I’ve learned my lesson now, Ma’am,” she tells the committeewoman. But Mrs. Adler also wonders why she, after seeing all those girls in the Main Corridor girls’ room, didn’t just go and try to use a different girls’ room instead. “I did -- I walked over to the Science Wing and tried the girls’ room there,” Michelle tells her, “But that bathroom was pretty busy as well.” “Dr. Flower was in a stall doing her own business at the time,” Michelle explains, “And Kristen was in there with Miss Robinson who was doing a panty inspection on her.” A panty inspection, of course, is when a staff member is checking a girl’s panties for a panty-soiling or panty-wetting accident. “I guess it wasn’t so much that it was crowded, sir,” Michelle clarifies, “It was more like it was just awkward.” “I mean, I saw that Kristin did have a mess in her panties and Miss Robinson was writing her up for that,” she explains, “And with Dr. Flower she was obviously in there for the long haul and I really didn’t want to be doing mine next to a teacher who was doing hers.” “Again, sir, it just wasn’t a nice situation to go in there and do what I needed to do,” she reiterates, “I mean, if I knew I was going to have an accident instead, I really would have just gone in and used the toilet anyway,” she argues, “But I really thought I could just hold it in and wait until next period.” “I just thought I’d more comfortable going later,” she says.

      Moving on to Michelle’s punishment, Mrs. Adler does suggest that the girl be additionally charged with misusing a girls’ room pass. “Miss Bliss was nice enough to give this young lady a pass to care of her business -- To avoid going in her pants,” the committeewoman argues, “But as we can see from the contents of Michelle’s panties now, she did not use it for it’s intended purpose.” But Miss Bliss has been around the TVPC a while and knows more about the rules than newcomer Mrs. Adler. The pretty Social Studies Teacher just shakes her head at the suggestion. “She claims she took the pass with the intent to actually use the toilet,” Miss Bliss explains, “The fact that she didn’t actually use the toilet doesn’t change that.” “That’s quite right,” I add, “As long as Michelle didn’t then use the pass for illegitimate purposes or commit another violation with the pas, it does not, under the rules, constitute misusing the pass.”

      “But that’s not to say that I can’t take that into consideration as to your punishment for the panty-soiling,” I then tell the sophomore panty-soiler. Checking her toilet record, I note that this is her 2nd panty-soiling accident of the school year. “That’s not such a bad record and your accident doesn’t appear to be a particularly severe one,” I tell Michelle further, “But I will not overlook the fact that you were actually in the girls’ room while needing to go and didn’t actually do it -- at least not in the toilet.” Still, it’s no reason to be all that severe with her. Accordingly, I sentence her to serve 3 hours of detention and to write, “I will not soil my panties in school again” 250 times. But before dismissing her, I address another concern. “Are we going to have a problem at the Christmas show next week?” I then ask her, “I mean, if you need to go that night at the show, you’ll most certainly face a girls’ room a lot more crowded than the one you faced 7th period this afternoon.” But Michelle assures me (and Mrs. Sylvester) that it won’t be a problem. “I’ve learned my lesson, sir,” she tells me, “I’ll be doing it in the toilet if I need to go.” “Well, for your sake, I certainly hope so,” I warn her, “The punishment for an accident at the show will be a lot worse than the punishment you got today.” “I understand, sir,” she tells me, “It won’t be a problem for me, I promise.”

      The next matter before the TVPC, not surprisingly, is Kristen, charged by Miss Robinson with soiling her panties. The mess in the tall and pretty junior’s pants doesn’t appear to be all that bad. Even through her tight jeans, you really can’t tell that she’s got anything unusual in her panties. But, as I understand it, as contained in the Violation Report filed in this case, Kristen has managed to clean herself up a bit since her accident first happened.

      Miss Robinson, a young and pretty Science Teacher, apparently first observed Kristin in the hallway during 7th period -- Ironically enough returning to class after a trip to the girls’ room. “I wasn’t teaching that period -- I was on hall duty, instead,” Miss Robinson reports, “I had just turned down the main hallway in the Science Wing when I saw Kristin coming out of the girls’ room there.” “I don’t think she saw me there, Mr. Chairman,” Miss Robinson reports further, “I don’t think she knew anyone was watching there.” The strict Science Teacher then explains that she observed the pretty brunette uncomfortably adjusting her underwear. “It’s kind of hard to describe, Mr. Chairman,” Miss Robinson tells me, “I guess it was kind of like she was pulling out a wedgie or more like trying to adjust underwear that was otherwise sticking to her backside.”

      “Or underwear all sticky because it’s got poop in it,” Kristin then offers matter-of-factly. “Exactly!” Miss Robinson tells the girl, “That’s exactly what I suspected when I saw you pulling it out like that.” Miss Robinson then directed Kristin back to the Science Wing Girls’ Room for a panty inspection. And, as a results of that panty-inspection, of course, the mess in the girl’s panties was confirmed. Miss Robinson also notes that Kristen was pleasant and cooperative with the panty inspection. “When I directed her to the girls’ room for the panty inspection, she came without complaint,” the pretty Science Teacher notes, “She really didn’t try to hide it or even make excuses for what she’d done.” “Well, what could I say, sir,” the outgoing Kristen then chimes in, “I went in my pants and Miss Robinson caught me.” “It was my fault not hers,” she comments. “It was stupid -- It was really stupid of me,” the junior beauty continues, “I just kept putting it off and putting it off and then, of course, it eventually came out in my pants.” “I can’t believe I was so stupid,” she reiterates, “I just can’t believe I went in my pants again.”

      Listening to Kristen, it’s the word “AGAIN” that is most troubling. A check of her toilet record indicates that this is her 3rd panty-soiling offense this year and one of her prior ones was a doubleheader. Additionally, she punished this school year for clogging a toilet (bowel movement and toilet paper combined) and forgetting to flush the toilet (after a bowel movement). This being her 3rd panty-soiling violation is, of course, what concerns me the most. “This seems to be becoming a habit with you, young lady and, obviously, a bad one,” I tell her sternly, “Unless you want to keep getting punishments from our committee, I suggest you start doing your bowel movements in the girls’ room instead of your pants.” “You know, the punishments keep getting worse the more accidents in school you have,” I warn her.

      Kristen assures me that she understands that and also that she does frequently do bowel movements here in the girls’ rooms at school. “It’s not like I’m one of those girls that avoid going #2 in school,” she tells me, “I do go here at school -- I do it in the girls’ room a lot.” “It’s just that I have accidents sometimes, too,” she then points out. “Well, girls your age should rarely have accidents,” I tell her, “It may happen once or twice but when it becomes a habit like yours, there’s usually a reason for it.” Hearing that, Kristen nods her head and makes a confession. “Sometimes, I guess, I get a little careless,” she acknowledges, “Sometimes, I guess, I wait a little too long in getting to the girls’ room when I need to.” She reminds us of her prior soiling accident in gym class when she failed to use the toilet in the girls’ locker room and then couldn’t hold it in while running around playing soccer in gym that period. And she reminds us her recent accident in detention when she failed to go beforehand and wound up going both ways in her pants. “Well, it seems to me that the solution to your problem is a pretty simple one,” Mrs. Adler remarks, “I don’t think it’s all that complicated to simply go to the girls’ room when you need to and not try to hold it in and wait.” “Maybe more than the usual dose of punishment is in order, Mr. Chairman,” Mrs. Adler suggests, “Maybe she needs more than the usual incentive to start getting to the toilet in time.” That is, of course, something we’ll have to consider.


      • #4
        REPOST: Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

        Moving on, I then ask Kirsten about today’s accident. “Is that how this one happened, too?” I ask her. “Yes, sir -- I just waited too long to go,” she tells me. “I don’t know that I was thinking, sir -- I guess I just wasn’t thinking,” she says, “I just kept putting it off and putting it off and pretty soon it was too late.” She tells me that she didn’t actually go to the girls’ room until after the fact. “I was sitting in class holding it in and then it suddenly happened,” she tells us, “Suddenly I just couldn’t hold it anymore and it was all in my panties.” “It was then that I got a pass from Mr. Kotter to the girls’ room,” she explains further, “But by then it was obviously too late.” “I mean, I did have to pee and I did that because I really wanted to avoid a doubleheader,” she adds, “But by then the main damage was already done.” “I tried to clean up some in the stall,” she then acknowledges, “But you can only do so much in there on a girls’ room pass without arousing suspicion.”

        Of course, I ask her about that. “The mess in your panties doesn’t seem too bad now,” I point out. She tells us that she did manage to clean quite a bit of it out of her panties. “At first, I was hoping I could just dump most of it from my panties into the toilet,” she tells us, “It looked like a pretty solid load and it looked like that would be easy.” “But the mess was a lot softer than it looked at first,” she explains, “And it was sticking to my panties kind of bad.” “I had to reach down and grab it with toilet paper and get it out of my panties that way,” she explains further, “I did get a lot of the mess out but there was too much and it was sticking too bad to get all of it that way.” “I was kind of hoping I got enough of it out that no one would notice the rest,” she says, “But obviously Miss Bliss caught me anyway.”

        In determining her punishment, Mrs. Adler questions how severe the mess originally was. The implication, of course, is that Kristen should receive more than the usual punishment based on it being a more severe accident. “I’m not sure, I only saw the mess after she’d cleaned it a little,” Miss Bliss says, “I really don’t know how bad it was before she cleaned it a bit.” Kristen, though, denies it was all that bad. “I admit that I did wipe away a lot of it before Miss Bliss caught me,” she acknowledges, “But it’s not that it was a really big mess to start with.” “It was just a regular bowel movement, sir,” she argues, “I mean, I did do the whole thing in my panties, but it was nothing more than a regular bowel movement.” Even before I cleaned it up some, it wasn’t any worse than my accident last month in detention,” she says, “And it wasn’t as bad as the really bad one I had as a freshman.”

        “OK - I’m just going to punish you for a regular bowel movement,” I then tell her, “You were honest about having cleaned it up some, so I’m going to assume you’re being honest about the size of your mess as well.” Kirsten thanks me for that. “But you have 2 previous offenses including a doubleheader,” I remind her, “As well as 2 other toilet violations this school year.” “It’s more than apparent that this is becoming a bad habit with you,” I lecture her, “You obviously need to learn to be more careful when it comes to handling your bodily functions in school.”

        I first give her the standard punishment for a 3rd panty-soiling of the school year. She’ll have to serve 3 hours of detention and write, “I will not soil my panties in school again” 300 times. But I additionally assign her to 2 weeks of her 3rd period study hall sitting on the toilet. Kristin lets out an audible groan at hearing that. “Well, you can thank your own carelessness for that, young lady,” I lecture her, “When you’re sitting there, you can perhaps remind yourself that you wouldn’t be if you’d simply handled your bodily functions properly in the first place.” Asking her when the urge to have her bowel movement first happened today, she tells me that it happened at lunch. “OK - then,” I note and announce for the record, “You’ll do your toilet sitting in the girls’ room across from the cafeteria. I can tell that Kristin doesn’t like that, either, but she simply nods her head to indicate she understands. She’s a smart girl and in a way, I think she knows she deserves it.

        For our next item, we need to deal with a bit of committee business. Lynne, a pretty blonde junior is called before our committee because she has several punishment assignments that are due today. As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, when a girl gets a written punishment from the TVPC -- be it a repetitive writing punishment or a punishment essay -- she has one week in which to complete it and hand it in. Failure to hand it in on time gets the punishment doubled. Failure to hand it in a week after that not only gets it doubled again but gets the girl placed on toilet suspension until she does get it down. If at the end of the 1 week deadline, the girl still hasn’t handed in the punishment, she is called before the TVPC and given one last chance to hand it in before it get gets doubled. Lynne is here for exactly that -- that is, to hand in several outstanding punishment writing assignments.

        As the toilet-troubled junior beauty steps up to the podium, I see that she has quite a thick bit of paper in her hand. “Hopefully, you have your completed punishment assignments for us,” I tell her, “Hopefully you did get them finished on time.” “Yes, sir,” she tells me, “It wasn’t easy but I’ve got them all here.” “That was a lot of writing, sir,” she tells me further, “It seems like all I’ve been doing for the past week is writing out punishment.” “My mother made my favorite meal -- Chicken ALFredo two nights ago,” Lynne mentions, “And I couldn‘t really enjoy it because I was stuck in my room writing out punishment while I ate it.”

        “Well, whose fault is that?” quickly chimes in Mrs. Adler. “It’s my own fault, Ma’am,” Lynne quickly answers, hanging her head in shame, “It obviously was all my fault.” “It was really stupid, Ma’am,” she tells the committeewoman, “It was all really stupid of me.” “Well, hopefully you learned your lesson from the whole thing,” I then tell the shy but likable junior. Lynne assures me that she has. “Yes, I have learned my lesson,” she tells me, “I’ve learned my lesson on both counts.” “I still have detention to do, but I can assure you that I’ve already learned my lesson.”

        Taking first things first, I ask her to first hand in 500 times of, “I will not soil my panties in school again.” This was her punishment for soiling her panties in English class -- her 4th panty-soiling in school this year. As directed, she hands the completed punishment to our TVPC clerk. Next, I ask her to hand in 500 times of, “I will not cut meetings of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee again.” This was her punishment for not appearing before the TVPC as she was directed to do the day when she soiled her panties. She then appeared the next day where she had to face another charge for cutting the session the day before. As directed, she hands this completed punishment to the TVPC clerk as well. “That was the hard one, sir,” she comments, “I mean, it was a longer sentence to have to write and my hand was already hurting from having to write the first one.” “Not to mention how stupid it was of me,” she acknowledges. “I mean, obviously I was already in trouble for pooping my pants,” she explains, “The last thing I needed was to make it worse by not showing up at the TVPC when I was supposed to.”

        “Well, you did make it considerably worse for yourself,” I note, “As I explained last week, cutting a TVPC session is obviously something we take very seriously.” “Soiling your panties is one thing,” I tell her sympathetically, “It’s certainly shameful and disgusting but accidents can happen, I guess.” “But not coming to the TVPC meeting when you’re required to was no accident, young lady,” I continue, “That’s something you did on purpose and, as you said yourself, that only made it worse for you.” That little stunt got her the additional 500 lines to write and that’s why she still has a second week of detention left to serve. “Yes, sir,” she acknowledges, “It was just really stupid of me.” Obviously, she knows about that now, but apparently at the time she just wasn’t thinking about that. “It was just so humiliating to have done another mess in my pants,” she tells us now, just as she told us last week, “I was just so disgusting and ashamed of myself that I just didn’t want to face anyone -- I just wanted to get home and get myself all cleaned up as soon as I could.” “I guess I should have know that would only make things worse,” Lynne admits, “But I just didn’t want to face the TVPC again with another mess in my pants.”

        “Well, there’s obviously a solution for that, young lady,” Mrs. Adler chimes in again, “And that solution is simply not to mess in your pants anymore.” “I mean, if you don’t mess in your pants you won’t be having to face the TVPC in messed panties,” Mrs. Adler says, “If you’d simply go use the toilet when you need to this wouldn’t be a problem for you at all.” The committewoman’s words and especially her tone may be harsh but she is essentially correct and I tell Lynne so. “You really do need to be using the toilet in school,” I lecture her, “I mean, I know you use the toilet here to urinate in, but sometimes you obviously need to do a bowel movement as well.” “The punishments are only going to keep getting worse if you keep going in your pants,” I warn her. The pretty blonde junior nods her head that she understands.

        Turning to our TVPC clerk, he pronounces that both of Lynne’s repetitive writing assignments appear to be complete and in good order. He notes that she wrote on both sides of the paper (as is her choice) and that the assignments are very neatly written. Accordingly, both are accepted.

        That accomplished, I see that Lynne still has more paper in her hand. This time she is asked to hand in her 1,000 word apology essay -- an additional punishment for cutting the TVPC session. “Can I assume that’s your completed essay?” I ask her, pointing to the paper still in her hand. “Yes, sir -- I have that finished as well,” the shy beauty answers. As directed she then hands that in to the TVPC as well. “That essay wasn’t easy, either, sir,” she tells me, “It’s different than just doing repetitive writing -- it’s not so much actual writing that you have to do but obviously you have to spend time thinking about what you’re going to write.” “Well, I hope you thought about how stupid it was to skip out on the TVPC session,” I lecture her, “I hope you realize that you wouldn’t have had to write that essay or even the second 500 times assignment if you hadn’t done that.” “I mean, obviously, you’d still haven been punished for the panty-soiling,” I clarify, “But had you just shown up when you were supposed to, that would have been the end of it.” “And you wouldn’t still have a week to go on your detention, either,” I add. “Yes, sir -- I really made it worse on myself, didn’t I?” she tells me. “Indeed you did, Lynne,” I tell her. “Lets hope you don’t make that same mistake again,” “Trust me, sir, I won’t,” she assures me, “The last thing I want is to spend another week writing like I did this week.”

        Moving to another matter of punishment assignments due -- or rather, past due -- I next call before the TVPC a moody, sophomore brunette named Jane. When faithful readers of the TVPC last saw Jane it was at our December 2nd Special Session when she, a Varsity Cheerleader, was punished for soiling her panties at a playoff football game. Subsequent to that -- at the regular TVPC session later that afternoon -- she was punished again for soiling her panties at the special TVPC session earlier. Amongst other things, she got a pair of 500 times writing assignments for those. Today, she stands before us in messy panties once again -- the seat of her jeans literally bulging with a very big fecal load contained under them. This time, though, it’s a result of her being on toilet suspension -- the red wristband indicating a girl on toilet suspension prominently visible on Jane’s wrist. And I note that Jane has wet her pants as well -- the outline of a mostly dried earlier wetting still visible down both legs of her pants as well as a quite wet crotch area no doubt from a more recent wetting.

        As Jane stands at the podium quite uncomfortable and very much ashamed, she also has a thick packet of paper in her hand. “Am I correct to assume that you have something to hand in, young lady?” I ask her, “Am I correct to assume that you FINALLY have your punishment finished?” I note that she now -- after missing 2 due dates for the punishment -- owes us 700 times of “I will not soil my panties in school again.” “Yes, sir,” she tells me, holding up that thick packet of paper, “All 700 times.” I then direct that she hand her punishment over to our TVPC clerk and she does as she’s told.

        “As I understand it, you caught a bit of a break yesterday on your first day of toilet suspension,” I tell her, “But it certainly doesn’t look like you caught the same break today.” Jane looks at me puzzled. “I was told you only had to wet your pants yesterday -- You fortunately didn’t need a bowel movement in school,” I then explain, “That‘s usually considered a good day on toilet suspension -- when you only have to wet your pants.” “But today, it’s obviously a bowel movement in your pants as well -- and quite a big one at that,” I point out, “I wouldn’t consider that nearly as lucky.” But Jane, apparently, isn’t quite looking at like that. “I wouldn’t call it catching a break to be denied the bathroom all day and be forced to wet my pants,” she tells me. “Yeah -- Both ways in my pants today is worse,” she says, “But you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t appreciate it when it’s ONLY wetting my pants.” “It still sucks being denied toilet privileges all day.”

        “Well, that’s what happens when you don’t get your punishment done on time,” I tell her. “Yes, sir -- But it still sucks being on toilet suspension, sir,” she tells me, “It still sucks not being allowed to use the toilet in school.” “Well, then maybe you should have gotten your punishment assignment done on time,” Mrs. Adler chimes in, “If you’d have just done that, you wouldn’t be on toilet suspension now.” “Well, I’ve got it done now,” Jane tells the committeewoman. “Yeah -- Funny how that works, isn’t it,” Mrs. Adler says with a smile, “It’s funny how being put on toilet suspension suddenly gets you to finish a punishment assignment that you’ve had for 2 weeks.” “It’s funny how you couldn’t finish it in 2 weeks and now with a toilet suspension hanging in the balance, you get it finished in 2 days,” she adds. With that -- and largely knowing that Mrs. Adler is essentially correct -- Jane is left with nothing more to say.

        Checking with our TVPC clerk, he notes that Jane’s assignment -- 700 times of “I will not soil my panties in school again” -- appears complete and in good order. He notes that Jane wrote on only one side of the paper (which is her choice) and though the writing isn’t the neatest, it’s still legible. Illegible assignments are, of course, not accepted and the girl must write it again. “Can I get this off now?” Jane then asks, holding up her wrist containing the red toilet suspension wristband. I then direct a TVPC to cut off the aforementioned wristband.

        “It’s about time,” Jane mumbles under her breath. The comment raises a few eyebrows on the committee. “Yes, it’s about time,” I tell her angrily, “It’s about time you handed in your punishment assignment.” “You know, it really didn’t have to come to this,” I lecture her, “You have no one but yourself to blame for being on toilet suspension in the first place.” “Well, I had a lot of writing to do,” Jane argues back, “It wasn’t like I was trying to get out of doing it, sir -- I just needed more time to get it all done.” “You had two 500 times assignments to write, Jane,” I remind her, “There was no reason why you couldn’t have done both of those on time -- There was no reason why you couldn’t have written both of those in a week.” “But even then, you still had another to get it all done before we put you on toilet suspension,” I remind her further, “There’s really no excuse not to have it all done even after two weeks.” But Jane reminds us that after only having one of the assignments done by the first due date, the other assignment got doubled. “So I still had 1,000 left to write because you doubled the 500,” she points out, “And this time it was only 1 week left before you put me on toilet suspension.” “And then you not only put me on toilet suspension when I didn’t finish it, but you doubled it again,” Jane continues angrily, “So then after writing another 650 lines, I still had 700 to finish and now I was on toilet suspension, too.”

        Jane then pauses expecting some sympathy from the committee but none is forthcoming. “As I said, you have no one else but yourself to blame,” I reiterate, “When you don’t get punishments done on time, that has consequences.” Doing some quick math, I note that her failure to complete the one assignment on time resulting in her having to write 1350 sentences to fulfill an initial punishment of 500 times. And that’s, of course, in addition to the first 500 times punishment that she did manage to get done the first week it was due. “And that’s to say nothing of 2 days on toilet suspension, young lady,” I also point out, “And this second day was quite obviously the worst of the two. “It’s funny how you managed to get 700 lines done in 2 days to get off toilet suspension,” Mrs. Adler reiterates, “As I said before, it’s funny how a toilet suspension can be an incentive like that.” “As Mr. Ziffel said, you really do have no one but yourself to blame for all this,” she adds. “Hopefully, you’ve learned an important lesson about getting your punishments done on time,” I add, “Hopefully it won’t come to this next time.” “Well, hopefully she’ll go in the toilet from now on and won’t have punishment writings to do in the first place,” Mrs. Adler further adds. The last comment, of course, directed toward the pretty brunette standing before us in badly soiled panties and very wet jeans.

        So concludes another session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee.
        Meeting adjourned at 4:25 PM.


        • #5
          Thanks again Arnold

          Your reports never get old. Love them! .

