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Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

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  • Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

    Welcome to a session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee (TVPC) – this writer’s favorite fantasy. The story takes place in a high school not unlike other high schools. In this high school, however, there are strict rules regarding the toileting behavior of the school’s female students. Those who break the school toilet rules (including the rules against going to the bathroom in your pants) are brought before the TVPC to have their cases heard and their punishment given out if they are guilty. Meetings of the TVPC are called to order at 3:10 PM each school day in the TVPC meeting room – Room 222 of the high school. It should be noted that where this story takes place you need to be 18 in order to enter high school so all persons depicted, even though entirely fictional, are at least 18 years of age.

    My name is Arnold Ziffel and I’m chairman of the TVPC. What follows are the summary minutes of the TVPC meeting of Friday, December 20, 2019.

    We begin this afternoon’s session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee (TVPC) with Miss Musso -- a gym teacher and Cheerleading Coach -- who is charged by a student with a toilet violation. Reading the Violation Report -- filed by Kourtney, a smart but underachieving senior brunette -- the specific charge against Coach Musso isn’t exactly clear. As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, Coach Musso, because of her accident problems as our Cheerleading Coach -- including an accident at a football game back in November -- has had certain toilet restrictions placed on her.

    “You seem to be charging some sort of violation with Coach Musso’s toilet restrictions,” I ask Kourtney. “Yes, sir,” the pretty senior tells me, “Doesn’t she have to use the doorless stall in the girls’ locker room since her accident at the game on Thanksgiving?” “Well, Coach Musso has to do a total of 15 bowel movements in the student girls’ rooms and 5 of those have to be in doorless stalls,“ I explain, “That’s before she can get back her privilege to use the faculty bathrooms.” “And once she does all of those she goes back to her usual toilet conditions,” I explain further, “She gets one bowel movement in a faculty bathroom for each one she does in a student girls’ room.” “But those don’t have to be in doorless stalls,” I clarify, “Only the 5 she has to do as the penalty for her accident at the football game have to be in a doorless stall.” A check of TVPC records indicates that Coach Musso did use a doorless stall for a bowel movement today -- specifically the doorless stall in the girls’ locker room. I note this for the record as well as the fact that this is her 2nd such bowel movement, thus leaving her 3 left to do in a doorless stall. Kourtney nods her head indicating that she understands

    “And you’re of the opinion that Coach Musso is in violation of that somehow?” I ask the senior brunette. “Yes, sir,” she tells me, disputing the fact that Coach Musso should get credit for her bowel movement in the doorless stall today. Miss Musso, not surprisingly, takes offense at that. “That’s just ridiculous, Mr. Chairman,” the sexy Gym Teacher and Coach tells me. “I went in the girls’ locker room between 5th and 6th period this afternoon and I went #2,” Coach Musso explains, “And I did it in the doorless stall just like I reported.” “I don’t know what Kourtney is talking about, Mr. Chairman,” she tells me. “This is just ridiculous,” she reiterates. Coach Musso goes on to claim that Kourtney is only retaliating against her for charges brought against her earlier this year. I caught Kourtney smoking in the girls’ room back in November,” the spandex-clad teacher and coach argues, “I can only assume that this is some sort of retaliation for that.”

    Turning now to Kourtney, she shocks the committee and pretty much the whole committee room when she admits to that. “You’re darn right I’m doing this to get back at her,” she rather candidly tells us, “Yeah-I’m doing this because of what she did to me.” “I got put on toilet suspension because of her,” the senior brunette explains, “I got three weeks without toilet privileges in school -- I got three weeks of hell.” But Kourtney also argues that just because she’s doing this to get back at Coach Musso, doesn’t mean that Coach Musso isn’t guilty.” “I couldn’t care less where Miss Musso goes to the bathroom -- I couldn’t care less whether she does it in a doorless stall or not,” she tells us, “But if I can get her in trouble for something just like she got me in trouble for something, I’m sure as hell going to do that.” “If I can get you put on toilet suspension like you got me put on toilet suspension all the better,” she tells the sexy, spandex-clad Gym Teacher. “You got yourself placed on toilet suspension -- You did that to yourself,” Miss Musso responds and tells her, “You were the one who was smoking in the girls’ room not me.” “And it was your 2nd offense, don’t forget,” she reminds the girl, “That’s why you were put on toilet suspension -- It had nothing to do with me.” “Don’t blame me because I was the one who happened to catch you doing it.,” Miss Musso tells her.

    But Kourtney does blame Coach Musso. “You didn’t just catch me,” the girl argues, “You came here to the TVPC and argued against me.” “It would have been one thing to just file the paperwork,” Kourtney argues further, “But you stood up and argued that I should get the maximum punishment.” “I got three weeks on toilet suspension because of you,” she tells the sexy spandex-clad Gym Teacher, “It was because of what you said that I got three weeks instead of just two.” “Those first two weeks I did loads in my pants three days total,” she then points out, “And then I did that three times just that third week alone.” “Do you have any idea how disgusting that was?” she rants at Miss Musso, “Do you have any idea what it’s like not have your toilet privileges in school and having to do a load in your pants?” With that, I immediately grab my gavel and bang it in Kourtney’s direction. I warn her not to be disrespectful and I certainly don’t want this to turn into a debate.

    Moving on to the specific charge against Coach Musso, Kourtney acknowledges that it isn’t actually that Coach Musso didn’t use the doorless stall. That admission raises a few eyebrows in the committee room and on the TVPC itself. With that, Coach Musso immediately jumps in and argues that Kourtney should be punished for filing a false charge against her. But this time I caution Coach Musso to stop and give the senior beauty the chance to present her case. In doing so, Kourtney then acknowledges again that Coach Musso did indeed do her business in the appropriate stall today. “She was in the doorless stall -- that wasn’t the issue,” Kourtney argues, “The issue was that she had Mrs. Johns standing in front blocking for her.” “Mrs. Johns was standing right there where the stall door would be,” the girl reports, “She had her back turned facing out, blocking for Coach Musso, so she could have privacy on the toilet.” “I think the point was Coach Musso having to use that toilet -- having to do her business -- without any privacy,” Kourtney argues, “Doesn’t having Mrs. Johns standing there defeat the whole purpose of that?”

    Coach Musso -- not surprisingly -- disagrees with that. “I used the doorless stall just like I was supposed to,” the sexy teacher and coach tells us, “I’ve been following the rules just as this committee laid them out.” “This whole thing is ridiculous,” she reiterates, “The only reason Kourtney filed this was to get back at me.” She argues again that Kourtney should be punished for filing a frivolous charge. “How’d you like another week of toilet suspension?” Coach Musso suggests to her, “Maybe this time you’ll wind up with loads in your pants all 5 days instead of just 3.” “Well, at least that’s the only way that I do go in my pants -- That is, when I don’t have my toilet privileges,” Kourtney fires back at her Gym Teacher, “At least I don’t go in my pants when I’m still able to use the toilet -- you know, like you do.” Immediately, I bang my gavel and admonish both of them for their comments.

    To Coach Musso, this is a cut and dry case -- she used the doorless stall just like she was supposed to do. That much seems to be true. But I’m not sure it’s as cut and dry as she thinks it is. Kourtney does raise an interesting issue and I tell Coach Musso that. The point was to have Coach Musso use the toilet -- specifically to have bowel movements -- without privacy. But the spandex-clad beauty still maintains that she did nothing wrong. “When girls have issues with doorless stalls, we encourage them to get a friend to block for them to provide privacy like that,” she points out, “That’s what Mrs. Johns was doing for me.” She makes a sound point as well. And ultimately, our Cheerleading Coach is correct. It may not have been what we expected when we assigned her to use doorless stalls, but it’s clearly within the rules. Accordingly, I found her “Not Guilty” of any charges. I caution Coach Musso, though, that having someone standing there blocking for her is as for as it goes. “That much is alright,” I caution her, “But any attempt to hang a curtain there or a sheet or some other type of barrier would indeed be a violation.” Coach Musso indicates that she understands. As for Coach Musso’s charge that Kourtney only filed this charge as retaliation against Coach Musso, I have to find the senior beauty “Not Guilty” on that as well. “Her motives were highly questionable,” I note, directing the comment to Kourtney as much as noting it for the record, “But she did raise a legitimate issue concerning Coach Musso’s toileting procedures.”

    Like most days before the TVPC, I see that we have a wide variety of accident cases to deal with.

    For the first one, we have a petite and pretty senior blonde named Six. Six has been charged with soiling her panties. Looking at her, it’s hard not to notice how well she’s BLOSSOMed from a gawky freshman chatterbox into the quite beautiful (but still talkative) senior that she is today. Standing before me now, it’s also hard -- impossible, actually -- not to notice the bulge in the seat of her jeans caused by the load in her panties.

    Miss Spellman reports that she noticed Six’s accident as she walked behind the girl in the hallway earlier today. “It was between 4th and 5th period and I was heading up to the library,” the pretty Math Teacher reports, “I had to go both ways and I was going to use the bathroom in the librarian’s office.” “Six was going to her next class, I presume, and I suddenly found myself walking behind her in the 2nd Floor corridor,” Miss Spellman explains, “And obviously the bulge in the back of her jeans was quite noticeable.” “I immediately directed Six to follow me into the 2nd Floor Girls’ Room for a panty inspection,” she continues, “And then when I had her pull down her jeans, I discovered she had messed in her panties just as I’d suspected.” “Really, Six,” the pretty, blonde Math Teacher turns and tells her, “Did you really think you were going to get away with a mess in your panties with jeans that tight?” “I mean, under a dress or even loose-fitting pants, a girl can sometimes hide a load in her panties,” Miss Spellman points out to her, “But with pants hugging your behind like that, there’s nothing in your panties that we’re not going to notice.”

    Six, while pleading “Guilty” to the charge, tells us that the mess isn’t really all that bad. She tells us that she actually did most of it in the toilet -- That she just waited a little too long in getting to the girls’ room and a little bit came out in her panties beforehand. “It really is only a little bit in my panties, sir,” she tells me, “I think it only looks as bad as it does because of my tight pants.” “Like Miss Spellman says, with my tight jeans, it just makes it more noticeable” she adds.

    Checking back with Miss Spellman, she seems -- at least to some degree -- to agree with that. “It’s more than just a little bit,” she says, directing her comments both to me and Six. “I mean, it’s not like it was only the tip of her bowel movement touching her panties or anything like that,” she explains, “There definitely is actual, tangible fecal matter in her panties.” “But as panty-soilings go, it isn’t a particular big one,” she acknowledges. “It does seem to make sense that she did do some of it in the toilet,” Miss Spellman explains further, “It doesn’t seem like that’s a full bowel movement in her panties.” “I do think it’s her tight jeans hugging her behind like that that makes it look worse than it is,” she adds. Six, of course, agrees with that characterization.

    Upon further questioning from me, Six reiterates that she just waited too long to go to the girls’ room. “I don’t know -- I just didn’t go,” the pretty senior tells us, “I had to go but I just kept putting it off and putting it off.” “I just kept waiting -- I don’t know why, sir,” she says, “I guess I was waiting to go during lunch when I could just relax and take my time.” She explains further that she suddenly got that feeling that she had to go immediately but by then it was too late. “Like I said, I did manage to do most of it in the toilet,” she says, “But unfortunately some of it did get in my panties before I could get them down and get my butt on the toilet seat.” That explanation just leaves me shaking my head. “It’s only your first offense this school year and your punishment will be light,” I tell her, “But it’s hard to believe that you still haven’t learned to get yourself to the toilet in time.” “I mean, it’s one thing to be having these kinds of accidents when you’re a freshman,” I lecture her, “I mean, that’s shameful enough.” “But you’re a senior now and you still haven’t learned to simply go use the toilet when you need to,” I, shaking my head, lecture her further, “That is really a reason to be ashamed of oneself.” Six assures us that she is ashamed indeed. “It was stupid to wait like I did,” she tells me, “And I definitely am ashamed of myself.”

    Though it’s Six’s first panty-soiling of the school year, she does have a prior offense for “Loitering In The Girls’ Room.” Unfortunately for her, that means she doesn’t only get a warning for this a first offense. Still, it’s only a first accident offense and she’ll be punished accordingly. Six is therefore sentences to one hour of detention and having to write, “I will not soil my panties in school again” 100 times.

  • #2
    Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

    Our next case is that of a quiet and reserved sophomore brunette named Emma. Faithful readers of the TVPC should remember Emma from the Nov. 26th TVPC session where she was punished for soiling her panties in gym class. This time, she’s accused of not only soiling her panties but wetting them as well. This is what we call a “doubleheader” accident. We count it as a single accident on the girl’s record -- specifically, a “Panty-Soiling” -- but we, of course, punish it more severely since she went in her pants both ways. I’m a bit surprised to see Emma back here again in soiled panties because at her last TVPC appearance -- where she and her roommate Jenny both had soiling accidents -- she mentioned that it’s almost never that she even has to go #2 at school. Naturally, I ask her about this.

    “I just don’t understand it, either, sir,” Emma tells me, “Like I said last time, I always go first thing in the morning at home and then I almost never have to go again until the next morning.” “But this morning, I just didn’t have to go at home,” she says, “I went in there and sat down just like I always do, but this morning, for whatever reason, I just didn’t have to go.” “I mean, I did have to pee and I did that,” Emma explains, “But no matter how much I tried, I just didn’t have to do the other.” “But it looks like you eventually did have to do the other,” I point out to her, a tone of disgust in my voice, “It definitely looks like you had to do a big load of the other.” The reference, of course, is to the load -- the rather large load -- that she’s got in her pants right now. “Yes, sir,” she tells me, bowing her head in shame, “I had to go like the first thing when I got to school this morning.”

    I note that the Violation Report in this case shows that it’s her 4th period English Teacher Mrs. Montgomery that is charging her with the “Panty-Soiling” violation. “Is that when it happened, Emma?” I ask her. The pretty sophomore brunette tells me, though, that it first happened in the passing time between 3rd and 4th periods. “I had been holding it in since I first needed to go but by 3rd period it was getting kind of bad,” she tells me, “I was still managing to hold it in sitting down in 3rd period but just barely,” she explains, “But then having to get up, go to my locker, and then walk to my next class just made that just about impossible.” “It’s a lot harder to hold it in while standing and having to walk to class,” Emma explains further, “It just started coming out in the hallway before I could get to 4th period English and sit down again to hold it in.”

    Continuing, she then tells us that Mrs. Montgomery caught her while she was in class. “I guess she must have smelled it or something,” Emma speculates, “Because she came right up to me and asked me if I had a mess in my panties.” “I guess there was really no denying it at that point,” the pretty sophomore brunette adds. She also tells us that she messed in her panties even worse during gym class the next period. “I guess that was the rest of it -- The rest of my bowel movement,” she tells us, matter-of-factly, “It’s all but impossible to hold any of it in while running around in gym class.”

    Mrs. Adler, a new and oftentimes harsh member of the TVPC, looks at Emma incredulously. “Did you even think to go to the girls’ room?” she asks the girl, “I mean, all that time you were holding it in, did you even think of going to the girls’ room and doing it in the toilet like you were supposed to?” Whether that was intended to be rhetorical or not I’m not sure, but Emma responds by just shaking her head “no.” “I mean, the girls’ rooms are here for you to use, you know,” Mrs. Adler tells her, sarcasm evident, “You know, a lot of your fellow students do their bowel movement there instead of in their pants.” “In fact, I’d venture to guess that MOST of your fellow students actually prefer going in the toilet to going in their pants,” the committeewoman adds.

    Emma, though usually not the argumentative type, takes exception to that. “I don’t prefer to go in my pants,” she tells Mrs. Adler, “Nobody prefers to go in their pants instead of the toilet.” “Do you think I like this? -- Do you think I like having this mess in my panties?” she tells the committeewoman, raising her voice a bit, “Do you think I like walking around like this? -- Do you think I like taking gym and eating lunch like this? -- Do you think I like having to clean this up when I get home?” “Of course I’d rather go in the toilet,” Emma continues, now lowering her voice and starting to cry, “It’s just that I like going in my bathroom at home instead of the ones here at school.” “I just don’t like going at school -- I just don’t like having to do it in a stall with other girls around,” she explains, now crying full force, “I just like the privacy of my own bathroom at home where it’s just me and Jenny.” “I just like having more privacy when I have to do that,” Emma reiterates, “I mean, peeing in school is not so bad, but not the other.”

    That last statement, though, does raise the eyebrows of my fellow TVPC members. “Well, it doesn’t look like you did much urinating in the toilet here at school today, either,” I then point out to Emma. The reference, of course, is to Emma’s thoroughly soaked jeans. The entire crotch area as well as halfway up her butt is dark with wetness and there are distinct trails of wetness down the inner thighs of both legs. The amended Violation Report from Miss Robinson indicates that the sophomore beauty just suddenly and completely wet herself in Biology class 8th period. For someone who doesn’t mind doing that in the girls’ room toilets, that’s quite an accident,” I add -- a tone of sarcasm, or at least irony, in my own voice.

    Emma nods her head, obviously indicating she understands the irony of the situation. She explains that she normally does do that in the school bathrooms -- she says she “pees” at school every day and usually twice a day -- but having had the “other kind of accident” earlier today, she wasn’t about to do that. “I already had the mess in my panties, sir,” Emma tells me, “I just didn’t want to go to the girls’ room and pull down my pants like that.” “I just tried to hold in my pee, too -- I was surprised to make it all the way to 8th period,” she explains, “But then I just lost it and totally soaked my jeans.” “I’m sorry, sir,” she says, crying anew, “But I just couldn’t pull down my panties like that -- not with this big mess already in them.” But she assures me that urinating in school really is not a problem for her.

    But obviously the same can’t be said for when she needs to have a bowel movement at school. The record shows that this is only her 2nd such accident this school year and that she did it only once during her freshman year last year. That doesn’t seem to jibe with her attitude about our school bathrooms. She’s apparently just lucky in that -- almost always going first thing in the morning at home -- she rarely has to go again later at school. Upon questioning from me, Emma admits that now -- almost halfway through her sophomore year -- she has not even done one bowel movement in the girls’ rooms here at school. The only time she ever went at all in school was once last year when she snuck into the librarian’s office bathroom (a faculty bathroom) and did it there. She acknowledges, too, that she did have a second panty-soiling accident last year as a freshman, but that it only happened on her way home from school and thus was beyond the jurisdiction of the TVPC. “I guess I’m just lucky,” she admits. Of course, that greatly concerns me. “I really think you need to learn to learn to start doing bowel movements at school when you need to,” I advise her, “Obviously, you can’t always rely on luck to avoid actually having to go at school.” I think Emma does understand that but actually doing a bowel movement in one of our girls’ room toilets is not going to be easy for her.

    In the meantime, we have to punish her for this one. It’s only her 2nd panty-soiling offense but it is a doubleheader and she’s also got “Loitering In The Girls’ Room” and “Urinating In A Non-Properly Functioning Toilet” on her toilet record this year. And, all things considers, the TVPC thinks she needs a stern lesson in how it’s better to use the school toilets than to mess in your panties. Emma stands there in tears while we imposed upon her a full week of detention and having to write, “I will not soil nor will I wet my panties in school again” 500 times. “Next time, you’re looking at detention sitting on the toilet,” I warn her, “And down the road, if your accidents continue, you’re looking at having to do clean-up right here in the girls’ rooms at school.” Hopefully, that will give her something to think about the next time she needs to have a bowel movement here at school

    The next girl before the TVPC charged with “Panty-Soiling” is Angela, a sexy blonde and classic AMERICAN BEAUTY. This outgoing, self-assured sophomore cheerleader should be no stranger to faithful readers of the TVPC. She was previously punished -- at our August 19th Special Session -- for unnecessarily urinating in the bushes at Cheerleading Camp. More recently -- at our September 19th TVPC meeting -- she was punished for soiling her panties in 6th period French class earlier that afternoon. The latter being a case of Angela running afoul of Mrs. Defequer’s strict policy of allowing only 3 girls’ room passes per student per month in her class. One would have surely thought that from that experience, Angela would have learned to use those 3 passes more wisely.

    That’s why I’m quite surprised to see that, once again, it’s Mrs. Defequer charging Angela with “Panty-Soiling” in her class. Angela is by no means a shy sort and certainly isn’t reticent about using school toilets when she needs to. That she would simply pop-a-squat and go outside when she needed to -- as she did at Cheerleading Camp -- is more characteristic about the girl’s attitude toward her bodily functions than holding it in at school like some girls do. Still, once again, Angela stands before the TVPC in very obviously soiled panties. It doesn’t look to be an expansive, well-spread load in her panties like the last one but a more solid, compacted, concentrated load. Whereas this one doesn’t seem to have spread as badly in her panties, the bulge in her pants caused by the more solid load in her panties seems quite a bit worse. But this load being of a different consistency than her last one doesn’t really explain how Angela could let this happen AGAIN -- especially in the same class. Naturally, I ask Angela about this.

    “I didn’t LET it happen,” Angela -- ever the feisty one -- argues, “Mrs. Defequer is the one who let it happen.” “Well, it’s not Mrs. Defequer that has a load in her panties -- you do!” I tell Angela, “So right now I’m thinking that you had at least something to do with that.” Angela, obviously frustrated, pauses a moment and takes a deep breath to maintain her composure. “Look, obviously it was me who messed in her panties -- Obviously it was me who had the accident,” she tells us, “And obviously I know that it’s me who is going to get punished for it.” “But I’m not going to say that it was my fault -- I’m just not,” Angela, in an argumentative tone, continues, “I’m not one of those girls that try to hold it in and wait when she has to go at school.” “It’s not my fault -- It just isn’t -- And I’m not going to say that it is,” the pretty blonde cheerleader argues, “It’s not my fault that Mrs. Defequer wouldn’t let me go to the girls’ room.” “You knew I had to go and you knew what was going to happen if you didn’t let me go,” she then turns and angrily tells her French Teacher, “It’s your fault not mine that I had another accident -- It’s your fault that I’ve got this mess in my panties now.” With that last point, Angela turns and makes sure her teacher sees that big bulge in the back of her tight jeans. And then turning back to me says, “She is the one who should be getting punished for this, not me.”

    Hearing that, I immediately grab my gavel and bang it in Angela’s direction. I warn her about being disrespectful. “I know you’re embarrassed and upset but your panty-soiling is not really a serious offense,” I point out, “Your punishment probably isn’t going to be all that bad.” “But if we have to add another punishment for being disrespectful to Mrs. Defequer,” I warn her, “Then it’s going to be a whole different story.” Obviously, Angela is quite frustrated -- apparently it’s another issue with her not having a girls’ room pass left today when she needed one. “O-K -- But I’m still not going to say it was my fault when it wasn’t,” Angela reiterates, “I know it’s my accident but it’s not like I caused it to happen.” “It’s not like I refused to go to the bathroom when I needed to like Emma did,” the sexy, blonde-haired sophomore argues, “It was Mrs. Defequer who refused to let me go.” “So what if I had already used up all of my passes -- So what if I’d already been to the girls’ room 3 times this month,” Angela argues some more, “If a girl’s gotta go, you should still let her go and use the toilet.” “It’s just cruel not to let her go use the toilet when she needs to,” the pretty sophomore rants on, “It’s just cruel to make a girl mess in her panties like this.” The suddenly -- unexpectedly, to say the least -- Angela breaks down crying. I must say that not only myself but the other members of the TVPC are taken very much by surprise. Angela is quite the usually strong-willed, self-assured young lady and to see this outpouring of emotion from her is quite unusual indeed. With that, though, I simply remind Angela, that policies regarding girls’ room passes in class are strictly at the discretion of each teacher.

    Turning now to Mrs. Defequer, there’s really not much more to say. She pretty much confirms what we already knew -- Specifically, that Angela had already used her 3 girls’ room passes this month and simply had none left when she needed one today. “I’m sorry, Mr. Chairman, but they all know my rules,” the pretty French Teacher explains, “It’s 3 girls’ room passes per month and when they’re gone, you’re out of luck.” “Most girls seem to understand that you need to use them wisely,” Mrs. Defequer continues, “They know that you don’t use them unless it’s an emergency.” “I just don’t think Angela has quite learned that lesson yet, Mr. Chairman,” she tells me, “I kind of doubt that she really had 3 urgent emergencies already this month.” Mrs. Defequer reminds us that back in September -- when Angela had her previous accident in French class -- she had previously wasted one of her girls’ room passes to go fix her hair and make-up. “I really would have thought Angela would have learned her lesson from that,” Mrs. Defequer says, shaking her head, “But here again, we have her using up all her girls’ room passes before we‘re anywhere close to the end of the month.”

    Drying her tears, Angela argues that this time she hadn’t used any of her girls’ room passes for anything frivolous like her hair and make-up. “I only used them for going to the bathroom,” she claims, “Every time I did use a pass it was because I really did have to go.” But upon further questioning from Mrs. Defequer, Angela reluctantly admits that only one of those passes was used for what she would truly call an emergency and all three were used only for “peeing” -- as Angela puts it.

    This is, as previously noted, her 2nd panty-soiling of the school year and she’s got that violation from Cheerleading Camp for “Improper Urination” on her toilet record as well. Additionally, she’s got a violation for (unintentionally) clogging a toilet with her bowel movement and a large quantity of toilet paper. Accordingly, more than the usual does of punishment for a 2nd panty-soiling is in order here. Still, there’s no reason to make her punishment unduly severe. Clearly, there is no need to send her a message about the necessity of using school bathrooms like we had to do with Emma. Obviously, Angela is not one to be holding it in when she needs to go at school and she doesn’t need a punishment like Emma did to teach her to use school bathrooms. Angela, obviously, is quite eager to use the girls’ room when she needs to. The TVPC sentences the pretty blonde-haired cheerleader to serve 3 hours of detention and to write, “I will not soil my panties in school again” 300 times.


    • #3
      Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

      For our next accident case, we have a pretty, full-figured brunette named Trish. She is not charged with soiling her panties but with wetting them -- the telltale signs of the wetting still quite noticeable on her tan-colored pants. Checking the Violation Report -- filed by Miss Johnson, a young and pretty English Teacher -- I see that this happened at lunchtime in the school cafeteria. But reading it over, though, there are several things I need to be certain of. Trish is a bit of a mischievous sort. Not really a bad girl by any measure but one who somehow trouble always seems to find. And that is true both of toilet-related matters with the TVPC as well as non toilet-related matters with the School Principal. Back in September she get herself in trouble with the TVPC for teasing Miss Musso while the sexy Gym Teacher and Cheerleading Coach went about her business in a student girls’ room. And Trish has since had a panty-soiling accident and two incidents for loitering in the girls’ room.

      I first check with Miss Johnson to confirm that this was merely a wetting accident and that the outgoing junior beauty didn’t do anything else in her pants. “I wouldn’t call it MERELY a wetting accident, Mr. Chairman,” Miss Johnson tells me, “I can confirm that she didn’t do anything else in her panties, but there was nothing MERELY about the wetting accident that Trish did have.” :This was one very big wetting accident, Mr. Chairman,” the pretty English Teacher continues, “Trish didn’t just wet but totally soaked her pants.” “I mean, it was bad enough that we had to go get some paper towels,” she tells me. The implication, of course, is that Trish had to wipe some of it off the cafeteria floor. “I know you don’t punish wetting accidents as badly as you do messing ones, Mr. Chairman,” Miss Johnson suggests, “But I really hope that you can make an exception in this case.” “Well, soiling accidents are always considered more serious violations than wetting ones,” I then explain, “But we can always take into consideration the severity of the accident no matter which bodily function it is. But considering that this apparently happened in the cafeteria at lunchtime, Trish did indeed get lucky in that this was a wetting rather than a soiling accident. Faithful readers of the TVPC surely know that there are additional punishments imposed on girls who soil their panties in the cafeteria at lunchtime.

      Still, I’m not at all pleased with Trish for wetting her pants in the school cafeteria. Considering that there is a girls’ room right across the hall from the cafeteria and girls on their lunch period don’t even have to ask permission to use it, there really is no reason for a girl to have an accident there. Of course, I ask Trish about that. “The girls’ room is right there, young lady,” I tell her, “It’s not like you can use the excuse that the teacher wouldn’t let you go.” “And it’s not like you can use the excuse of not wanting to do a bowel movement in that particular girls’ room, either,” I note. Though that girls’ room is a popular place for girls to urinate during their lunch period, lots of girls don’t like to do bowel movements there precisely because lots of girls are always in there using it for lunchtime urinations. But Trish notes -- oddly -- that that is precisely the reason.

      “I actually had to go to the bathroom both ways, sir, not just pee,” she tells me. “I was holding in both,” she explains, “But I guess I had to go pee worse than I had to do the other and that’s how I had the accident with the one.” That explanation -- If you can even call it that -- leaves us all just shaking our heads. “I suppose I could ask you why you didn’t just go to the girls’ room and do BOTH in the toilet,” I tell her, “But I suppose you, like the others, don’t like having bowel movements there.” “But I would think you’d at least go there to urinate,” I speculate, “I can’t believe that you’d wet your pants rather than do even that in the girls’ room there.” But Trish tells us again that it wasn’t a problem with “peeing” that was the issue. “It was having to do the other that was the problem,” she says, “I don’t mind peeing in there so much but it was having to go the other way that I didn’t want to do there.” Trish does talk a lot but oftentimes it takes a while for her to get to the point of what she’s trying to say. Today is apparently no exception. Eventually, she gets around to the point of the matter -- as ridiculous as it may seem -- that she didn’t want to go one way in the girls’ room down there at lunchtime and then have to go the other in the girls’ room up here the next period. “I had to go both ways so I decided to wait and do both in the toilet later,” Trish explains, “I figured why go to the bathroom twice when I could just wait and take care of both at the same time.

      That explanation still leaves most of us shaking our heads. But it leaves Mrs. Adler quite angry. “If you wanted to do both at the same time you should have done both in the girls’ room at lunchtime,” she angrily tells Trish, “You should have learned your lesson a long time ago that you shouldn’t be holding it in when you really have to go bad like that.” “I mean, you were right that it makes more sense to go just once instead of twice,” she lectures the girl, “But you should have just done both in the Cafeteria Girls’ Room like you were supposed to do in the first place.” Momentarily stopping Mrs. Adler, I take a more conciliatory tone. “Well, of course, it makes more sense to just do both at the same time, but like Mrs. Adler said that should have been at lunchtime when you had the chance,” I lecture Trish, “But if you are going to be picky about your choice of girls‘ room, going in there to at least urinate would obviously have made sense.” “You apparently did manage to hold in your bowel movement until later,” I remind the junior beauty, “So if you’d at least gone to urinate when you had the chance you wouldn’t be before the TVPC getting punished now.”

      Trish nods her head that she understands that but claims that she thought she could hold both in and just go later. “I never really thought it would be a problem, sir,” she tells me, “I thought I’d just hold both in and get a pass next period and go then.” “It was just a lot harder holding it in than I thought,” she claims, “I think having to go both ways made it harder to hold.” She further claims that when she really did feel like she was losing control, she immediately did try to get to the girls’ room. “I suddenly felt this big push from my bladder and I immediately knew that I was in trouble,” she explains, “And then I got up and tried to make a mad dash to the girls’ room.” “But by then it was too late,” she claims, “I peed my pants right there by the cafeteria door.”

      That much is confirmed by Miss Johnson. “I did see her running for the door,” the young English Teacher then reports, “I wasn’t sure at the time but the urgency in her step and the look on her face certainly indicated a bathroom emergency.” “But then she suddenly stopped, kind of frozen in place,” Miss Johnson says, “And then she just completely soaked her pants. “Peeing her pants doesn’t really fully explain what happened, Mr. Chairman,” she adds, “She just totally lost it and completely soaked her panties down to her socks.” Trish -- embarrassingly -- nods her head in acknowledgement of that. She tells me that as she was running for the girls’ room desperately holding her bladder, she suddenly felt a surge from her bowels as well. “It suddenly felt like I was going to lose control of that instead,” she says, “It suddenly felt like I was going to mess in my panties.” “That would have been worse,” Trish tells us, “I mean, I definitely didn’t want to wet my pants, either, but making a mess in my panties would have been so much worse.” Trish then tells us that she shifted her attention to trying to regain control of her bowels instead. “I had to really clamp down and focus on not messing my panties,” she explains, “And that’s when I just completely lost control of my bladder and started wetting my pants.” “I just couldn’t hold in both,” she says, “So I just made sure that I didn’t mess myself instead.”

      That at least seems to make some sense, but Mrs. Adler seems to seize on that. She raises the issue of whether Trish should be charged with wetting her pants on purpose. “We heard it from Trish’s own mouth,” Mrs. Adler argues, “She gave up on trying to control her bladder in order to get control of her bowel movement and not mess her panties.” Going in your panties on purpose -- whichever function it may be -- is more serious, of course, than simply having an accident. “Look, I don’t blame her from doing what she needed to do to prevent messing in her panties,” Mrs. Adler argues further, “But she said it herself that she shifted to controlling that rather than trying to hold it in for urinating.”

      It’s an interesting argument actually, but quite clearly an overzealous one. Trish argues that it wasn’t that she gave up trying to control her bladder, but just that she put more emphasis on controlling her bowel movement. “I really didn’t want to do either in my pants, ma‘am,” the pretty junior brunette argues, “It’s just that I tried harder not to mess in my panties because that would have been worse.” And Trish is right. As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, to be considered to have gone in her pants on purpose, a girl must just completely give up holding it in and if not actually pushing it out into her panties to at least offer no resistance whatsoever. And that, of course, is not what actually happened in this case. The TVPC votes 4-1 that this was a wetting ACCIDENT and Trish is obviously guilty of that.

      Considering the girl’s punishment, I do note that she has several prior toilet-related offenses but nothing all that serious. But I do have to consider that this was quite a severe wetting accident and the fact that it happened in the cafeteria at lunchtime, when Trish had easy access to a girls’ room. “That certainly makes this even more shameful than it would ordinarily be,” I tell Trish. For punishment Trish is sentenced to 3 hours of detention and she’ll have to write, “I will not wet my pants in school again” 300 times. And she’ll also have to spend a week of her 3rd period study hall sitting on the toilet. “And that will, of course, be on a toilet in the girls’ room across from the cafeteria,” I tell Trish and note for the record. Trish gives me a sour face at hearing that last part. Obviously, she’d have preferred to do her toilet sitting in a different girls’ room

      For our last accident case this afternoon, we have another panty-soiling -- this time, a student-brought case. As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, anyone -- including other students -- can file a Violation Report against our girls for accidents or other toilet violations. Today we have Harris, a smart but underachieving sophomore brunette, filing charges for “Panty-Soiling” against a smart and pretty sophomore named Hermoine. But Hermoine, on the other hand, has pleaded “Not Guilty” to the charge. In fact, she seems quite annoyed that the charge was even brought. That in sharp contrast to her usually upbeat, optimistic, and downright magical personality.

      “I didn’t do it -- I didn’t mess in my panties!” Hermoine insists before I even ask her about it. “I know I have done it before -- I did it twice last year,” she acknowledges, “But I haven’t done it since and I certainly didn’t do it today.” Hermoine tells us that she did have to go earlier today -- specifically, between 5th and 6th period -- but that she went and used the toilet like she was supposed to. “It was after Biology class and before lunch period,” she explains, “I had to go kind of bad so I used the girls’ room in the Science Wing before I went to lunch.” “But like I said, I did it in the toilet -- I didn’t go in my pants,” the petite sophomore beauty continues, “I did it all in the toilet like I was supposed to and then went to lunch.” “I don’t mess in my panties anymore,” she adds, “I know I did do that twice in school last year but now I’m more careful and always use the toilet when I need to.” I note that there doesn’t appear to be any overt sign that the girl is wearing soiled panties (no staining or discoloration of her pants and no bulging where a fecal load would be) but then again, we don’t always see one when a girl is wearing loose-fitting pants like Hermoine is. And there is, of course, the possibility of the girl subsequently changing into a clean pair of underwear.

      Turning now to Harris, the outspoken sophomore continues to insist that Hermoine did indeed soil her panties in school today. Harris claims to have noticed Hermoine’s soiled panties as the two were changing in the locker room after gym class 7th period. “I’m not saying that she did it bad but she definitely did do it,” Harris insists, “Maybe she did MOST of it in the toilet, but she definitely did some of it in her panties.” “Or maybe she did go but just didn’t wipe herself afterwards,” she speculates, “It kind of looked like it could have happened from not wiping herself after she did do it in the toilet.” “But that still counts as a mess, doesn’t it?” Harris asks me, “If a girl gets a mess in her panties from not wiping herself, it still counts as a mess, right?” I assure her that it does. “As long as there is actual fecal matter in her panties, it counts as a panty-soiling,” I tell her and note for the record, “If the fecal matter gets there from not wiping it still counts.”

      Hermoine, though, takes exception to the mere mention of that. “Of course, I wipe myself,” she says, “What kind of girl doesn’t wipe herself after she goes #2,” “What kind of girl doesn’t wipe herself even when she goes #1,” Hermoine additionally asks, “It’s just disgusting when a girl doesn’t wipe herself -- especially after #2.” “I ALWAYS wipe myself,” Hermoine tells Harris in a very condescending tone, “I don’t know what you do but let me assure you that I do wipe myself and I wipe myself quite thoroughly.” Harris, this time, takes exception to Hermoine’s comments -- or at least, to the girl’s tone. “Look, I didn’t say that you didn’t wipe,” she loudly answers back, “I just said that it LOOKED LIKE you didn’t wipe.” “I just said that you had some mess in your panties and that I thought maybe it came from not wiping yourself,” Harris argues further, “I don’t really know how the mess got there, I just know that I saw a mess in your panties as we were changing after gym class.” When asked, though, whether she reported it to Miss Musso (their gym teacher), she says that she didn’t. “I don’t know, sir -- I just didn’t,” she explains, “As I said, it wasn’t a big mess, so I guess I just didn’t think to make a big deal out of it.”

      “So it was only later that you decided to make a big deal out of it?” Hermoine -- uncharacteristically -- lashes back at her, “It was only later that you decided to get back at me for something and made up a story about me going in my panties.” It was back in October when Hermoine filed charges against Harris for “Smoking In The Girls‘ Room“ that day. The inference, apparently, is that this is all about revenge.


      • #4
        Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

        But before I can explore that further, I see a hand raised in the detention section. Michelle, a pretty, sophomore flute player, is serving detention for “Panty-Soiling” and she is requesting permission to speak. She is, of course, granted permission to do so. She was apparently changing in the locker room along with Hermoine and Harris. “I’m not saying that Hermoine messed in her panties,” Michelle then explains, “But she did have some stains or skidmarks or something in her panties.” “I mean, she didn’t even have to pull her panties down to see it,” the pretty flute player reports, “You could see it in the back of her underwear when she bent over to pick up her sneakers.” “But like I said, you couldn’t really call that a mess in her panties -- it was just stains or something,” she adds, “But it wasn’t like Hermoine’s panties were perfectly clean, either. “Well, if the so-called stains are bad enough it could amount to a panty-soiling violation,” I tell Michelle and note for the record, “If they amount to actual, tangible fecal matter in a girl’s panties that would indeed be grounds for a panty-soiling violation.” Michelle tells us that she couldn’t really tell from what she saw. “I don’t know how it happened, sir,” she says, “Maybe it came from her not wiping herself and maybe it didn’t -- I just don’t know.”

        The problem, though, is that Hermoine is apparently not telling us the full story. “Are your panties dirty or are they not?” I ask her in a clearly annoyed tone. “I didn’t mess in my panties, sir,” she answers me. “I don’t appreciate being misled anymore than I appreciate being outright lied to, young lady,” I tell her -- this time in a decidedly angry tone, “I want to know if your panties are dirty or not.” Reluctantly, the smart and articulate sophomore beauty admits that her panties are indeed stained a little bit as Michelle said. “But it’s not a mess, sir,” Hermoine then quickly clarifies, “It’s not a mess like Harris says.” “I used the toilet -- I really did go in the toilet like I said,” she insists, “It’s just that maybe a little bit kind of skidmarked my panties a little bit before I could get to the toilet.” As I motion for her to continue, Hermoine tells us that she was stuck in Biology class desperate to use the toilet and the teacher just would not let her go to the girls’ room. “I pleaded and pleaded that it really was an emergency, but Miss Robinson still wouldn’t let me go,” Hermoine explains, “She said she’d allowed me to go enough times this month already and I was not going to get another girls’ room pass this month.” “And to top it off, today was lab day so it was double period,” she explains further, “So I had to hold it in through both 4th and 5th periods.” “I had to go so bad that I almost did mess in my pants,” she says, “I ALMOST messed in my panties but I didn’t.”

        But Hermoine does also acknowledge that by the time the double period was over and she was finally rushing to the girls’ room, it was already in the process of coming out. “It would push it’s way out and then I would fight and push it back in,” she explains, “But each time it seemed like it would come out a little but farther before I could push it back in.” “I guess that eventually it came out far enough that the tip of it kind of touched my panties a little bit,” Hermoine continues, “I guess it kind of touched my panties a little bit before I could push it back in.” “But it wasn’t a mess -- You can’t say that I actually made a mess in my panties,” she pleads, “It’s just that it touched my panties a little bit.” “But I really did do the whole thing in the toilet,” she argues vehemently. “Well, if you really did do the whole thing in the toilet, your panties wouldn’t have dark poop stains in them, would they?” Harris then shouts out sarcastically. And to that, of course, I quickly bang my gavel in her direction. “We don’t need any unnecessary comments from you,“ I warn her, “In fact, we don’t need anything more from you at all.”

        Mostly, though, I annoyed with Hermoine for simply claiming innocence when, in actuality, there was at least something in her panties. “You should have given us the full story right from the start, young lady,” I tell her, “You could have saved us all a lot of time if you had simply been honest from the start about what’s in your panties.” “I don’t know if it constitutes a panty-soiling or not, Hermoine,” I lecture her, “You still most certainly could have argued your innocence as to panty-soiling.” “But you had us completely puzzled as to why Harris was accusing you if you had perfectly clean panties,” I lecture her further, “If we’d have known exactly what happened, we could have simply proceeded to a panty-inspection to make a final determination.” I pause, shaking my head at the sophomore beauty, before getting to the inevitable. “Obviously then, I now must send you to the girls’ room for a panty-inspection,” I note and I ask Miss Musso to do the honors. The sexy, spandex-clad Gym Teacher promptly accepts the assignment and motions for Hermoine to follow her down the hall.

        Looking over, Harris seems a bit amused at my choice of Miss Musso for the panty-inspection. “Well, I guess Miss Musso is the expert on panty-soiling,” Harris then calls out, thinking herself quite clever. Naturally, I am not amused -- especially since the loud, outspoken sophomore has already been warned about her unnecessary comments. “Well, I just mean that Miss Musso has had a few panty-soilings of her own,” Harris notes -- digging herself deeper, “Didn’t she just do another one at the football game over Thanksgiving weekend?” “THAT’S IT!” I angrily tell her, banging my gavel in her direction as I motion her up to the podium. Once there, she is immediately sentenced to write, “I will not make unnecessary comments at meetings of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee again” 500 times. Stunned, she starts to protest her punishment. But I, however, immediately stop her. “You were warned, young lady,” I angrily tell her, “Do you want to try for 1,000 times now?” Wisely she stops and returns to her seat.

        In the meantime, as Miss Musso takes Hermoine down the hall to the girls’ room for a panty-inspection, I proceed to the next case.

        For our next case, Dr. Flower, a quite pretty but bookish-looking Science Teacher, is here with 3 girls who each stand accused of participation in a rather disgusting prank in the Science Wing girls’ room. It was between 6th and 7th period this afternoon when Dr. Flower made a very unpleasant discovery in that girls’ room.

        “I had to go both ways kind of bad and I didn’t have time to go all the faculty ladies’ room,” states Dr. Flower, “So I ducked into the student girls’ room -- the one right there in the science wing. “I went into the last stall and found a horrible mess in there,” the strict Science Teacher continues, “The toilet bowl was completely full with used toilet paper and loads of fecal matter.” “It was obviously the work of more than one girl,” she points out, “This definitely wasn’t just one girl who forgot to flush.” “Those are simply the FACTS OF LIFE,” she says, “This came from more than one girl and it was obviously intentional.”

        A subsequent TVPC investigation brings Nancy, Sue Anne, and Molly before the TVPC to answer for this. “I guess you’d call this ‘buddy dumping’ – at least in the case of Nancy and Sue Anne,” Dr. Flower explains, “I’m not sure what we’d call what Molly did.” The pretty Science Teacher goes on to explain that Nancy apparently went first – having a bowel movement in the toilet and then wiping herself in the customary manner. Then without flushing, she gave way to Sue Anne who did the same thing – dropping her own bowel movement and toilet paper on top of what her friend had already done. Molly then made her own contribution to the mess by urinating on top of all that and presumably adding a bit more toilet paper. “All of that is still down there in the toilet in case they want to deny it,” the Science Teacher points out, “I suppose when can do DNA tests on the fecal matter, if they want to deny it.” “And I’m not sure what we’re going to do next as I’m afraid the toilet is going to clog if we try to flush it like that,” Dr. Flower adds.

        Upon questioning from me, the girls quickly admit their guilt. They obviously know that trying to deny it will only make their punishments worse. When asked why they did it, they really offer no explanation. “I don’t know” is basically the response that I get from all 3 of them. “That was completely disgusting!” Dr. Flower admonishes them, “What could have possessed you to do something as disgusting as that – Did you think this was funny or something?”

        “Nancy and I both had to go, so we just decided to do it,” Sue Anne points out, “I went both ways but I think Nancy pretty much only had to do #2.” “Then Molly saw what we were doing and came over,” she explains further, “She said she only had to pee but she wanted to do it in the same toilet, too.” “I don’t know why we did it, sir – I guess we just wanted to see what it would be like,” she continues contritely, “I guess we did think it was funny at the time.” “But you’re right, sir, that it really isn’t funny,” she adds, “It’s just disgusting.” Both of her companions nod their heads in agreement with that. “I’m sorry,” Molly adds, “It really was disgusting.”

        “Fortunately none of you girls have ever done anything like this before,” I tell them sternly, “And none of you have lengthy toilet records at all.” “That will save you each from getting a toilet suspension,” I point out, “But let me tell you that this is definitely the kind of thing that can get a girl placed on toilet suspension for.” “Unless you actually want to get placed on toilet suspension, you’d better not even think of doing something like this again,” I warn them. I pause for a moment to let that sink in. “But for now, you can consider yourselves lucky that you’re going to keep your toilet privileges,” I tell them, “Although you might not consider yourselves lucky when I get done with you.”

        Nancy and Sue Anne, who contributed bowel movements to the mess, are each sentenced to 2 weeks of bathroom cleaning after school and they must each write “I will not engage in buddy dumping or otherwise leave the toilet unflushed again” 500 times. Molly, who only contributed a urination to the mess, will serve 1 week of toilet cleaning detention and write the sentence 300 times. You will each also write a 2,500 word letters of apology to your fellow students who unfortunately have to share girls’ rooms with people like you. Those apologies will then be posted on the wall in that girls’ room for an entire month for everyone to see.

        In the meantime, I direct that the girls each put on a pair of custodians’ work gloves. “Naturally, your first toilet cleaning task will take place immediately,” I tell them, “You 3 will immediately report to that same Science Wing girls’ room and clean up that mess.” “They’ll have to stick their hands in the toilet and pull some of that stuff out before they can flush it,” Dr. Flower points out, “I don’t think the toilet can be flushed otherwise.” “Good – They deserve it,” I answer, “Hopefully it’ll make them think twice about doing something like this again.” “But I only peed in the toilet,” Molly then pleads. The point apparently is that since she only “peed” in there, she shouldn’t have to handle fecal matter and fecal-soiled toilet paper. “That’s too bad,” I tell her, “You contributed to making the mess, so now you’ll have to contribute to cleaning the mess.”

        They are dismissed with Dr. Flower who will now take them to the girls’ room for that very disgusting – but well deserved -- task. And just for the record, today’s task will be in addition to -- rather than part of -- they’re previously assigned toilet cleaning punishment.

        Now getting back to Hermoine’s panty-soiling case, I direct her and Miss Musso back to the podium. “Hermoine is right, Mr. Chairman,” the sexy, Gym Teacher announces, “It’s not a mess in her panties.” “Her panties do have some serious skidmarks, though,” Miss Musso also notes, “That bowel movement of hers must really have been touching cotton pretty bad because it was pretty close to being enough for a panty-soiling.” “It looked more like it was SCRAPING cotton than merely touching it,” the sexy teacher and coach comments. “There really was a lot there, young lady,” she adds, directing her comments directly to Hermoine, “It just wasn’t quite enough in your panties for it to be considered a full-blown accident violation.” With that information officially received, the TVPC finds Hermoine “Not Guilty” of the “Panty-Soiling” charged brought by Harris. In dismissing both girls, I remind Harris that her 500 times assignment for her comments about Miss Musso is due in one week.


        • #5
          Toilet Violations Punishment Committee

          Moving along with our agenda this afternoon, we next turn our attention to our ace restroom monitor Mrs. Johns. Mrs. Johns has two cases before the TVPC this afternoon.

          I am quite disappointed to see that the first one involves Cheyenne, a very pretty senior blonde who is also captain of our cheerleading squad. I am quite surprised indeed to see that she is charged with “Using Profanity To Refer To Bodily Functions.” As faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, we do tolerate the use of slang terms in reference to a girl’s bodily functions but we draw the line when it comes to using profanity to refer to them. Cheyenne is accused specifically of suing the word “shit” to refer to her needing a bowel movement -- the incident apparently occurring during 5th period in the girls’ room across from the school cafeteria.

          Turning to Cheyenne, the pretty, blonde-haired cheerleader looks frustrated. “Well, I did say it,” she acknowledges, “But I just don’t see what the big deal is.” “The big deal is that you said it, young lady,” I tell her matter-of-factly, “You’re not allowed to use words like that to refer to your bodily functions.” “Around here girls do not shit,” I lecture Cheyenne, “They have bowel movements or they defecate.” Hearing that, Cheyenne nods her head mockingly and rolls her eyes at me. Suffice to say, I’m not pleased with that. “You know this is not exactly a serious offense, Cheyenne,” I tell her in an annoyed tone, “As long as I’m convinced that you’re sufficiently sorry, your punishment will most certainly be a mild one.” “But if I’m not convinced you’re sorry about this -- If I’m not convinced you’re going to watch your choice of words in the future,” I warn her, “We’ll just have to make you sorry -- We’ll just have to do something to try to convince you of the importance of watching your language.” Cheyenne then nods her head indicating that she understands my not-so-subtle point.

          “But the thing is, sir, nobody calls it that,” Cheyenne -- RESPECTFULLY -- tells me, “Nobody says that they have to defecate or that they have to have a bowel movement.” “Look, sir -- I get that those are the correct terms,” she says, “Maybe that is what we should call it.” “But I’m just saying that no one actually says it like that,” the pretty cheerleader reiterates, “We just don’t talk that way around each other.” “And it wasn’t like I yelled it across the room, either,” she argues, “It was just something I quietly said to one of my friends.” “I just said to Lexi that I had to take a …well, what I said,” Cheyenne explains, “But I guess Mrs. Johns did hear me.” “Mrs. Johns hears everything,” Mrs. Karbopple quips, “That’s why she’s such a good restroom monitor.”

          Mrs. Johns confirms that that is indeed what Cheyenne said. “And you did indeed say it loud enough for me to hear,” she tells Cheyenne, “You didn’t shout it across the room but you didn’t exactly whisper it, either.” Our ace restroom monitor reports that it happened while Cheyenne and her friends Lexi and Libby seemed to be trying to figure out which particular stall to use in the girls’ room. Cheyenne confirms that that is correct. “Yes, ma’am,” she tells Mrs. Johns, “I had to…..well….defecte, I guess…and I was looking for a clean stall to do it in.” “I don’t usually like to go at lunchtime because the bathroom is usually not the cleanest,” she points out, “But this time I really had to go kind of bad and I didn’t want to risk holding it in and waiting.” The pretty senior blonde then explains that they came upon a stall that was pretty clean. “Lexi pointed it out to me but I saw that there was only a little bit of toilet paper left,” she tells us, “It obviously wasn’t enough toilet paper for what I needed to do.” “That’s when I just shook my head and told her what I needed to do,” Cheyenne explains further, “Only I didn’t say that it was a bowel movement or that I needed to defecate.” “Really sir, no one says it like that,” she reiterates, “And I never meant for anyone other than my friends to hear it.”

          Mrs. Johns confirms Cheyenne’s account of the incident. “That sounds exactly right,” the ace restroom monitors reports, “She didn’t say it loud at all but she did say it.” “I don’t think there’s any need to be all that severe with her over this,” Mrs. Johns adds. Mrs. Crabtree, a TVPC member, reminds Cheyenne that there are other words she can use. “We don’t actually encourage slang terms for bodily functions,” Mrs. Crabtree explains, “We do want girls to use the correct terms for their toilet-related matters.” “But at least we don’t punish you for slang terms,” she explains further, “It’s only when you use profane terms for such things that you find yourself standing where you are standing now.” “Yes, ma’am,” Cheyenne tells her, nodding her head that she understands.

          Cheyenne’s only prior offense this year is once being late for class for bathroom purposes. And, as I’ve indicated, it’s not a serious offense. For punishment, she’ll have to write the phrase “Bowel Movement” 500 times. Cheyenne again nods her head in acceptance of that.

          Mrs. John’s 2nd case involves a gorgeous brunette named Jackie. Jackie is charged with improperly squatting over the toilet while having a bowel movement – The violation occurring in the girls’ room across from the cafeteria during 6th period today.

          “I’m sorry, but I’m not sitting down on those toilets,” Jackie tells us emphatically, “I’m usually not that particular about toilet seats, but no way am I sitting all the way down in that girls’ room.” “I don’t know what the big deal is, sir,” the prissy, junior beauty tells us, “I just squatted over the toilet instead of sitting down like I usually do.” “It’s not like I messed on the toilet seat or on the toilet or anything,” she tells me, shrugging her shoulders, “Everything went where it was supposed to go.” That last comment draws a few giggles from the assembled crowd. “It’s not like I’m the first girl to ever squat over a toilet rather than sitting all the way down,” she adds, “I mean, most of the time I do sit, but that’s only if the toilet seat looks clean.” “I know some girls who never sit all the way down in the school toilets,” she points out, “It can’t be against the rules or some girls would be in detention every day.”

          Her response shows that she doesn’t understand school toilet rules very well. “It’s not against the rules to squat over the toilet,” I tell Jackie, “And that’s true whether you’re having a bowel movement or whether you just need to urinate.” “But you’re not allowed to squat if you leave the toilet seat down,” I explain, “If you have to squat, you have to lift up the toilet seat first.” “It’s only common sense,” I explain further, “If you’re not going to use the toilet seat to sit on, just lift it up so it doesn’t get wet or soiled while you’re squatting over it.” “O.K., but I didn’t mess on the seat or even wet it,” Jackie says, “It’s not exactly rocket science to squat over a toilet.” “Like I said before, everything went where it was supposed to go,” she argues, “What difference does it make whether a girl sits or squats as long as everything goes in the toilet where it’s supposed to go.”

          Apparently, she’s still not getting it. “If you’re going to squat, you’ve got to lift up the toilet seat first – It’s that simple,” I tell Jackie sternly, “Those are the rules and I’m not going to debate them with you.” “It isn’t a serious offense and your punishment this time isn’t going to be bad at all,” I also tell her, “But it is most certainly a violation to squat without first lifting up the toilet seat.” “What exactly is the problem with picking up the toilet seat before you squat?” I ask her. “Or perhaps I can arrange it so you’re not allowed to squat at all,” I suggest, “I mean, if you can’t learn to squat properly according to the rules, we can simply require you to just sit all the time.”

          I can tell Jackie doesn’t like that idea at all. I‘m thinking she squats rather than sits a lot more often than she‘s letting on. “You know I wouldn’t have even been squatting at all if Mrs. Johns had just let me go to the bathroom upstairs,” Jackie tells us, “It’s only because Mrs. Johns made me use the girls’ room across from the cafeteria that I was even squatting in the first place.” I look at her puzzled. “Well, I’m not going to sit on the seats in the girls’ room by the cafeteria,” she explains. “That bathroom is just gross,” she says, “Do you know how many behinds are sitting on those seats every day?”

          “I never bothered to count,” I tell her, poking fun at her melodramatics. “Well, it’s a lot of girls going in there every day,” she tells me, “That’s why I never like to go in there – That’s why I wanted to go upstairs but Mrs. Johns wouldn’t let me.” “All you had to do was let me go upstairs and use the girls’ room in the Science Wing,” Jackie argues, “I would have just stat down on the toilet seat then and none of this would have even happened.” “That bathroom doesn’t get used nearly as much and it’s always a lot cleaner,” she continues, “I don’t mind sitting on the toilet seats in there at all.” “And you get a lot more privacy in there, too,” she also points out, “That’s really nice when you gotta do what I had to do at lunch today.” “But Mrs. Johns made me use the girls’ room across from the cafeteria instead,” Jackie repeats in a decidedly snide tone.

          Her tone annoys Mrs. Karbopple, a member of the TVPC, very much. So Mrs. Johns MADE you use the girls’ room down by the cafeteria?” she asks Jackie, “What did she hold a gun to her head?” “Well, she didn’t actually MAKE me use it in that sense,” Jackie responds, a bit annoyed, “But what choice did I really have.” “I mean, I had to go – I REALLY had to go,” the gorgeous junior brunette continues, “So unless I wanted to go in my pants, I really had no choice but to use that bathroom.” “And trust me, there was no way that I wanted to go in my pants,” she says, “Believe me, I would have just held it in if I could.” “But I don’t care bow bad a bathroom is,” the prissy, beauty goes on -- characteristically melodramatic, “I still would rather go in there and squat than to risk going in my pants.” “It’s just gross to go in your pants – I just can’t believe any girl would do that,” she rambles on, “That’s why I’ll just go in there and squat if I have to but I’ll never just go in my pants instead.” But like I said before, I just don’t know why Mrs. Johns wouldn’t just let me go upstairs to go to the bathroom,” she adds.

          That statement annoys me a bit. “We have a girls’ room right across from the cafeteria,” I tell her, raising my voice a bit, “And that’s the one you’ll use if you need to use the girls’ room during lunch.” “That’s precisely why we put a girls’ room across from the cafeteria,” I also tell her, “Its so girls’ can use it freely during their lunch period.” “Mrs. Johns was right not to let you go use a girls’ room elsewhere,” I add. Still, it’s not a serious offense and Jackie (with only a “Using Too Much Toilet Paper” on her toilet record so far this year) only gets an hour of detention and will have to write “I must learn to lift up the toilet seat when I squat over the toilet” 100 times. “Just lift up the toilet seat next time you’re going to squat, Jackie,” I urge her, “It really doesn’t have to be complicated or diffiecult.”

          The last item on the TVPC agenda is bit of committee business. For this, I call to the podium a quite pretty junior named CeCe. I must say that she looks quite stylish in what appears to be a brand new pair of dressy-looking jeans. It’s a striking contrast to one week ago when CeCe last appeared before the TVPC. She tells me that she just got the jeans for a birthday present. “I wanted to SHAKE IT UP a bit and start dressing nicer,” she tells me. “I must say they’re looking a whole lot nicer than your jeans the last time you were here,” I tell her, “Let’s hope you don’t do that again -- especially not in your new jeans.” “Amen to that, sir,” she tells me. In her last appearance, she stood before the TVPC with a quite obvious and quite shameful doubleheader accident in her pants -- the messy portion having happened in the school cafeteria at lunchtime.

          “I would just hate to see you wet and soil your new jeans like you did your old ones last week,” I tell her, “I hope we don’t have anything like that from you again.” “Yeah -- me too, sir,” she tells me, “I definitely don’t want that.” She tells me that she just used the girls’ room right before coming here to the meeting. “I went um…. you know, both ways,” she says. “I had been holding it in a while -- I was going to wait until I got home,” CeCe explains, “But then I thought better of it and went and used the girls’ room instead.” I commend her for that. “I bet it feels good using the girls’ room when you need to,” I suggest. But the pretty junior with reddish-blonde hair just shakes her head and gives me a sour face. “Well, lets just say that it’s better than going in my pants,” CeCe then explains, “I wouldn’t actually say that it feels good having to do it in there, in the girls’ room, though.” Well, so much for that but at least she did do it in the toilet like she’s supposed to rather than risking another mess in her panties.

          Moving on to CeCe’s business before the TVPC today, she has an essay to hand in. I note that CeCe has already handed in her 200 times of “I will not soil nor will I wet my panties in school again” and served her 3 hours of detention -- that being, her punishment for her doubleheader accident one week ago. But as faithful readers of the TVPC surely know, her having the panty-soiling accident in the cafeteria at lunchtime means having to do additional punishment. First, the girl is required to spend one week sitting at a special table in the cafeteria at lunchtime -- a table specifically reserved for girls who’ve had soiling accidents in the cafeteria at lunchtime. “How is that going?” I ask her. “It’s embarrassing, sir -- that’s really embarrassing,” she tells me, “Thankfully, tomorrow is my last day.” “That and my essay here is the last of my punishment,” she adds, holding up the 500 word essay that she was also required to write. The essay is an apology to the other students in the cafeteria -- an apology for messing in her panties in the cafeteria while they were eating lunch.

          As directed by me, CeCe then hands the completed essay to the TVPC clerk. “Does that really have to go up on the cafeteria wall?” she then asks me. “I’m afraid it does, young lady,” I answer. TVPC regulations, of course, require that apology essays of this sort get posted on the cafeteria wall for everyone to see. “But look on the bright side,” I then tell her, “Since it’s your first offense messing your panties in the cafeteria at lunch, it only goes up on the wall for a week.” “Yes, sir -- but it’s embarrassing,” the junior beauty tells me, “It’s just like a reminder to everyone of what I did.” “Well then, hopefully you wont’ do it again,” I tell her. “Amen to that,” she says.

          Looking over the girl’s essay, our TVPC clerk pronounces that it appears to be complete and in good order. Accordingly, the essay is accepted and CeCe is dismissed. She is reminded, though, that a second such accident -- that is, a panty-soiling in the cafeteria at lunchtime -- results in an entire month sitting at that special table in the cafeteria as well as writing a 1,000 word apology essay that stays up on the cafeteria for an entire month.

          So concludes another session of the Toilet Violations Punishment Committee. Meeting adjourned at 4:21 PM.


          • #6
            CeCe's Punishment Essay

            Name: CeCe

            TVPC Punishment Essay

            Offense: Messing My Panties in the Cafeteria at Lunchtime

            Offense Date: December 13, 2019

            Length: 500 words

            Due Date: December 20, 2019

            I am writing this essay to apologize for what I did in the cafeteria during 6th period lunch on Friday, December 13th. What I did was have an accident and mess in my panties at lunch. It was a very disgusting thing to do and I am very sorry that I did it. I am very sorry because the other students have a right to eat lunch in the cafeteria without having to smell the mess in my panties. I know that I would definitely not want to smell another girl’s mess in her panties while I was eating lunch. And obviously, other girls do not want to smell mine when I go in my panties. It’s bad enough when a girl messes her panties in class and other girls have to smell it in the classroom. But it’s obviously even worse when a girl does it in the cafeteria and other girls have to smell it while they are eating lunch. That’s why I have to do this extra punishment for having an accident and messing in my panties last Tuesday.

            Not only is messing in my panties like this disgusting, it is very shameful. There is no excuse for girls in high school like me to be messing in their panties at all -- much less to do it in the cafeteria at lunchtime. There is no excuse not to go to the girls’ room when I need to and do it in the toilet there. Just because I may prefer to do it in my own bathroom at home is no excuse to avoid having a bowel movement here at school when I need to. Though they might not be as nice or as private as my own bathroom at home, there is nothing wrong with the girls’ rooms here at school. There is no reason why I should be holding it in and trying to wait to go at home when there are perfectly suitable girls’ room facilities here at school for me to use. I must learn not hold in my bowel movements at school but instead go use the girls’ room when I need to.

            When I try to hold it too long in school is when I sometimes end up messing in my panties in school. Sometimes I can manage to hold it in and wait and go at home but sometimes I can’t hold it in and I have accidents. I must learn that holding it in sometimes and messing in my panties sometimes is not an excuse. There is no excuse for going in my pants at all. I must learn to go in the toilet all the time and that obviously including going in the toilet in the girls’ room at school when I need to go at school. There is simply no excuse for any girl my age to be messing in her panties at all. And there is especially no excuse for me to be doing it in the cafeteria at lunchtime.

            I am very sorry for messing in my panties in school and I am especially sorry for doing it in the cafeteria at lunchtime. It was completely disgusting and I am very ashamed of myself for doing it. I must learn to use the girls’ room at school when I need to and not to mess in my panties again.


            • #7

              I would volunteer to monitor Grace. Something about a sexy cheerleading in spandex that excites me. Toss in a hefty poopload, well that is what erotic dreams are made for.

              Thank you Arnold. ..

