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A pic at Shara and Ger's

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  • A pic at Shara and Ger's

    Newest addition (page 553) second from the left on the top row. I loooove these types of complete and total accidents. Anyone know where it comes from?

  • #2
    Can't seem to get on to their site at the moment - anybody else having problems getting past the disclaimer page?


    • #3
      I had a problem accessing it using AOL, so I switched browser, and it works okay. Don't know what the problem is with AOL.


      • #4
        Speaking of great pictures, anyone know the story behind the series on page 554, starting with the last pic on the right in the second row? Girl peed herself in a car and I don't see anything that looks particularly fake about it, which is always exciting.


        • #5
          Originally posted by simes_wetty
          Can't seem to get on to their site at the moment - anybody else having problems getting past the disclaimer page?
          I have to click twice on the "Click HERE" on the disclaimer page since a week or so. After that no problems. Dunno why that double click is. It happened after a Firefox 4 (Or Windows, they came at the same moment) update but that can be a coincidence that has nothing to do with it.
          Last edited by pipi; May 17, 2011, 12:54 AM.


          • #6
            I too would like to know the story or vid behind the car accident.


            • #7
              Shara & Ger's is posting a lot of good, provocative photos.

              I, too, would like get some background on the one in the car (apparently not from the UK).

              There's one on page 554 (top row, fifth from left) that reminds me of the wetting in Georgia I mentioned in reply to Ihansen's grocery store recollections.

              The gal in my post was slimmer; and her skirt, a tad longer. Since this is a photo, it's tough to guess how the woman is reacting to her wetting; but the one I saw those many years ago was definitely hot and aroused by hers.


              • #8
                The car wetting photos (similar to many others in this most recent update on femaledesperation) were originally posted on Wetset a couple of years or so ago, by someone of his girlfriend. The same girl was recently revived by myself, at which point the OP (I presume) posted a couple of pics including her face (one of which was the car one). So, anyone who visits the photo board here often enough will probably have seen them?

                As for the problems entering their site, I too have that issue - in my Opera browser, I cannot get past the warning page. However, my Chrome browser allows me to go further. Maybe something is up with the software for the femaledesperation site, certainly something isn't working properly?


                • #9
                  Click Twice

                  I have also had to click the "click Here" link twice to get in, no trouble, just wanted to mention it to help others.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kimbala79
                    I have also had to click the "click Here" link twice to get in, no trouble, just wanted to mention it to help others.
                    They have had this stupid referer blocking for years. If you aren't coming from a page on the site, you are redirected to the splash screen.
                    I guess this is because they want to protect the images from hotlinking, and want to force a visitor to verify he's 18.

                    Fine with me (I spoof ) but really annoying when it doesn't work.
                    Or when a person does not send a referer header (like me). The web page becomes unusable.

                    I suppose this problem is just that script.


                    • #11

                      I've been going to Shara & Ger's site on a daily basis for many years and have had multiple subscriptions to WHP. Over this extended interval, there have been a few times when the "Click Here" link didn't work.

                      This step is a means of protection that the owners of that website certainly have every right to utilize, and it's almost impossible to believe that someone finds this objectionable and bothersome enough to post criticism here.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wiseguy
                        Newest addition (page 553) second from the left on the top row. I loooove these types of complete and total accidents. Anyone know where it comes from?
                        And I [sarcasm] loooooove [/sarcasm] that their website is the only one on the internet which you can't reach via hyperlink.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by PP1

                          I've been going to Shara & Ger's site on a daily basis for many years and have had multiple subscriptions to WHP. Over this extended interval, there have been a few times when the "Click Here" link didn't work.

                          This step is a means of protection that the owners of that website certainly have every right to utilize, and it's almost impossible to believe that someone finds this objectionable and bothersome enough to post criticism here.
                          What can I say? I like to criticize stuff

                          I like the website, but this has always bothered me, because I have to configure my browser to be able to use it. Furthermore, this configuration is specific for that website, so I have to store the URL in the settings.

                          I have said what's wrong with it (yes, it IS flawed) for a number of times but nobody pays attention (which I understand, because it is not interesting at all ). I'm not complaining about them blocking requests from other sites. I'm complaining about them blocking requests from no site (try copying a url from there and pasting it in your address bar, it will still load the intro page). If they (understandably) want to block hotlinking, do it for requests coming from another site, not no site. If they want to force the age confirmation, just use a session cookie or something.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Drying
                            I'm not complaining about them blocking requests from other sites. I'm complaining about them blocking requests from no site (try copying a url from there and pasting it in your address bar, it will still load the intro page). If they (understandably) want to block hotlinking, do it for requests coming from another site, not no site. If they want to force the age confirmation, just use a session cookie or something.
                            Exactly. So many people here bitch and moan about "well they have a right to protect their content" and "they have a right to keep out minors". Well, yes, of course they have both those rights, no one is arguing that. What I'm arguing is that they're doing so with technology from 1992. Show some respect for your visitors and update your website to something from this century, FFS

                            BTW, most of the pics there are from Skymouse, so they're probably fakes anyway. Women with hidden water hoses in their panties.
                            Last edited by Peevert; May 22, 2011, 02:47 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Peevert
                              Exactly. So many people here bitch and moan about "well they have a right to protect their content" and "they have a right to keep out minors". Well, yes, of course they have both those rights, no one is arguing that. What I'm arguing is that they're doing so with technology from 1992. Show some respect for your visitors and update your website to something from this century, FFS

                              BTW, most of the pics there are from Skymouse, so they're probably fakes anyway. Women with hidden water hoses in their panties.
                              And the pics they are posting nowadays are ones that have been posted here more often than not, or on other well-known sites. They no longer have much original content, though I still look once a week just to see what is on their site.

                              As for all the moans about their entry process, although I do completely agree and it is frustrating, like any site, until they notice a considerable drop in visitors, why should they change something that has clearly suited them, for whatever reasons technical or legal or personal?

                              In short, as with anything, if you don't like it, don't visit. They'll soon get the hint!

