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Isn't it annoying when...

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  • Isn't it annoying when...

    ...You're in a situation where you have to admit that what you're into is disgusting.

    For example, when my flatmate says 'Omg I nearly pissed myself!' or 'I can't believe I wet myself last night!', and I have to laugh with her about it, like it's some sort of joke.

    Can you imagine if every time one of us was in that situation we just said "Well actually I'm totally turned on right now at the thought you urinating all over yourself!"

    Well, maybe some of you have
    The Daily Wet

  • #2
    I used to play along with the "eew, gross" bit, being embarassed about myself. However, as I grow older I have had plenty of times where I have generally made a fool out of myself, not fetish related, but like getting drunk and puking at a party, ect- and with each one my "I don't give a shit what others think" attitude grows stronger.

    So I guess my point is I have just come out and told people "damn, check her out- I'd like to have her piss on me"

    If they don't like it, f*** 'em. No different from their "I'd hit that" remarks, or what not.

    Usually I hint about my fetish after drinking, and youd be suprised at some of the responses.

    they range from possibly into it to disgusted. The one who pull the "whats wrong with you?" crap, I usually just ask them just what the h*** they like.

    Then I go all "you like big breasts, nice booties- f****** pervert thats sick" (eventhough I don't think that, just trying to prove a point.

    Sorry to go on with this rambling post, I guess my point was I don't care if I'm seen as a perv or freak or whatever. (However I do completely understand reasons why some of you may want to stay covert)



    • #3

      And what even makes it worse is that wetting and desperation are such niche fetishes that it would be WEIRDER to talk about them specifically as opposed to "watersports" in general


      • #4
        It's funny because you would think with all the weird stuff people are into, you should just come out and admit it. I can see where people would think you're demented, but hell, deep down they probably like it more than you

