Does any notice that there aren't any black women being models for wetting sites? Does any have any thoughts as to why black women do no agree to do this kind of work? Or is it just me noticing there aren't any. Please post feedback.
I expect it is lack of demand. The adult entertainment industry has a lot of flaws, but being slow to pick up on a niche market is not one of them! If the demand was there I expect it would have been done by now. Perhaps drop Paul an email and ask him?
From the random surveys I have seen on wetset and such like over the years, it seems like the vast majority of people into this fetish are white professionals (I was astounded from the frequent flaming on here that most who answered the education question said they had a degree!).
I would expect the white male population to generally prefer white female models. That's not to say a white man won't find a black woman attractive, it's just based on the fact that ethnic groups tend to have relationships within the same ethnic group.
I'm a white professional with a preference for beautiful, shapely women. Their skin color and eye shape don't matter a whit to me.
It's evident that the vast majority of models on pay-per-view sites are white. As Aloo mentions, this is to cater to perceived preferences of the typical subscriber.
Occasionally, some sites have featured women of Asian genotype; and, much less frequently, women of African genotype. Skymouse and INeed2Pee have used black models in the past as did one recent Wetting Her Panties live web-cast.
Or, as a black female friend once told me. "White guys are kinky. They like eating pussy, and like getting pissed on". I'd hardly consider licking pussy "kinky", so I guess it's just a cultural thing.
@ PP1, in addition to Skymouse and INeed2Pee, we have had a black girl in some of our Patches videos. A girl named Devan appeared in Patches 38 to 43 and also Patches 45. Our latest video producer to be represented by Patches' Place and Wet Set is Young Pee Girls and their first DVD (First Timers) includes a black girl.
Over the years I have had requests from various customers for certain ethnic girls in addition to black. I have had request for Hispanic girls (which we have had) and also Chinese and Indian (from India) girls (which I could not find for our videos). Customers preferences are definitely not limited to Caucasian.
Why that is I haven't the slightest. All I know is, is that it is fairly common among my white friends. Now, none of us ever talk about it, but little things slip and over time stuff just kind of slips out.
I've had many non white friends over the years and we do confide in one another, but I never pick up on anything unusual or kinky. Why that is I haven't the slightest.
Somebody said something about licking pussy. Hell until a moment ago, I thought everyone did it.
Sometimes I've worried that if you didn't confide your kink to a new girlfriend, she thought it wasn't a real relationship and she'd think you were weird.
I have no objection to seeing desperate black ladies, in fact I would welcome such a sight.
My experience of looking for desperation in UK, US and other countries has been that I have seen far fewer desperate, or acting desperate, black ladies than those of other ethnic groups.
Do they have greater bladder capacity?
Conditioned not to reveal how desperate they are?
This applies even in situations or places where they make up the majority of the population.
Skymouse has black and brown models.
One might think, (politically incorrect) that in poorer black countries it would be easier to hire models willing to do 'anything' for money