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More finds from round the web

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  • More finds from round the web

    A few more finds from recent surfing...

    Lets start off with some random pictures......
    (At drunk woman has wet herself at a graduation party.... and carried on playing)

    http://s185.photobucket.com/albums/x...s.jpg&newest=1 (Wetting, nothing else shown of it or mentioned in the album which is a shame) PS If this link doesn’t work when posted it will be because for some reason URL’s containing view&current don’t post properly and come up with a *t or something like that instead. Just change to URL to say ....action=view&current=PissyPants.....

    http://good-times.webshots.com/photo...78082522VhKSwt (An old wetting shot from webshots. There is also a squat later on in the album).

    http://mediatakeout.com/mobile/content/?view=33509 Apparently this is a shot of Rihanna having wet herself. I think it’s a spill, but thought any fans might like.

    http://www.viceland.com/blogs/fr/201...t-pipi-debout/ (Two girls squatting, it looks like the chubby one on the right has already wet her panties?)

    http://www.collegehumor.com/picture/2968018 (Fat woman pissed herself at Oktoberfest)

    Now for some news. The headlines: Woman sues for wetting herself - http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2010/10/...9041286730077/
    That’s it for the news. No one cares about politics so we’ll leave it there.

    I do have a good blog entry though. Also a little brief, but it mentions a nice story of a 22 year old girl getting drunk on her birthday, passing out and pissing herself.

    Another blog... this one is from a woman recalling her bedwetting past. I wasn’t sure about this, when I first read it, it sounded like a BS story from a wetting fan. Recounting finding a friend who conveniently also wet the bed etc. But everything else about this blogger looks so normal and genuine, I actually believe it is a true story. It’s in two parts:

    The youtubes aren’t as good as the last update, but there are a few worth mentioning.
    Seeing as there's been a few fight wettings around recently, I'll start with one. It's actually quite an old video (posted on youtube in Sept 2009) but I had never seen it. A fight kicks off outside a nightclub - the shot is quite dark and there is quite a lot going on that makes it hard to follow, but stick with it. There are a few glimpses of what could be wetness or could be shadow through the first part, but with the quality of the shot it’s hard to tell (according to one person’s comment, two of the white girls pissed themselves but not being able to tell who is who makes it hard to verify).
    However, at 3.08 you see one of the white girls pinned up to the front of a shop, and when she turns around at 3.11 you can see she has clearly pissed herself. The fight then gets broken up.
    In this one, a much older Caribbean lady is drunk and has gone on a rampage attacking cars. Now I have to say, I cannot find this woman attractive in any way shape or form, even with pissy pants. But the wetting is clear to see and the video, if nothing else, is highly amusing!
    The next two claim to be wettings but nothing is visable. I am inclined to think the first one def happened, it’s a theme park ride and the girls on the ground doing the filming suddenly start with the “OMG she peed herself” excited laughing / yelling whilst filming the two girls on the ride.
    And this one I had to include as I have taken the 213 bus from Kingston many times myself!
    Now I will end with the real highlight of this post. In my frustrations at the way webshots has declined over the years I feared we were losing our wetting pics to the member only world of facebook. No friend = not much chance of seeing anything. However, I have discovered that Twicsy is a good source of webshots type finds. It’s not as good as webshots used to be as there seems to rarely be a ‘series’ of shots, they are generally one off pictures. But there are a lot of them about at the moment that I think are new to this forum:
    http://twicsy.com/i/gHo8C (Wetting, a bit dark but still visable)
    http://twicsy.com/i/XQCMB (Wet skirt)
    http://twicsy.com/i/NS3iD (Wet jeans, might be a spill, can’t tell)
    http://twicsy.com/i/CuuwA (Small wetting in jeans)
    http://twicsy.com/i/nMGuD (Drunk(?), wet skirt, in a bar)
    http://twicsy.com/i/jricF (Laugh wetting, pink shorts)
    http://twicsy.com/i/oDPxF (Wet jeans attempting to pop a squat)
    http://twicsy.com/i/q6vXC (Wet ass in jeans)
    http://twicsy.com/i/NaSoE (This one is v interesting. Not sure if she’s drunk or what but she has properly pissed her white jeans, and she’s outside in public)
    http://twicsy.com/i/gHFjE (Skirt wetting, looks like it could be after a night out in a fast food kind of place)
    http://twicsy.com/i/5rSUD (Wet ass - not 100% sure on this one, could be wet from the trampoline she’s on, but no way to know for sure)
    http://twicsy.com/i/wNE3C (Pissed herself on public transport)
    http://twicsy.com/i/8cepD (Drunk, passed out on the street. The comment from the guy posting is pretty funny)
    http://twicsy.com/i/USDoz (Laugh wetting in denim shorts)
    http://twicsy.com/i/SHTfA (Wet jeans)
    http://twicsy.com/i/HJvVx (Jeans accident in public. I really like this one. Could be in a mall or train station?)
    http://twicsy.com/i/qFmhD (Jeans wetting. Again, I really like this one, nice stain!)
    http://twicsy.com/i/cT7JD (Old woman (def not sexy!) but very public outside a NatWest bank.)
    http://twicsy.com/i/cJfdz (Wet jeans, on a tram / train?)
    http://twicsy.com/i/C4V8y (Wet ass on grey leggings. I like the comment ‘I thought I taught you how to hold it’!)
    http://twicsy.com/i/iibZE (Peed pants in supermarket)
    http://twicsy.com/i/BFvJD (Drunk, passed out, pissed herself on sofa in front of her friends)
    http://twicsy.com/i/witZy (Wet shorts in nightclub)
    http://twicsy.com/i/ZT7RE (Allegedly a wetting through excitement)
    http://twicsy.com/i/wLMMF (Wet pink trousers in public)

    And these twicsy finds are a little different:
    http://twicsy.com/i/koy5E No wetting shown but they are mopping some very yellow liquid up off the floor with the comment “Mikala peed her pants..”
    http://twicsy.com/i/mLKjF A shot of a pee stained mattress with the comment “Some girl pissed my boys bed last night”
    http://twicsy.com/i/EfnoE Some wet ladies underwear with the comment “Pee pee stain”

    And to finish, a twicsy ‘celeb find’....?
    http://twicsy.com/i/7bYsA Some chick called Selena Gomez who is apparently dating Justin Bieber (who I have heard of!) on stage... looks like a pee spot... could be sweat, but she doesn’t seem sweaty anywhere else.

    Needless to say it is possible to tweet a number of the wet girls featured in the twicsy pics above. Please don’t! Having some creepy guy tweet wetting related messages will not get said creepy guy laid with said wet girl in a night of pissy heaven. It will simply stop them from ever posting again.


  • #2
    thanks for another great post Aloo, I don't know how you do it, love the twicsy finds


    • #3
      A fine set of photos, Aloo. My favourite one is of the girl who has wet skirt after a possible night out. I would have wanted to take more photos of her! Thanks for the effort you put in to find all these links.


      • #4
        Great selection of pics.
        Aloo, you rock!


        • #5
          Never heard of her, but would like to know more about this!



          • #6
            Originally posted by Aloo
            A few more finds from recent surfing...

            Now for some news. The headlines: Woman sues for wetting herself - http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2010/10/...9041286730077/
            That’s it for the news. No one cares about politics so we’ll leave it there.

            I remember reading about this somewhere. Pregnant women have no special legal right to bathroom access. If it's closed, it's closed. Unless the restroom is supposed to be open when the business is open. Then, she has the same rights as everyone else. But again, no special rights because she's pregnant. Americans have completely lost the ability to take responsibility for their own actions. Everything is someone else's fault. If I piss myself, it's the fault of the concert hall. Puh lease...

            As always, nice finds, Aloo
            Last edited by Peevert; June 6, 2011, 06:45 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peevert
              Pregnant women have no special legal right to bathroom access.
              And the world is better place for it!

              Personally I don't think women should have any bathroom rights at all.

              Thanks for the positive feedback people, I'll get on with some more surfing later in the week.



              • #8
                I have also caught the 213 several times. You must live quite near me!

                Small world.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The99Club
                  Never heard of her, but would like to know more about this!

                  Well yeah. What do you think women did in eras when the clothing was layered and there were no readily accessible facilities?

                  As far as I have ever been able to determine, from the 1400's to the dawn of the 20th century women were taught to wet themselves. Usually the many layers of skirts/petticoats/bloomers would absorb it, and if you were outside the ground would take care of the rest. And what do you think they wore during the "monthly visit"? Why a version of a baby's diaper. You have to remember, people didn't bathe regularly in those days, so everyone stunk to high heavens.

                  This may be part of the reason why so many men are ravenously attracted to women who wet. It was just a natural thing for centuries so sexuality adapted to it.
                  Last edited by DeltaFoxtrot; June 7, 2011, 08:24 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Percival
                    I have also caught the 213 several times. You must live quite near me!

                    Small world.
                    Not anymore but I went to Kingston uni not so long ago. A very nice area on the whole, I wouldn't rule out moving back there one day.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
                      As far as I have ever been able to determine, from the 1400's to the dawn of the 20th century women were taught to wet themselves. Usually the many layers of skirts/petticoats/bloomers would absorb it, and if you were outside the ground would take care of the rest. And what do you think they wore during the "monthly visit"? Why a version of a baby's diaper. You have to remember, people didn't bathe regularly in those days, so everyone stunk to high heavens.
                      I don't know about taught to wet, more like accepted iit as what it was - same, but different. I also don't think the absorption and wicking was intended, just a damp annoyance, for I am sure the point was to just go.

                      The whole sanitary pad thing is outside of the scope of it here, but this does bring back some OLD memories...



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aloo
                        Not anymore but I went to Kingston uni not so long ago. A very nice area on the whole, I wouldn't rule out moving back there one day.

                        I was there too! From '07 to '10. Even smaller world .

                        Lived around here all my life. It has it's good and bad points. Nice to know there was someone with similar interests nearby.


                        • #13
                          Great stuff...

                          And a typically great effort on your part. Much thanks. I realize the good stuff is getting much harder to find, but you still manage to pull out a few dozen. Kudos.


                          • #14
                            And just a link away from one of the above links... http://lockerz.com/s/108652559. I worry sometimes that our homegrown religious nuts are even crazier than the ones we import from the Middle East.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Peevert
                              And just a link away from one of the above links... http://lockerz.com/s/108652559. I worry sometimes that our homegrown religious nuts are even crazier than the ones we import from the Middle East.
                              Lest anyone get the wrong idea, Westboro Baptist Church (the God Hates Fags people) is one family of anti-gay crazies and is in no way representative of religion in America. They hate everything and everybody who isn't themselves, including all other organized religion.

