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Wheelchair wetting
Not a lot to see with the wheel-chair girl. Was it in a US Mall? Why didn't she call for help.?
Never mind that one, follow the links on the You Tube sidebar... Anyhiing like Drunk Girl in Tokyo is worht a try. Maybe they are posed, but the ones I have followed are good for fantasy if nothign else. Cute drunk girl with full bladder looking for somewhere to pee, and then she does it on camera. If they are genuine, then she must have been desperate, and I want to visit Tokyo.
If posed, he should contact Wet set or similar to arrange to sell his videos.
Originally posted by WesleyI hope she was just sitting in that wheelchair because she's drunk...if she's actually paralyzed, this would be very depressing.BTW, that was a pretty good strategy on her part: make a little puddle, move a few feet, make another little puddle, move a few more feet... That scene at the end with the pee trickling down by her foot was HOT.
Last edited by Peevert; July 7, 2011, 03:54 PM.
Just because she can move her legs enough to push doesn't mean she can necessarily walk. She might lack the muscle strength or coordination to stand and walk. Some forms of paralysis limit the control of parts of the body- there are other forms of paralysis than spinal cord breakage. I just don't think any assumptions should be made on what little we saw in that video.