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Tied Blond Peeing On Herself

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  • Tied Blond Peeing On Herself

    A cute blond, small breasts, shaved honey pot. She's bound and leashed and has to pee on herself. But judging from the giggling, I think she enjoyed it.

    Tied Blond Peeing On Herself

    Uh... The website name was replaced with "www.*******.nl". I can easily circumvent this, but before I do, I should probably ask... Is that website seriously being censored?
    Last edited by Peevert; July 7, 2011, 10:23 AM.

  • #2

    Since ******* has a lot of content that is copyrighted on it, and thus gets into that sticky realm of piracy and copyright infringement and blahdeeblahdeeblah, they probably censored it because of that. That's about the only reason I can think of.



    • #3
      Yes, it's being censored b/c it contains a lot of copyrighted content.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lucibelle
        Since ******* has a lot of content that is copyrighted on it, and thus gets into that sticky realm of piracy and copyright infringement and blahdeeblahdeeblah, they probably censored it because of that. That's about the only reason I can think of.

        Thanks Luci, that's my guess as well. I'd just like to hear something certain from Nikki or Paul.


        • #5
          Nikki and Paul are currently traveling. They check in with their laptops when they can but not as often as when they are home in Australia.


          • #6
            Ah that's right, they're here in the U.S. if I recall correctly.

            Well, Nikki, Paul, if your travels take you to South Florida (we do get a lot of Aussies and English here), and you have some spare time, I'd enjoy meeting you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peevert
              Ah that's right, they're here in the U.S. if I recall correctly.

              Well, Nikki, Paul, if your travels take you to South Florida (we do get a lot of Aussies and English here), and you have some spare time, I'd enjoy meeting you.
              Peevert, I don't know how you knew they were going to be in the US. Anyway, they are going to Canada first... Ottawa and Toronto and on to Niagara Falls. Then they are coming to see me in Rochester. After that it is on to New York City and then Washington, DC. They won't get to South Florida because they fly back to Australia from Washington.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Patches
                Peevert, I don't know how you knew they were going to be in the US.
                No, I was not reading their email. Nikki mentioned a while back that they were coming to the US this summer. Well, please tell them I said Hello from Fort Lauderdale - A place with much nicer weather than Rochester.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Peevert
                  No, I was not reading their email. Nikki mentioned a while back that they were coming to the US this summer. Well, please tell them I said Hello from Fort Lauderdale - A place with much nicer weather than Rochester.
                  Peevert, I will tell them you said "hello!" I suppose Fort Lauderdale has nicer weather in the winter than Rochester does. However, I will take our summers over your hot, humid steambaths anytime!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Patches
                    your hot, humid steambaths
                    Apparently you've been here during the summer.

