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What do you download YouTube videos with?

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  • What do you download YouTube videos with?

    I'm wondering what programme everyone uses to download YouTube videos. I did have the Firefox Downloader, but it now downloads everything in "webm" format, which I can't read. It would be interesting to know what the most recommended choice is. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  • #2
    http://keepvid.com/ this is what i use


    • #3
      Originally posted by Scotsboy
      I'm wondering what programme everyone uses to download YouTube videos. I did have the Firefox Downloader, but it now downloads everything in "webm" format, which I can't read. It would be interesting to know what the most recommended choice is. Any feedback would be appreciated.
      The recommended choice would be to get software that plays WebM format

      Also, these forums have a search option. I think there must be more than ten threads about this in the archives somewhere.

      Anyway, I use Firefox, GreaseMonkey and YousableTubeFix.
      The Chrome equivalent would be: Chrome, YousableTubeFix for Chrome.
      The Opera equivalent: Opera, YousableTubeFix for Opera (although I'm not exactly sure how UserScripts work in Opera).

      To get YousableTubeFix, go to http://userscripts.org/


      • #4
        Real Player.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Drying
          The recommended choice would be to get software that plays WebM format

          Also, these forums have a search option. I think there must be more than ten threads about this in the archives somewhere.

          Anyway, I use Firefox, GreaseMonkey and YousableTubeFix.
          The Chrome equivalent would be: Chrome, YousableTubeFix for Chrome.
          The Opera equivalent: Opera, YousableTubeFix for Opera (although I'm not exactly sure how UserScripts work in Opera).

          To get YousableTubeFix, go to http://userscripts.org/

          I do realise there's threads about this in the archives, but things can go quickly out of date, just like the programmes I was using. I was just wanting an up to date view of what people are using, rather than something in the archives that's no longer working.

          I'm definitely sticking with Firefox, but their downloader doesn't appear to download flv files anymore. Thanks for the feedback anyway.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scotsboy
            I'm definitely sticking with Firefox, but their downloader doesn't appear to download flv files anymore. Thanks for the feedback anyway.
            Choose "Download and convert". (Default download now says most likely avi) Choose "cancel". It will download the clip now in flv format.



            • #7

              Easiest solution I ever found. Almost always works and it's just so convenient - the player itself also plays back most movies as well as the native player for the file type.


              • #8
                I'm one of those people who will never trust Real Media Inc again, after the spamfest they unleashed with a version of Real Player a few years ago. I'm not saying it doesn't work, it sounds like it works fine, I just don't trust them.

                I use Firefox + Video Download Helper. BTW, the staff at Firefox are awesome, but the staff at Video Download Helper are pricks, I wouldn't go donating any money to them. I asked a question once and the tech "support" insisted the problem was with Firefox or Windows, and refused to accept any responsibility for Video Download Helper causing the problem. Of course, as usually seems to happen in these situations, video download helper was the problem. I hate "support" staff that prefer the blame game to resolving problems.


                • #9
                  I don't run windoze, but in Ubuntu I just use youtube-dl. Open a terminal, type youtube-dl 'the url of the youtube' and it downloads it for you. Simple and clean. I really don't understand why everybody still insists on running windows when you can run a free operating system that's heaps better,much more secure and even easier to use.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by liesje
                    I really don't understand why everybody still insists on running windows when you can run a free operating system that's heaps better,much more secure and even easier to use.
                    I really don't understand why you Linux geeks can't complete a paragraph without in some way insulting Windows users.

                    "heaps better" is debatable
                    "much more secure" is debatable
                    "even easier to use" is complete bullshit

                    Actually, I do understand. Using a computer for you is not something you do for work, or something you do for enjoyment. Jealousy of Bill Gates and hatred of Windows is more like a religion to Linux geeks. You need to shout it out in any conversation about any topic, much like religious nuts need to shout out "John 3:16" in any conversation about any topic.

                    Now, you're going to pull the usual whining Linux geek reply: "I wasn't trying to offend anyone!!! I was just trying to be helpful!!!" Puh-leeeeeease...
                    Last edited by Peevert; August 15, 2011, 10:08 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Peevert
                      I really don't understand why you Linux geeks can't complete a paragraph without in some way insulting Windows users.

                      "heaps better" is debatable
                      "much more secure" is debatable
                      "even easier to use" is complete bullshit

                      Actually, I do understand. Using a computer for you is not something you do for work, or something you do for enjoyment. Jealousy of Bill Gates and hatred of Windows is more like a religion to Linux geeks. You need to shout it out in any conversation about any topic, much like religious nuts need to shout out "John 3:16" in any conversation about any topic.

                      Now, you're going to pull the usual whining Linux geek reply: "I wasn't trying to offend anyone!!! I was just trying to be helpful!!!" Puh-leeeeeease...
                      What's eating you mate? Got shares in Microsoft? Good luck :-)
                      FYI I DO use computers both for work and for my enjoyment. I worked in IT support for years, both on desktop as on server level. I'm not jealous of Bill Gates, except maybe of his money. I actually don't hate windows, but I don't particularly like it much either. I am a fan of linux. Nothing wrong with that. I was not attacking anyone, just giving my opinion. You got a problem with that? Well, then you're the one with the problem.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Peevert
                        I really don't understand why you Linux geeks can't complete a paragraph without in some way insulting Windows users.

                        "heaps better" is debatable
                        "much more secure" is debatable
                        "even easier to use" is complete bullshit

                        Actually, I do understand. Using a computer for you is not something you do for work, or something you do for enjoyment. Jealousy of Bill Gates and hatred of Windows is more like a religion to Linux geeks. You need to shout it out in any conversation about any topic, much like religious nuts need to shout out "John 3:16" in any conversation about any topic.

                        Now, you're going to pull the usual whining Linux geek reply: "I wasn't trying to offend anyone!!! I was just trying to be helpful!!!" Puh-leeeeeease...
                        I don't know, but from what I remember, "geek" is an insult... Not that I really care or anything...

                        Indeed "heaps better" is debatable. From many points of view, Windows is better. For the points of view that matter even a bit to so-called geeks it is not. Hence the reactions.
                        Much more secure, however, is not debatable. It simply is, by design. The only possibility for getting malware in Linux is through flawed software. In Windows, running executables you don't know is a very large cause of infections. Even if you do have an infection in Linux, it can't really do a lot of harm to your system. It can only do stuff while you are logged in and it can only play with your personal files and settings.
                        Even easier to use... This is debatable. In my opinion, it is much easier to use if you want to do simple things like browse the internet and do some word processing, that kind of stuff. If you want to do something more complex, it will take quite some (too much?) investment of time to learn how to do it. Once you get the hang of it, though, you don't want to go back. The Windows interface frustrates me a lot, because I have to click through so many dialogs to change a simple setting, whereas in Linux I would simply type a command.

                        Anyway, I'm one of those people who like to vent their frustrations against Windows every once in a while. I have to work with Windows systems reasonably often professionally, so it tends to build up ^_^ Hence the rant.

                        No offence, but I think a lot of people would be surprised about how nice Linux systems are nowadays. Just try out Ubuntu 10.10 (or 11.04 without the crappy Unity interface) for a few days.


                        • #13
                          I have often thought about Linux.

                          Is it possible to run programs that were intended to be installed on a Windows system?

                          If so, is that very easy to do?

                          I have often heard that Linus is free - but where can you get it for nothing?

                          Are there any good resources or sources of information for Linux? Where?

                          Thanks in advance.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PeePeeper
                            I have often thought about Linux.

                            Is it possible to run programs that were intended to be installed on a Windows system?

                            If so, is that very easy to do?

                            I have often heard that Linus is free - but where can you get it for nothing?

                            Are there any good resources or sources of information for Linux? Where?

                            Thanks in advance.
                            It is normally not possible to run windows programs in linux. Some of them however you may get to work in wine. I would however not do so, as for most things you will find a quite adequate alternative linux program.
                            Where to get it? Just download it. Ubuntu you can get from www.ubuntu.com , but that's just one distro, there are many. Ubuntu or mint are a good choice for beginners, so if you're a first time user, you probably best go with one of those two. www.linuxmint.com


                            • #15
                              Thanks very much!

