Somewhere below Lloyd suggested that a young lady sitting on the public toilet may have been actually peeing through her bikini. Her friends suggested that yes it would be typical of her.
I've spent most of my life at the beach. When I was young I was always on the sand at the public beach, as I got older I got a boat because women liked boats. Wherever we were, there was always beer. That along with sexy women in swimsuits and sometimes short shorts, virtually guaranteed a need to pee. Public restrooms were poorly maintained, too far away or non existent.
I'm positive that virtually all the women that we hung out with peed in what ever they were wearing and usually several times during the day. The bushes were to far away and the sand where we were at was real hot on bare feet. Now they nearly all waded into the water to pee and so you didn't see the pee, but not always. I've seen so many pee stained swimsuits that I've forgotten many of the most obvious ones.
We were on a large family outing, boating, a while back and several young college girls made no bones about peeing off the back of the boat in their bikinis. Several times I heard, "wait a minute, I'm peeing" or "the water is getting warm". We adults did the same but without comment.
smelt many peed in bikini crotches.
heard a college girl say, "I'd never walk that far to the restroom just to pee".
seen numerous women in wet or dried bikinis with pee stains.
Given the opportunity we'll all pee in our swimsuits, some are just less inhibited, that's all. I've written about a few of my numerous sightings over the years because I found them so sexy and also because although I've known a few real wetters, it was at the beach were I saw it most often.
I've spent most of my life at the beach. When I was young I was always on the sand at the public beach, as I got older I got a boat because women liked boats. Wherever we were, there was always beer. That along with sexy women in swimsuits and sometimes short shorts, virtually guaranteed a need to pee. Public restrooms were poorly maintained, too far away or non existent.
I'm positive that virtually all the women that we hung out with peed in what ever they were wearing and usually several times during the day. The bushes were to far away and the sand where we were at was real hot on bare feet. Now they nearly all waded into the water to pee and so you didn't see the pee, but not always. I've seen so many pee stained swimsuits that I've forgotten many of the most obvious ones.
We were on a large family outing, boating, a while back and several young college girls made no bones about peeing off the back of the boat in their bikinis. Several times I heard, "wait a minute, I'm peeing" or "the water is getting warm". We adults did the same but without comment.
smelt many peed in bikini crotches.
heard a college girl say, "I'd never walk that far to the restroom just to pee".
seen numerous women in wet or dried bikinis with pee stains.
Given the opportunity we'll all pee in our swimsuits, some are just less inhibited, that's all. I've written about a few of my numerous sightings over the years because I found them so sexy and also because although I've known a few real wetters, it was at the beach were I saw it most often.
