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Bikini Wetters

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  • Bikini Wetters

    Somewhere below Lloyd suggested that a young lady sitting on the public toilet may have been actually peeing through her bikini. Her friends suggested that yes it would be typical of her.

    I've spent most of my life at the beach. When I was young I was always on the sand at the public beach, as I got older I got a boat because women liked boats. Wherever we were, there was always beer. That along with sexy women in swimsuits and sometimes short shorts, virtually guaranteed a need to pee. Public restrooms were poorly maintained, too far away or non existent.

    I'm positive that virtually all the women that we hung out with peed in what ever they were wearing and usually several times during the day. The bushes were to far away and the sand where we were at was real hot on bare feet. Now they nearly all waded into the water to pee and so you didn't see the pee, but not always. I've seen so many pee stained swimsuits that I've forgotten many of the most obvious ones.

    We were on a large family outing, boating, a while back and several young college girls made no bones about peeing off the back of the boat in their bikinis. Several times I heard, "wait a minute, I'm peeing" or "the water is getting warm". We adults did the same but without comment.

    smelt many peed in bikini crotches.
    heard a college girl say, "I'd never walk that far to the restroom just to pee".
    seen numerous women in wet or dried bikinis with pee stains.

    Given the opportunity we'll all pee in our swimsuits, some are just less inhibited, that's all. I've written about a few of my numerous sightings over the years because I found them so sexy and also because although I've known a few real wetters, it was at the beach were I saw it most often.

  • #2
    Like you, I used to spend lots of time on the beach, and doing so presented me with many sightings of gals with wet crotches.

    There's another of my favored venues for clandestine wetting is the ski slopes. It's even more inconvenient for gals (and guys) to get to public restrooms while on the mountain in heavy attire. Couple this with occasional stoppage of the lifts, cold weather, plenty of coffee and wine (beer doesn't go nearly as well with snow as with sand) and desperation is almost guaranteed.

    I've heard more than one gal talking to her friends in a context of "It's too far to the bottom, so I'll just pee my pants."

    Of course, ski pants are generally thickened by layers of insulation, plus skiers generally have long-johns that help absorb the flow. This makes wetting less conspicuous, but I'm sure it's not much less common.


    • #3
      I love girls who pee in their bikinis. I haven't gotten to see much of it, but the few times have been great.

      But I absolutely hate it when I see girls using the bathroom at the beach. I just don't see why they put themselves through the trouble. Just last week, I was at the beach and two girls were running to the bathroom because they had to go so bad. Their suits were soaked from just getting out of the water, but they still felt the need to pee in a toilet. I watched to see if they had accidents, but they unfortunately made it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TheSnacks
        I love girls who pee in their bikinis. I haven't gotten to see much of it, but the few times have been great.

        But I absolutely hate it when I see girls using the bathroom at the beach. I just don't see why they put themselves through the trouble.
        Icing on the cake: Beach restrooms are usually in terrible shape. No air conditioning, no open windows, hot, smelly, dirty... Why would any woman want to sit her ass down on one of those filthy seats, when she can pee in her clean bikini.

        I think maybe beach restrooms draw the most hung up of people with bodily fluid hang ups.


        • #5
          Obvious bikini peeing

          Originally posted by lhansen
          Somewhere below Lloyd suggested that a young lady sitting on the public toilet may have been actually peeing through her bikini. Her friends suggested that yes it would be typical of her.
          Great post! Actually, I'm pretty clear on my memory that this was the bathroom of the hotel room they were staying in, not a public restroom. Clearly it had two toilets, because you can see another girl peeping around the corner of a door further inside, but the first girl in the polka dots is clearly seated on the first toilet, and just as clearly, is reasonably peeing through her bikini. I have no problem connecting the dots here like some others do. There is a subset of the men who frequent these boards who are determined that no real wetting happens unless they see the pee stream coming through the girl's crotch. That's fine, but that doesn't obviate the clear bikini peeing happening in this picture. Why would she sit on a toilet other than to pee? Add to that the fact that the caption of the original photo stated that she was really peeing, and that seals it for me.

          Like you Ihansen, I have seen plenty of real wettings, and I know from talking to girls online that they really do pee through their panties and swimsuits, sometimes as often as they can. Contrary to what many seem to believe here, what looks like a wetting actually usually is. It's just a shame they didn't think to take another photo of her in her peed bikini to clinch it.


          • #6
            Thanks for Ruining this Post

            I deliberately did not post behind your name on your other rude and uncalled for comments. Lloyd made some worthwhile calls on what he thought were accurate statements from that ladies girlfriends. Maybe she peed in her bikini, maybe she didn't. We'll never know.

            I know of countless women that have wet through their swimwear, panties, shorts and everything else, but aside from my wife and girlfriends have rarely seen it actually occur. It still happens.

            You on the other hand have offered nothing to this board except rude criticism. Your constant challenges or very offensive.

            Please go somewhere else and leave us alone. When you've returned to your fundamentalist friends maybe nice people will start posting here again.


            • #7
              The owners published rules for comportment on this board, and these include: "Posts are to be on topic, as per the above description of what the board is about;" and "There will be no flaming or insults of any kind against Wet Set, moderators or other posters."

              Concerning Apemantus, his posts are almost all negative and, when anyone disagrees with him, he quickly resorts to bullying tactics which continue ad nauseam.

              Differences of opinion are natural and can be voiced without flaming insults such as these two examples from his last tirade: "you live in cloud fucking cuckoo land" or "your complete inability to weigh the arguments and your tendency to assume that what you fantasize about is true all make you the world's most unreliable witness."

              Such statements have nothing to do with the subject matter we come here to enjoy and they are well into the realm of insults against another poster.

