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Asian Woman Intentionally Peeing on Couch

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  • Asian Woman Intentionally Peeing on Couch

    A young, cute Asian woman intentionally peeing her pants on her couch. She pees for well over a minute. Video from 3 different angles (last angle is best). Hope it's not a fake.


  • #2
    Originally posted by Peevert
    Hope it's not a fake.
    Well, it's "The99Fake" who uploaded it

    Check out another video from him, "Girl wetting on chair"
    also very sexy


    • #3
      Originally posted by Peevert
      A young, cute Asian woman intentionally peeing her pants on her couch. She pees for well over a minute. Video from 3 different angles (last angle is best). Hope it's not a fake.

      They look like rips of Skymouse videos, certainly the second one, so I imagine they are fake.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apemantus
        They look like rips of Skymouse videos, certainly the second one, so I imagine they are fake.
        If they're rips from Skymouse videos then the pee is still real. Fake means when the pee is photoshopped but the girls in those videos do pee their pants.


        • #5
          . . . aaand The99Fake's account has been deleted


          • #6
            Originally posted by johnnyc82
            If they're rips from Skymouse videos then the pee is still real. Fake means when the pee is photoshopped but the girls in those videos do pee their pants.
            Nope, they use hoses - Skymouse admitted as much on the old board and his business nosedived. They were well hidden and maybe not always used, but once tricked, people tend to be sceptical of everything.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Apemantus
              Nope, they use hoses - Skymouse admitted as much on the old board and his business nosedived. They were well hidden and maybe not always used, but once tricked, people tend to be sceptical of everything.
              That's NOT TRUE...

              Skymouse only admitting to a hose in one picture set where he had a new model, was taking lots of different poses with the girl to show her the best way to stand to get the desired shot on the movies. A hose was required so lots of different shots could be taken, then viewed by the model, so she would know the best poses for when she did the real shots.

              Mistakes were made post filming and unfortunately these pictures inadvertently made it on the site. Skymouse offered anyone a free visit to his studio's in London so doubters could see for real... I bet he didn't get a single taker on that offer but yet you STILL propagate shit to try and hurt his business.

              I think you have got a bloody gall to start these derogatory remarks after TWO YEARS.

              GIVE IT UP


              • #8
                Originally posted by KingPlant
                . . . Skymouse offered anyone a free visit to his studio's in London so doubters could see for real... I bet he didn't get a single taker on that offer . . .

                I think you have got a bloody gall to start these derogatory remarks after TWO YEARS.

                GIVE IT UP
                Maybe he didn't know the whole story.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DLG

                  Maybe he didn't know the whole story.
                  I know he does know the whole story. He was on the old board like I was when the whole episode exploded and was explained by Skymouse when he made the offer.

                  I don't know of a single other wetting movie producer to offer free trips to their studio's to whatch the filming. He addmitted to the error and apopolgised but for some people that's not enough.

                  Now no-one but Skymouse knows whether his business 'nose dived' so that can only be conjecture leading to more harm being done to a long standing, well respected producer of good material.

                  What gets me the most is, if you keep slagging these sites off and calling them fit to burn, what will you do if they all just stopped producing movies.

                  Where will you all get the movies that have been deleted from youtube without these other sites that take the time and effort in storing them but get no support from the readers of this forum when needed.

                  Next week you will all be complaining that there is no new wetting stuff on the net any longer. You will have yourselves to blame.


                  • #10
                    Skymouse's stuff is faked, I was under the impression that everybody knew that. The pants/panty/diaper wettings are done courtesy of yellow liquid and a hose... the poop is a concoction they make in the kitchen. If you look at the material you just know that it's not real... and the leaked pictures proved it.


                    • #11
                      I hate to enter this fray, but let's be fair. Skymouse has been producing wetting videos for more than 11 years, and some of his models have been with him for a long time. There are hundreds of file in his archives, and anyone who is a member of his site can download them at will.

                      Now to the point that he uses yellow fluid to fake urine, you need to check out the videos. When the pee flows, it's almost always a color classified medically as pale straw. The reason is, as Skymouse has told us, because he shoots multiple wettings by each model at any given session the gals drink lots of fluids to assure their ability to wet several times during a few hours of filming.

                      No one will be able to convince naysayers that the videos are authentic wettings. However, those of you who live in the UK could have taken Skymouse's offer to attend a filming session to verify the veracity or falseness of his production. Had you done so, you would have a reasonable basis to post messages on the subject. Otherwise, you're only posting conjecture.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
                        Skymouse's stuff is faked, I was under the impression that everybody knew that. The pants/panty/diaper wettings are done courtesy of yellow liquid and a hose... the poop is a concoction they make in the kitchen. If you look at the material you just know that it's not real... and the leaked pictures proved it.
                        So you are one of the nay sayers who won't put his hand in his pocket to buy anything anyway. I bet you believe that all on the net should be free too.

                        So - now ever time I see you slagging off Skymouse as being a fake I will come back and defend him.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KingPlant
                          So you are one of the nay sayers who won't put his hand in his pocket to buy anything anyway. I bet you believe that all on the net should be free too.

                          So - now ever time I see you slagging off Skymouse as being a fake I will come back and defend him.
                          I buy things... but they've got to be more realistic and of a higher quality than what Skymouse puts out. David North's productions are among my favorites.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DeltaFoxtrot
                            I buy things... but they've got to be more realistic and of a higher quality than what Skymouse puts out. David North's productions are among my favorites.
                            You must like TVGuy's work as well then.

                            I remember when TVGuy first started and boasted that his site was probably the best wetting site on the net. It wasn't at that time but it definately is now.

                            Skymouse did get stuck at one time making the same old movies but he is now opening up and doing quite a good range of different style of movies. His site is still one of my favourites.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by vincp40
                              Well, it's "The99Fake" who uploaded it
                              I know I think that's what made me suspicious. Plus the length of her pee - over a minute. If it's real, I want her to be the future Mrs. Peevert.

