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Smart Girls vs. Dumb Girls

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  • Smart Girls vs. Dumb Girls

    I have been coming here for a decade now, and I don't get driven away no matter what anyone says because I have a thick skin.

    But now you have really succeeded in pissing me off.

    I was just about to join the social network, but this has caused me to have second thoughts.

    Take, for example, this gifted remark:

    Smart girls think pissing is for dumb fucks. Dumb fucks don't know any different
    This is thoroughly charming for any woman with an I.Q. of over 80, I am sure. And it is followed by the equally seductive:

    if she is smart and in control of her bodily functions, chances are that she won't want to piss herself........
    Now, that is just guaranteed to bring women running to the message board. Thanks, Scotsboy, for differing from the common opinion with:

    Why would smart girls not want to pee their pants if it turned them on? Of course they would, just like anyone else. Enjoying peeing your pants isn't defined by how intelligent you are.
    Not only are some of these remarks personally offensive to me because I don't think of myself as dumb, but I also think you're just dead wrong.

    If what you really want is a dimwit who wets her pants because she got too drunk and fell off the bar stool, you can certainly find that. All it will cost you is the price of her bar tab. But if you want a real partner to share your fetish, consider this:

    "Dumb" people believe whatever society tells them to believe. If the media tells them to wear certain clothes, that is what they wear. If the media tells them to like a certain movie star, they will like him. If society tells them it's a bad thing to wet their pants, they believe it. They never question the consensus reality. Why not? Because they're dumb.

    "Dumb girls" don't ask deep questions about the nature of their sexuality. They never ask, "Who am I?" or "What are my deepest desires?" They ask things like, "Where's the kitchen?" or "Can I use your blow dryer?"

    It's the smart ones who question everything around them. If they have ever spent any time at a university, they will have been taught to question society's judgments and values. If you tell a smart woman what does or doesn't constitute "appropriate" sexual practice, she will think, "Who the hell are you to tell me how I should feel?" Every woman I have ever met who was bold enough to explore "alternative expressions of sexuality" was a "smart girl."

    You are making an equation of smart = prudish. That's silly.

    No wonder you guys can't find anyone to fulfill your fantasies. YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE WRONG GIRLS!

  • #2
    who the f### is anyone to tell anyone else anything, do whatever makes you happy, no can judge anyone else, your life live it your way bol#### to them all.

    just my humble opinion of course, for what its worth...


    • #3
      Maria, Thank You

      I'm a guy and I rarely get offended, but those previously posted comments were simply over the top. I wanted to immediately reply, but thought I might collect my thoughts first.

      The people who wrote those things not only don't have a girl friend that they respect, they'll never find a girl friend that will willingly wet for them. Instead they are reduced to haunting this board contributing rude and insensitive remarks. They never add anything of value to the site and only relish the thought of preventing any lady from offering something that the rest of us would find stimulating.

      Not only are they poor contributors, their writing abilities are a joke.

      By the way Jonna is pretty, sexy and above all an actress. No producer would pay her the kind of money she gets unless she got ratings. She's probably plenty smart.

      Thanks Maria and I always look forward to your contributions.


      • #4

        I didn't see the posts that you are quoting from, but I just want to add this to the discussion-

        My girlfriend is incredibly smart! She has a genius level IQ, speaks multiple languages, and is studying computer science. She also very much enjoys this fetish.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TVGuy

          I didn't see the posts that you are quoting from, but I just want to add this to the discussion-

          My girlfriend is incredibly smart! She has a genius level IQ, speaks multiple languages, and is studying computer science. She also very much enjoys this fetish.
          It's a couple of posts down, the one about celebrity wettings. I posted on there but didn't like the posts that Maria mentioned. This people should be banned.


          • #6
            i think intelligence is a fairly over-rated factor in any discussion about the attractiveness of a girl or her willingness to take part in a fetish. i mean think about it anybody smart or not is going to partake in something that they feel an urge to.
            when it comes to meeting a girl i wouldn't consider intelligence a real factor at all. I've met smart girls that were total bitches and not so smart girls that were approachable and friendly,I've met the same vice-versa. a girls intelligence does not govern her personality. Why should you be more attracted to a girl that can perform brain surgery than one who struggles to learn off information????


            • #7

              You and I have both been here for more than ten years and I know you quite often go off on a rant like this over trivialities.

              I was just having a bit of tongue in cheek giggles with you but you obviously have a chip on your shoulder to react in the way you have....again.

              You, in your reply on the other thread, thought nothing about the insults you were throwing at the 'dumb fucks'. Surely, as a woman, you needn't have replied in the way you did, which prompted my reply to you.

              If you had been supporting ALL women and not just the intelligent ones you would have had a different response from me.

              I, in fact, was highlighting that fact but it went right over your head.

              Even in this thread you are discriminating against women who have less intelligence than you by the way you describe the 'different classes of women'.

              As for people asking for my being banned - lighten up a bit, it's a pissing forum.

              One more thing - I am married to a very intelligent women and she loves to pee all over me so don't give me the yarn 50 year old fat fuck in the cellar - no-one ever complains when men get branded that do they.


              • #8
                Gosh and golly. I am SO sorry that I "rant" over such unimportant "trivialities" as being branded as a brainless dummy.

                In the future, sir, I shall try to remember that YOU and ONLY YOU have the right to usurp divine prerogatives and tell me how to feel.

                And I never called for anyone to be banned. It's MUCH easier to just ignore them.

                This is my issue. Some guys here long for a woman who's "dumb as fuck" and "doesn't know any better" than to piss in her pants, a charming archetype which is fueled and made real by the countless boring youtubes featuring 13-year-olds who fall over the couch and wet their pants because they obviously helped themselves to Mommy's pharmacy cabinet, and the guys who like this stuff seem to be the SAME guys who constantly WHINE and WHINE and WHINE about how they're all alone and nobody loves them and all the women on the board are just creepy old men...

                That kind of hypocrisy gets old in a hurry.

                There have always been a few real women here. And there have always been some individuals who consistently drive them away with misogynistic rage. I used to post my e-mail here. The creepy guys who sent messages didn't bother me at all. Deleting dick pix from the inbox is a simple matter and doesn't even take much time. What drove me nuts and really hurt was the lonely women who wrote to me as a sympathetic ear because they had come seeking companionship or understanding but had received only hostility.

                If you want to live in a world of "dumb as fuck" teenagers, I will not be the one to censor your fantasies. I don't come here because I am lonely. I am not lonely. I have been coming just to share ideas and experiences, but am beginning to think better of it.

                Pardon me, got to run now. Meeting the boyfriend for dinner. After that, our favorite club. If he's lucky, I just might wet my pants.

                Bye now.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maria
                  I have been coming here for a decade now, and I don't get driven away no matter what anyone says because I have a thick skin. But now you have really succeeded in pissing me off. I was just about to join the social network, but this has caused me to have second thoughts... No wonder you guys can't find anyone to fulfill your fantasies. YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE WRONG GIRLS!
                  Maria, I also did not see the original post, but please don't judge us by the rants of any one member.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scotsboy
                    Why the hell have you highlighted my comment? I will it highlight again:

                    " Why would smart girls not want to pee their pants if it turned them on? Of course they would, just like anyone else. Enjoying peeing your pants isn't defined by how intelligent you are."

                    What is offensive about that? I'm simply saying anyone can enjoy peeing their pants, smart or dumb. It doesn't matter what her level of intelligence is. How can you have a problem with that? Calm down, ffs.

                    What a stupid argument in the first place. So typical of this message board.
                    She appreciated your comment and I think the "Thanks" was genuine, not sarcastic. She appreciated you differing with the (silly) opinion everyone else was including.


                    • #11
                      Peevert, I don't judge everyone who comes here. The fact is, I have made some very good friends here over the last ten years.

                      Since I am "the chick who's here all the time" and since I formerly used to post my e-mail address, I was the one who got all the confused e-mails from women who felt driven away.

                      Many people here have acknowledged that my real agenda is more about giving hints as to how one is most likely to find a woman who will be sympathetic to their interests.

                      Many people have thanked me for it. And many of the older guys who have enjoyed fulfilling relationships with "willing wetters" have agreed with me.

                      At the same time, I do get a lot of anger from those whose stereotype runs to 19-year old blonde cheerleaders with breasts like watermelons who are virginal, love only you, and at the same time go "pissing mad" at the drop of a hat. Maybe my suggestions didn't fit their stereotypes.

                      In any case, those who believe that only a "dummy" would wet her pants are hurting themselves more than anyone else, because they have just mentally crossed half the women in this world off their potential list for no good reason.


                      • #12
                        "This is my issue. Some guys here long for a woman who's "dumb as fuck" and "doesn't know any better" than to piss in her pants, a charming archetype which is fueled and made real by the countless boring youtubes featuring 13-year-olds who fall over the couch and wet their pants because they obviously helped themselves to Mommy's pharmacy cabinet, and the guys who like this stuff seem to be the SAME guys who constantly WHINE and WHINE and WHINE about how they're all alone and nobody loves them and all the women on the board are just creepy old men..."
                        Here you go again Maria, insulting the majority of us whilst attempting to explain yourself again. When it comes to being judgmental, you are calling the kettle black. Personally, I find ignorant people a turn off, but those "13 year olds who fall over the couch" are the only video clips available (for free) that I have not seen a thousand times. I also don't like cotton panties but I still buy a skymouse subscription from time to time because that is what is available. I don't care for diapers, but I subscribe to this site from time to time too. Does that make me into a roleplayer? Here's today's lesson for you silly girl: Stereotypes are baaaad.

