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The Best Place I've Ever Lived (Fiction)

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  • The Best Place I've Ever Lived (Fiction)

    Here is the first part of a story I just wrote (entirely fictional... unfortunately). Please let me know what you think and whether I should continue with it. Also, if this should be in the full length stories section, let me know.


    When I was a sophomore in college, I received the opportunity of a lifetime. I was transferring to Middleton University at the last minute and needed a place to live. Everything on campus had pretty much been taken (except for the cheap dorms - and my parents weren't having any of that). The places near campus were also full with students. But I was able to find one place available.

    It was a large blue house, about a 10 minute walk from campus, and was fixed up real nice. The rooms were all taken by some girls from college (they were all juniors), but the attic was recently refurbished and the owner was looking for someone to rent it to. My parents reluctantly approved (the place was up to their standards, but the idea of my living with 3 girls didn't thrill them) and I moved in a week before school started.

    The girls living there were very friendly (and beautiful) and I instantly felt at home. All three had their own rooms on the second floor. The ground floor had a good sized kitchen, a living room, and a dining room. The basement was unfinished for the most part, but it didn't matter as it was only used for laundry. There was a laundry chute, but I wasn't allowed to use it. They used it for their laundry and took turns washing and sorting the clothes - for obvious reasons I wasn't allowed to be a part of that. Another rule they had was that we would all take turns making dinner. I couldn't cook to save my life, but I was just happy to be eating a nice meal 75% of the time. I didn't really know anyone else at Middleton, so these girls were my friends and my family. They seemed to enjoy it and I definitely did. We were close friends and my chances of dating them were practically zero, but I didn't mind. Living with three beautiful girls allowed me to see and hear some amazing things and that was an experience almost nobody has.

    The three girls were Chelsea, Mary, and Jenn. They were great friends, but they were very different from each other. Chelsea was tiny in every way; she couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall. She had shoulder-length blonde hair that was cut in an erratic, stylish way. She was the girl who was so thin that every girl around her felt fat, but her skinniness worked for her. Her boobs were small, but they fit with the rest of her physique. Of the three girls, Chelsea was the hard worker. She worked her butt off in school and had good grades to show for it. She was always cleaning the house and working out; she kept herself busy.

    Mary was half latina and extremely gorgeous. She was tall and thin, but had nice curves, nice boobs, and a big ass. She had flowing black hair that reached half-way down her back and a skin color all the girls tried to achieve in the tanning beds. Mary liked to dance and party, which was her main reason for being at school. She didn't do very well but she never planned to; her parents had enough money that it didn't matter.

    Jenn was my favorite, although I'd never tell her that. She had brown hair, was of average height, and was a little thicker than the other two girls, but not in a bad way. Her stomach was still flat and decently toned - she was just naturally thicker. She had amazing tits; they were giant and perky and I got caught staring at them more times than I'd like to admit. Like Mary, she had a big ass. She was the desire of every guy she had class with. She wasn't some skinny supermodel - she was a real woman. Jenn was the smartest of the group, but also the laziest. She did well, but never as good as she could do. She liked to relax and stay in, so she was constantly thanking her metabolism for her figure.

    By living with them, I learned several personal things about them. I knew that Jenn was an only child and that Chelsea was adopted. I knew when they were on their periods (one thing I didn't want to know). Jenn was always masturbating and wasn't shy about it. Chelsea masturbated every now and then - if she had the time. Mary would rather bring a guy home to get her pleasure - I lost count pretty quickly. I also knew that they - yes, all three of them - wet their pants.

    It wasn't something I noticed until Jill asked if I would do their laundry one day. She had a paper to write that she had been putting off so she asked if I could help her out (she offered to take over my dinner duties for the night). I gladly accepted, being the perv that I am. I wanted a closer look at their panties.

    I carried my laundry down the stairs and threw it next to theirs. The dim light above the washer didn't let me see well enough to sort colors, so I just started throwing their clothes in. The second time I reached my hand into their massive laundry pile, my hand encountered a cold wetness. I immediately withdrew my hand, but then took a closer look. I couldn't see much so I picked up the offending garment and held it under the light. It was a tiny pair of blue cotton panties, definitely Chelsea's, and the crotch was definitely wet. I brought the panties up to my nose and caught the aroma of cold, musty urine. I couldn't believe Chelsea had wet her panties! As someone who longed to see a girl wet herself, the sight was something I could look at forever. But knowing anyone could come down and see me holding the panties made me throw them in the washer.

    I was amazed when I found a second pair with a wet crotch. This time they were Jenn's. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I was wondering if this was a joke they were playing on me. Almost half of the panties I pulled out of the pile were either damp or had a dried stain in the crotch. It seemed as though my roommates all wet their panties from time to time.

    I had had the fetish ever since I saw a girl wet herself in class when I was younger, but never did I think my desires would be fulfilled by my roommates. After I did their laundry and noticed their wetting secret, I began noticing more things about their accidents. It was either the fact that I knew they wet themselves, or they were more open with me now that they knew I knew. It was never really something that was talked about - I just observed it.

    Chelsea came back from class every day doing some sort of potty dance. She was always on the go that she hardly gave herself time to stop for a bathroom break. The large amounts of coffee she consumed couldn't have helped, either. A week after my discovery, I saw her rush into the house and into the bathroom. She emerged a few minutes later and came in to get a snack before she did some work. As she was bending to look in the refrigerator, I took a peek at her ass. The crotch of her grey shorts had a small wet patch spreading between her pussy and ass. She continued to wear those the rest of the day.

    That same week, Mary came home drunk with a guy in tow. She had her fun with him and he was gone in the morning. When she got up and showered, I went into her room to look for a pair of scissors and saw a giant pee stain stretching across her bed. Her panties were on the ground next to her bed and they were soaked entirely. She wet most often when she was drunk.

    Jenn's accidents were my favorite because a lot of them couldn't really be accidents. For example, one time I walked in on her while she was peeing. She hadn't shut the door all the way and I hadn't realized. Her shorts were down, but I noticed that I didn't see any panties. As far as I knew, she always wore panties so that seemed strange to me. Later that day, she was taking a nap in a chair in the living room when I noticed she was, in fact, wearing panties. The shorts she was wearing had wide legs. In her sprawled state, the yellowed crotch of her white panties was exposed. I had to hide my excitement before Chelsea or Mary noticed.

    I was always seeing things like that, and that's the way it was for the rest of my college years. They thought of me as a brother. And although I didn't like that distinction, it afforded me the opportunity to see more wettings than I could've imagined. There are so many stories to tell. I'll be sure to tell specific ones next time.

  • #2
    are you kidding?

    Of COURSE we want to read more, this is great, and all you've done so far is w(h)et our appetites! Please continue!

    -- AT


    • #3
      Ditto that.

      This is a terrific story. Keep them coming, please.


      • #4
        Your Room Mates

        Now this is what this board is all about. I think we would all love to hear more about the girls and especially their casual attitudes about wetting in their pants.

        Post the stories here. That is where they belong.


        • #5
          Wow, thanks for the compliments! I have a test to study for tomorrow, but I will hopefully get the next part done within the next few days.

          I have an idea in mind for Chelsea, so I'll see how that goes.


          • #6
            Great Start

            We really want to see more. Thank you for posting


            • #7
              awesome, will be looking forward to it, that was top notch

