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Teen peeing behind a tree - 2nd movie

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  • Teen peeing behind a tree - 2nd movie

    I have encoded this one with a bit higher quality, hopefully it won't be as blurred as the last one but it's a lot bigger file.


  • #2

    Any more?


    • #3
      Originally posted by BB1BB

      Any more?
      I'm afraid not - well none that I have filmed - but summer will soon be around and my camera is ready -


      • #4
        Unfortunately, I could not watch it. A request: Please do not use formats (like ...exe) which are limited to the Microsoft world. Thank you.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Omo Rashi
          Unfortunately, I could not watch it. A request: Please do not use formats (like ...exe) which are limited to the Microsoft world. Thank you.
          C'mon dude, you really couldn't figure out how to play a .wmv? You don't have to use windows to play it...


          • #6
            I think Omo Rashi is referring to sendspace' popup ads trying to install malware, i.e. "drive-by downloads". I just got hit with a save-as dialog for an .exe file alongside the real video upon clicking the official download link.


            • #7
              Unfortunately, even legit sites like sendspace get hit with illegitimate advertisers.

              BTW, Electrickle, cool nick.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Electrickle
                I think Omo Rashi is referring to sendspace' popup ads trying to install malware, i.e. "drive-by downloads". I just got hit with a save-as dialog for an .exe file alongside the real video upon clicking the official download link.
                I am sorry folks - I thought Sendspace was a good host but if it is kidding you to download .exe files I will not use them again for my uploads. I would NEVER upload a .exe file.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KingPlant
                  I am sorry folks - I thought Sendspace was a good host but if it is kidding you to download .exe files I will not use them again for my uploads. I would NEVER upload a .exe file.
                  Indeed, thanks to the remarks in this thread I tried again, being more careful and looking for other possibilities than before. Then it worked. I'd say they are really kidding people to download an .exe file. I use Linux, so .exe files probably won't do any harm, but on the opther hand they are also of no use for me.

                  The clips are nice! Above all, it's real life. Of course, we would certainly all like some more desperation...

                  Yesterday I happened to see a blond slim girl 18-22 in a bank, waiting in front of a cash machine and obviously being hit by waves of desperation. She even could not stand still while she was taking her money out. What always surprises me is that women in this predicament just fight it down and continue other things without seeking for the nearest toilet. She came into the hall (where I was) and did not show any signs of desperation for a very short time, then "casually" crossed her legs. You will understand the nice feeling to know that this girl is dying for a pee but (unsuccessfully) tries to behave as if she had no problem at all. But as life is: No camera and someone with me who wanted to move on.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KingPlant
                    I am sorry folks - I thought Sendspace was a good host but if it is kidding you to download .exe files I will not use them again for my uploads. I would NEVER upload a .exe file.
                    It's not sendspace, it's their advertisers. I've seen the same thing happen on other sites, the host site doesn't know about the problem until someone complains.

