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New Year wetting!

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  • New Year wetting!

    Hi everyone .

    Just for all the doubters out there I do promise this is a true story told to me by my cousin to whom I am very close. obviously I have had to elaborate in parts as he did not go in to the fine details! I bet there were many wetting in London on new years eve! As the police were overwhelmed by the crowds that turned up names have been changed naturally.

    Yesterday I was told this new years happning by my much younger cousin. Right at the last minute so to speak they decided to go down to London on new years eve to see the fireworks and see the new year in London. Now both Josh and his girl friend Emma are only in there early 20's they went down in the afternoon on the train from Bedford but had not idea another million folk had the same idea as them! When they got to London in the early evening the place was packed! And on going down to the embankment a police man told them that once they thought the crowd was to capacity in that location they were going to shut the area down and that would mean no one would be allowed in or out and then the police would let only controlled numbers out after the fireworks were all over and he told them it could take up to an hour to get out! That would mean missing the last train back to Bedford! So they walked back up to Trafalgar Square here to the crowds were intense and it was packed. Emma had a large coke in Mc Donald's before they left then a large coffee on the train and buy the time she had walked back to Trafalgar Square her bladder was really starting to feel over full and hurting quite badly but she could see the chance of find a vacant toilet or anything remotely like a free toilet was going to be like winning the lottery! They saw the some of the fire works even from here and the count down to the new year at midnight as well! As soon as this was over they walked up to Leicester Square tube station where there was already a queue forming to get down to the trains.

    it was at this point that Emma whispered in Josh's ear "Darling I need to do a wee-wee so badly!" Josh was totally perplexed by this and he did not know what really to say as he could see with the crowds it was going to take a while to get anywhere! " OK babes lets get you back to St Pancras as quick as we can there's loads of loo's there" As he said this he gripped Emma's woollen glove covered feminine hand tight to try to reassure her he was at least trying to help solve her desperate toilet plight! He thought she needed to go wee as she had gone very quiet in the last hour and was fidgeting about.

    Emma is a good looking girl pretty face slim lovely very long slender legs in fact for any Brits reading this she looks like a young Fiona Bruce the BBC news reader and presenter. She had the same hair style and facial features and the long legs! Josh told me she was wearing a smart woollen short grey wool dress with tight stretch cord black leggings and long riding style black leather boots and a black padded down jacket.

    Josh kept doing his best to make Emma feel as good as possible and said "look we will soon be in the warm of the tube station you will feel better when we get in the warm", as the queue moved forward but he had noticed now and then Emma had to hold and rub her leggings between her legs doing this as discreetly as humanly possible it has to be said! Josh had never seem Em's do this before so new she must be so desperate for a wee by now and hurting so bad! I don't know if this turned him on but how he openly told me all about this mind we are close, but I kind of guess it did. Well it got me going anyway just him telling me!

    It took another good 15 minutes before they got on the underground platform as police were controlling the numbers to try to keep things safe Josh had noticed that Em's holdings were getting longer and more frequent and by now she had given up on the discretion . So Josh new things must be bad for her he did not like to keep asking and tried to take her mind of it as much as possible and just kept the chit chat up as best he could. They felt the warm surge of air come along the tunnel as the next tube train rushed in to the station it looked pretty full already but as luck turned out a door stopped right by them and the this door area was not to crowded so they quickly got in and moved to a free space by the other side doors. By the time the train doors shut every available inch of space had been taken up Emma was pressed up against the carriage side and Josh was facing her still holding both her hands. As the train started to pull away after a few seconds it suddenly braked this caused every one push forward then backwards in to Josh who intern was pushed on to Em's This sudden force on Emma's body was the limit for her way over strained bladder! Josh noticed her face went bright red and her eyes welled up and against the noise of the train starting off again Em's whispered "O God Josh I'm weeing myself" Josh did his best to calm Em's down "Don't worry babes in wont matter honest don't cry" He could see tears well up in her soft big brown eyes. Emma fought has hard as she could with her bladder but once she had started she latter admitted to Josh it felt so good to give in and she just could not stop the hot torrent spurting out her young pussy in to her panties and leggings anyway!

    It was only 3 stops to St Pancras! Josh wondered was sort of state Em's would be in as they drew in to there station the doors opened and they got out with the ensuing crowd, Josh glanced back at where they had been standing and there was a big puddle of Emma's hot piss on the floor by the door! Mind there was so much rubbish on the floor it just looked like a spilt drink the walk to the main line station was still crowded so they had not had time to inspect the damage or even see if Em's wet accident was visible.

    The last Bedford train was in and they found at the very front carriage a seat just for two that was quite private and there was no standing room there or near. Emma sat by the window and amazingly as Josh looked down you would never have known his girl had just piss her pants! The beauty of thick black cord leggings a! He gave Em's a hug and kept asking if she was OK she was over the shock of just pissing her pants and almost started to see the funny side of it all he told me, by telling him if I was him I would find another seat as this girl smelt of wee-wee! She even said she felt as is she had a left boot full of hot wee-wee! Mind it was Josh who got to take those pee filled boots off when they got back to there flat! and undress and shower with Em's One lucky guy a!


  • #2
    Nice story, I'm sure she wasn't alone that evening! Lucky she was wearing black. Does your cousin know about your interest?


    • #3
      Thanks its always great to get positive comments! Me and my cousin are very close his dad was very old when he was born so is now in his late 70's. Josh is only 23! so I have been a kind of younger person around as he has grown up . But No he does not know I have a pee and pantie wetting fetish! I have only ever told two people close to me both female partners who were OK and fine about it one even indulged openly for me and enjoyed it her self. I think this whole idea of telling people can be difficult! I did talk more with him this weekend and the subject of Em's accidental wetting, briefly came up again and it does seem it turned him on a lot to think Em wet her pants on a tube train standing up! With crowds around them, and he still wants to talk about it very openly so who knows I may talk more to him and tell him I like this kind of thing to! But one has to be careful I feel.

      Best wishes Kev.


      • #4
        A really nice story, one of the best in the last months. I wonder how long she had to pee before she admitted her need.

