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Lady can't hold it YT (CCTV)

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  • Lady can't hold it YT (CCTV)

    No wetting!



  • #2
    Lady can't hold it YT (CCTV)

    nice video, thanks for sharing. poor child, as was stunned.


    • #3
      what kind of trash would do that, especially in front of a child? She could have went around a corner to hide a pop a squat. What a rodent!


      • #4
        Incredible. That was not staged, was it? Can't believe this happened for real.


        • #5
          Can anyone tell where this was happening exactly? She must have been desperate, thought she was going to pee her pants. I'm not even convinced she didn't just take the pressure off but still had to go.


          • #6
            Nice video!
            I think it's a exchange office or a bank. You can see the metal bowls were you can put the money without beeing able to reach the cashier who is behind a glas wall. All three customers you can see have large bags so exchange office is more likely than a bank.

            I think the scenario is:

            She is single mother travelling with her son. She is extremely desperate to pee but has decided to exchange money first, then find a toilet.

            She is drunk, however not totalty wasted, but she has been drinking. At 00:45 she is about to fall back and have to take a step back not to. At the same time her pants are about to fall down and she has to pull them up at 00:46-48. She has unbutton her pants already before entering the exchange office to reduce the pressure on the very full bladder.

            At about 1:03 she has to crouch down not to wet herself. Maybe it's doesn't help, she starts to pee a bit in her panties. She is not beeing able to get to a place where she can take a shower and change her pants soon, so peeing herself is not an option. At 1:05 she looks to the right to see if she can pee somewhere at the office. Then she decides (note that her review is affected by the alcohol) to pull down her already unbuttoned pants and squat down and pee on the floor. She pees just enought to take to worst pressure off and be able bo control herself again. Even after peeing she still have problems to stand still and has to lift her left leg and press against her crouch to able to hold all the pee that's still left in her bladder.


            • #7
              What can I say... when ya' gotta go ya' gotta go. Mothers with young kids will often put off going to the toilet until it is practically too late.

