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Lauries Day

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  • Lauries Day

    Laurie’s day was not getting any better. The start was bad enough when she realised that she must have turned the alarm off and not hit snooze. “Shit this is the last thing I needed today with this bloody presentation to Benford!” dashing around the bedroom she decided to skip the luxury of the shower and just tie her flowing mousey brown locks in a ponytail. It’ll look more business like was the rational. She plumbed for the long pencil skirt with the slight split at the back and the pink blouse and Oliver the bra. That was the name she had given it when she wore it to get a pay rise last year, “Please sir….” It worked then and hopefully it would deflect the minds if she did get there late.
    The tube seemed even more chronic than normal for a Wednesday morning to the point where she just missed getting on the first one. This just made the nerves even worse and the knot in her stomach was getting tighter and tighter by the minute. Finally she rushed through reception and flew into the closing lift barging into Benford in the process. “Sorry Mr Benford, I slipped” was the best Laurie could offer as the blood ran amok around her cheeks. “That’s, that’s ok Ms Howard”. Laurie took heart that Oliver had had a hand in the situation.
    This bloody projector, it’s never their bloody fault always “your machine” sodden IT she mumbled under her breath as she tried to get her presentation on screen. The knot turned another notch as she struggled. That prick Danny from Bagley office was helping either with his smart arse remarks about women and computers! “Can I help in anyway?” the deep smooth voice asked. Laurie looked up through the fallen strands of her ponytail to glimpse a tanned Adonis, or at least he passed for that in this office. “Er if you can, that would be great” “Jamie, from Chiswick branch” as his hand extended, she took it and almost instantly her insides started to melt “Oh shit!” It was at this point she realised she hadn’t been the toilet since she got out of bed!
    “Have we got this projector working I have to be in Fleet Street for 11:30, can we get on with it!” Benford’s gruff tones broke the moment, such as it was. Jamie fiddled around a few seconds and hey presto the warm up screen started up. “Thank goodness now Ms Howard let’s keep this tight!” Tight? That was exactly what Laurie was trying to do with her thighs at this point. “Yes, er yes Mr Benford, yes sir I’m ready now” The voice in her head screamed at her that she should have asked to be excused a minute, but this was such a big chance for her she did not want to blow it. “I’ll keep it tight then shoot out it should only be 15 minutes” said the voice of reason.
    Laurie thanked Jamie who returned the smile and went to the far end of the table leaving Laurie feeling the weight of the situation growing and that damn knot giving one more twist. Within a minute of starting she forgot her situation and the presentation flowed along, even the computer behaved. Relieved to have gotten through with no slips or stutters she relaxed a little as she asked for any questions. A big mistake, as she relaxed the knot eased and the full force of her bladder hit her hard. She stood bolt upright squeezing her thighs as tight as she could muster, she couldn’t grab her crotch, not here not now! Oh God don’t ask any questions!
    “Laurie in slide four you said……………..” “NO, NO don’t do this!” She struggled to listen to the question as the tingling ache forced its way into the fore front of her mind. NO! A squirt flew into her panties, she wished now she hadn’t worn these damn silky ones they couldn’t absorb sweat let alone this. “It was meant to explain that……” She couldn’t not answer and prayed she’d heard the question right. “Bring it up again and show us” Fear gripped her as she knew that the mere act of bending forward would put more pressure on her bladder. With her body rigid and sweat forming on the base of her skull she leaned forward and scrolled through the sheets, shit, another squirt hit the cotton gusset of the silky black panties. Instinctively she crouched to make it look like she was trying to better see the screen and thrust her hand hard in her crotch. This proved so difficult, with the pencil skirt stretched tight across her thighs. Must squeeze, must squeeze echoed through her mind. She could even smell the strong scent of first morning pee as she struggled with the mouse. “you’ve just gone past it” “Yes sorry here it is, yes, yes what I mea……” She rose slowly and turned her back on the table pointing randomly at the screen as she bit deep into her full red lips, she knew that she could not last much longer and hoped they got the message, God it was a simple slide to understand! Laurie had to turn back to the table, slowly trying not to ungrip her thighs and looked around for the slightest sign that she was free. All round her pussy was soaking and her pussy was swelling and beginning to ache, almost screaming to be rubbed and rubbed damn hard. “IF we factor in….” A tear raced to the corner of her eye as she tried to listen while her bladder and her pussy both screamed for her attention. The question was not over and Laurie could already feel the hot liquid pooling in her pussy before spreading around the tops of her bare tightly squeezed thighs, pushing out the already sodden crotch of her panties and beginning the slow descend down the back and front of her thighs. She stood stock still and let the pee run down her legs and prayed the black silky stockings would not show the streaks when she had finished. Another question came as the warm golden liquid started to pool in the base of her shoes, spilling over on to the beige Axminster turning it into a dark shadow that slowly spread out around her elegant feet.
    Soon it was over and she took the applause with cheeks on fire and cold damp legs. Luckily for her everyone filed out to the Green Room leaving her alone with her swollen pussy and soggy panties. Tears welled up in her eyes and slowly fell down her cheeks as she started to dismantle the laptop and the projector. “You ok?” “Agh!” she squealed as the voice made her jump forcing the last few drops of pee through her panties. Jamie was standing looking down at the dark patch on the carpet! “God no, this is all I need! He’ll think I’m a dirty little cow” “Argh so that explains it” She felt his firm hands on her shoulder, “you don’t need to worry, this will be our little secret.” And with that he leant slowly in and pecked her on the cheek………………