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Car Mom Here

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  • Car Mom Here

    There is a lady who posts on toiletstool.com who goes by Car mom I was curious if you post here too?? Any of yall who don't read her stuff might want to look at it she has some hot stories. Some of them are underage but the ones who arn't are good you just have to sort them out as to which you can read and which you should skip.

  • #2
    Would be really nice of you to post some links to the stories.


    • #3
      Originally posted by addebayor
      Would be really nice of you to post some links to the stories.
      The problem is Toilet Stool is stuck in a different century. If you thought Wet Set's old board was a quaint throw-back, Toilet Stool's set-up will remind you of a 1980's BBS. There is no way to link a story. You just have to pull up the pages one at a time and search for the name, "Car Mom."

      That said, I was into her stuff until this most recent post, and now I'm inclined to think it's just someone with an imagination.


      • #4

        The problem with the car mom stories is that she always pulls her pants down before peeing in the car seat. That is no fun. She needs to start peeing IN her pants! Then it would make awesome reading.


        • #5
          Actually I love her stories because she does pull down her pants. My favorite stories to hear about girls is when they are so desperate they will just pee anywhere but pull their pants down to do it. My preferences are places like buses, trains, elevators, fitting rooms, etc. However women doing naughty pee's anywhere is appealing to me. My only problem with her is I don't care for the child end of it although it does seem to be needed to lead to why the mom's are willing to do it.

          As far as posting stories from there it is almost impossible to link to them although currently I think the best one is the most resent one so it is easy to find at the moment. My biggest problem with Toiletstool is they are a stickler for two things you are in no way allowed to identify yourself in a way in which you might be contacted like email or other boards u post on and pretty much they weed out all sexual encounters that is why I wish she would post on here instead so that I could ask more detailed questions and they would actually get posted.


          • #6
            Naked peeing v. wetting

            Originally posted by johnyreb82
            Actually I love her stories because she does pull down her pants.
            The problem is that this is the subject of the naked peeing and golden showers board, not the wetting board. It was always my bug-bear with the old board that people would get on there and post about subjects that were out of place for that board. At least having to log in here, that stops a lot of that, but if people log into this board and post about the subject of another board, isn't that just as bad?

            For me I am with the folks who want to see stories of women who pee in their pants, rather than take them off or down, and especially if they do it deliberately!


            • #7
              Originally posted by johnyreb82
              My preferences are places like buses, trains, elevators, fitting rooms, etc. However women doing naughty pee's anywhere is appealing to me.
              I don't know who Car Mom is, but I agree completely, I love Naughty Peeing as much as Panty Wetting


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lloyd_R1
                The problem is that this is the subject of the naked peeing and golden showers board, not the wetting board.
                And where exactly is this "naked peeing and golden showers board"? The subject of this board is "Watersports, Panty Pissers & Public Accidents", Naughty Peeing and Golden Showers CLEARLY fall into the Watersports category.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Peevert
                  I don't know who Car Mom is, but I agree completely, I love Naughty Peeing as much as Panty Wetting
                  She is simply the biggest spammer over there. Her fake stories are swamping the place (which already is filled with them, btw) just like Upstate Dave's (oh God, FUCKING LEARN TO SPELL sistEr, it's not so difficult you FUCKING MORON).

                  You see, you can tell apart sci-fi movies just by looking at the way they set up their small, particular universe. Some of them come up with something extremely unbeliavable, but they make sure that everything in the movie is built around it and there are no errors. Other movies just like to amass whatever slips in their retarded writer's head, thus creating logical fallacies which crash the "credibility" of the setting.
                  Car Mom's stories are so absurd that they are revolting.
                  Even in a man's (again, Man's) wildest dream there won't ever be flocks of complete and total strangers swamping your car after being stricken in the head by the audacious thought that another absolute stranger will let them piss or shit in their car. WTF?? I don't mind some exaggerations, but this is ridiculous. It crossed the line many months ago, and right now it's just like a sloppy Z-series tv movie being opted for the Xth sequel.
                  He just adds some new tricks and, voilà, another fake and absurd story plagues the board.



                  • #10
                    even if they are fake stories as you say they are still fun to read at least the ones with the other moms are. And I for one disagree with one of your points about learning to spell to me the absence of correct spelling would indicate that they are more likely to be a true account because typically when someone is writing a fabrication or just a story in general they are usually careful to get all the grammar right. That is just my opinion though. Also I can see your point about it being a long shot letting a random stranger pee in your car does seem very unrealistic but I can tell u this for a fact there are people in this world who if you said something about a person wetting themselves on purpose and enjoying it would think you had escaped from the loony bin because there is no way that their are people in this world that are that weird or gross. So I can guarantee that somewhere in this world u can find someone who would willingly let a random person pee in their car although the chances of them posting stories about it becomes a long shot.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kamigawa
                      Even in a man's (again, Man's) wildest dream there won't ever be flocks of complete and total strangers swamping your car after being stricken in the head by the audacious thought that another absolute stranger will let them piss or shit in their car.
                      Yeah, exactly. That story about sending her 8-year-old to help out a family of kids and a mom who were all waiting in line in a thrift shop to piss in the changing room (that in itself is beyond unbelievable) by offering them to come use the back seat of her 2003 Dodge Neon as their toilet was the final straw for me. And that was followed by a post she did a few days later where her friend supposedly talked her into pissing all over her relatively new couch. Right-o then.

                      As to your point about continuity, I will say that Car Mom's got plenty of that, and that's part of the problem: each time someone "lets out a little fart" and "it was so cute." Maybe switch up the story a little, huh?

                      Whatever, I guess you take what you can get in this online world....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ker Chunk
                        That story about sending her 8-year-old to help out a family of kids and a mom who were all waiting in line in a thrift shop to piss in the changing room (that in itself is beyond unbelievable) by offering them to come use the back seat of her 2003 Dodge Neon as their toilet
                        LMAO - Although not believable, at least that one is humorous.


                        • #13
                          the easiest way to spot fakes is how many people in that persons particular universe are into their fetish. car mom was an obvious fake (everyone in her world loves peeing into seats) as with 90% of female posts on toiletstool. another example i love the old carole anne stories from skymouse im pretty sure they are written by a man. everyone in her universe is into peeing somehow. still, they are brilliant and convincing even as fakes. they create an entire believable world around the totally unbelievable idea that her best friend, aunt, and boyfriend are all into pants wetting. car mom does not do this.
                          Last edited by AramFingal; February 28, 2011, 04:43 PM.

