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Another Fight Wetting

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  • #16
    why doesn't anyone ever step in. And why are guys so scared to hit a woman. personally o would love the chance to beat some slutty whore.


    • #17
      I have to agree with the sentiment of the second poster. Posting this video was tasteless and classless.

      You gave fair warning on what it was about, 100% agree with you there. If people didn't like it they didn't have to click it. 100% agree with you there.

      But if you can get off to something like that and the fact that the girl is getting a fully one-way ass kicking doesn't ruin it for you, you're shitty. You're a shitty person; you are bad at being a human, and you should feel bad for it.

      Make no mistake I would absolutely tell you that you're a graceless boor in real life as well, were it that we met.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Supermaxx
        I have to agree with the sentiment of the second poster. Posting this video was tasteless and classless.
        Yeah...because a site dedicated to people getting sexual pleasure out of urine and feces always epitomizes good taste and class. Now...go fuck your mother, you useless sack of judgmental hypocrisy.


        • #19

          Originally posted by Supermaxx
          Make no mistake I would absolutely tell you that you're a graceless boor in real life as well, were it that we met.
          I would tell you that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me. Good day!


          • #20
            I dont see what all the fuss is about, the number of times I have had to kick my sub in the head to get her to wet herself ....


            • #21
              you knew by posting this video that you would get a responce and dont blame me for YOU removing the post if you dont like it dont post in the first place I HAVE NOT ISUE WITH WETTING I LOVE WETTING i have an isue in what happend in the video in that you would still like to see someone wetting in that instance it was not a pleasurable thing for her! have some morality as you say !


              • #22
                And No I Did Not Hammer The Report Button At All So Dont Blame Me For Something That Did Not Happen I Simply Said What I Feel About The Video Here !


                • #23
                  Wow, this thread was a waste of life. Have all the little boys here pounded their chests to the point of feeling all manly yet? Pathetic bunch.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by toiletcontroller
                    I dont see what all the fuss is about, the number of times I have had to kick my sub in the head to get her to wet herself ....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Major Travis
                      I guess you can all thank Aloo for getting involved. I owe him about half a dozen good photos and videos, so I'll be re-upping this on his personal request.

                      The original vid was already removed from Youtube (about 15 minutes after krewson28 hammered the Report button some 20 times), so here is a saved copy.

                      Thanks Major, much appreciated. You don't owe me anything btw, I very much enjoy the searching all for myself lol!



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by toiletcontroller
                        I dont see what all the fuss is about, the number of times I have had to kick my sub in the head to get her to wet herself ....



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by moosehead68
                          Wow, this thread was a waste of life. Have all the little boys here pounded their chests to the point of feeling all manly yet? Pathetic bunch.
                          Look who's pounding with the rest of us. Oh, the irony! lol


                          • #28
                            Fight Wetting

                            This video was hot!

                            Thanks, Aloo, for saving it.



                            • #29
                              thank you for agreeing with me it has nothing to do with posting it here it has to do with the fact that they still liked her peeing her pants after getting her ass kicked and treated that way and still got off on it !


                              • #30
                                and i hope she kicks your ass for being a jerk and treating woman like that thats not even funny !

