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The Pool is dead, long live the new Pool

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  • The Pool is dead, long live the new Pool

    For anyone that used to chat in the room at the Pool 2, you probably know that the comemrcial site closed. The chat room was available for a short while directly, but now the moderators have set up a brand new Pool: http://users10.jabry.com/thepool2/main.asp

    Many of the old-timers are back there, so why not come along and chat? You might need waterproofs though, lol!

  • #2

    I'm bumping this once so as many people as possible see it, but promise that I won't do it again!


    • #3
      It's a good pee chat room!


      • #4
        It has terrible lag I was in there for about 5 minutes, but left. It's frustrating when your trying to talk to someone but it takes about 30 seconds for each message you type to go through I could have chatted faster by email lol


        • #5
          It is normally better than that.

          Unfortunately it is hosted on a free service, so periodically suffers from slowness and crashes. However, that is a lot better than the alternative of not having it at all after the commercial site that used to host it closed!

          Hang on in there, and if it goes down when you want to pee... you'll just have to hold on and get even more desperate!

