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Before We All Forget

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  • Before We All Forget

    Before We All Forget

    I wanted to bring a subject up before it passes away with two much time. I can't remember anything about wetting from the forties or even very much about it even in the fifties. There were a couple of neighbor girls that were both a bit older than I in the fifties and both of them could be counted on to regularly wet their pants. Since they almost always wore dresses or skirts to school the only real way to tell if they'd peed in their panties was to check the rear of their skirt or dress. Sometimes, but not always, their wet cotton panties would transfer a small circular stain. It was the beginning of this wetting disease and I've been infected ever since. Thanks Ladies.

    The real confusion for me however was the fact that adult women also did it. We lived close to the city center and almost everyone shopped during Friday and Saturday. Shopping malls were a brand new thing and were frequented by nearly everyone. The only protective panties available were a style of plastic or vinyl that looked like regular panties but were designed for wetting. The add for these panties was in every insert for the Sunday paper. They must of sold quite a few.

    I hung out downtown on weekends with my friends and saw more than a few ladies that had wet their pants. The thing was not many of them seemed to concerned about it. I guess because public toilets were not common, it was not a crime at least, to just go in your pants. The neighbor girls prepared me for that somewhat circular stain on the seat of a ladies skirt or dress so when I came across it (I was now looking for it quite intently due to a new sexual awareness and a love of women's butts.) I new that there was much more that had happened underneath. Sometimes my friends and I would comment but mostly it was a private thing.

    I knew that ladies wore girdles whether they needed them or not, pantie girdles, shapers, stockings and sometimes garter belts. I thought that for many it was simply easier to just go rather than suffer any inconvenience. My friend said that his thirty nine year old blonde and attractive mother wet her pants several times on the golf course because she'd had to many cocktails, took diet pills and there were no bathrooms.

    The place that just amazed me, however was the beach. Our beach was right on a river with water that was normally to cold to swim in. Wading was common. The place was packed on weekends and had a refreshment stand and filthy toilets. You didn't use the toilets unless it was really necessary. Bikini's were just becoming common so many women and teenagers still wore one piece swimsuits. It was not uncommon to see a lady with a wet stain surrounding the double crotch band of her swimsuit both front and back. I'm still convinced that they thought peeing in your swimsuit was not the same as wetting your pants. I saw so many peed in swimsuits that I've lost track. But those were definitely the days and I never see it anymore.

    I even remember one lady that appeared old to me, but looked good at about thirty five. She was wearing an aqua green one piece swimsuit with the small panel covering her camel toe. This style of suit was not uncommon then but was going out of fashion. That panel was enough to hide the stain surrounding her pussy but not her very pretty ass. I guess she'd peed while sitting on her towel and was now standing at the refreshment stand ordering a beverage. She probably could not of known about the semi-circular stain on her butt, but maybe just did not care or just considered it a girl thing.

    What do the rest of you know about ladies wetting their pants back then?

  • #2

    I really like your post here. This is something that I have thought about for years myself. I wasn't around back then to have any real input for I was born in late 1979. But I have read many stories and a few articles that make me wonder.

    The one that sticks with me the most is back from the days of the old west. Cowboy time. This was a time when house did not have any plumbing and everyone had to use an outhouse. It was said that because it was a very conservited time that the women were not allowed to be seen using an outhouse because it was known that she would be undressing and the men might get a peep. So it has been said that if a woman was outdoors doing laundry or cleaning etc. that she would just pee where ever she stood. It was more acceptable to see a pee spot on the ground under her dress than to undress to pee.

    Not sure if these are facts but I can truely believe just from other reading about those times. I think but am not sure that I have also read that the hoop at the bottom of most dresses were put there so the dress would not get dirty from pee flowing out from the women peeing. Like you said back in the day they did wear alot of garters and stocking and bloomers. Pee flowing from all that could make a mess of anyones clothes.


    • #3
      I'm old enough to remember the fifties quite well. My folks lived in the suburbs of a big Eaast Coast city, and times were certainly different then.

      A couple of girls around my age were regular panty wetters and, like Ihansen, I was hooked during my prepubescent days.

      In the US, most women wore skirts and dresses when out in public. Panties were full cut and usually cotton with fairly thick double layers in the crotch. I think this made it easy for women to just let go when desperation got the best of them. Visits to any public restrooms were very rare even at the amusement park we used to frequent.

      The same applied to the neighborhood recreation park where my small group of friends and I played through the summer. We were acompanied by our nannies, young women about 18-20 years old who were alowed to wear loose fitting pants thile chaperonng us children.

      I still remember one wettng her pants a few times while sitting in the grass. She seemed to take this as a normal event because she didn't leave the park immediately with her charges and it became evident only when we were finally walking home when the tell-tale ring on her butt was clearly visible.


      • #4
        While Sitting on the Grass

        That reminded me of something that happened while I was a sophomore in college. My friend and I left two girlfriends behind while we were in school but got reacquainted that summer. Both girls shared a summer job at the local park caring for kids that were quite young all the way to high school. Our girl friends regularly commented on who still peed in their pants while hanging out at the park. They always thought it was kind of cute. One of the local families had a bunch of blonde daughters and my girl friend was sure that they all still wet their pants, even the one in high school.

        Anyway the girlfriends monitored a wading pool that all the kids used. They didn't go in because they were sure all the kids peed in it.

        One day I stopped by on my way to work to say hello. My friends girlfriend was a real knock out and always wore a baby blue bikini. The girls were sitting on the grass next to each other some distance from the pool just talking when I showed up. What got my attention was that they had both peed in their bikinis. When they caught me looking they laughed and crossed their legs but were unable to cover the stains surrounding each of their pussies. Evidently, they had just sat where they were and peed, more concerned I'd notice than the other kids. Amazing.

        I soon left for work.


        • #5
          I bet you had some fun with your girl friend afterwards. Seeing a pee stain on a young woman's bottom when I was seven obviously didn't lead to sexual repercussions, but by the time I was 15 it sure would have. And a few years later, after losing my virginity, these would have led to some hot times with my GF.

          I was too timid to share my wetting arousal with anyone until I was 20. By then, we were in the throes of the sexual revolution and the summer of love. This started a long string of relationships in which wetting was one of the erotic elements.

          I've never regretted sharing my turn-on with my love interests. All of them were happy to indulge me, and as I've said before, some of them were into the kink for themselves before I brought it up.


          • #6
            Thought you might be interested...

            I saw this thread and immediately thought of a blog I used to follow. I'd lost track of it as I was seriously ill for an extended period of time during which my computer got fried and I lost all my bookmarks. It took a while but I found it again. I think it's real but who knows these days... <http://fancypanties.blogspot.com/2006/06/start-of-it-all.html>

