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Coldplay concert, Manchester

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  • Coldplay concert, Manchester

    I was at the Coldplay concert last night (Sunday 10th) in Manchester, Uk, around 30 - 40,000 people packed in to a football stadium with beer a plenty and thousands of scantily clad young women, a perfect scenario!

    I took a few walks around during breaks between bands (coldplay only came on late so it was dark for their light show) so there had been lots drunk long before the main event. I have never seen such long queues for ladies toilets, with much leg crossing and squirming to admire. Unfortunately I didnt have a camera with me (I know, you will probably slate me).

    The most interesting incident happened at the end of the night, like most people I needed to pee but didn't want to miss any of Coldplay's show, so at the end everyone rushed for relief. I was in a large mens block in a kind of semi circle minding my own business peeing away with around 30 other blokes when I heard a small commotion behind me. I turned my head to see a very attractive, scantily clad young woman dash into the block, clearly in a state of desperation and having seen the queue for the womens decided to run the risk of entering the mens. Most blokes simply smiled and laughed as she dived into a cubicle, I did try to listen for the lovely hissing sound but there was too much chatter, but I did wait outside to see her leave, unfortunately still dry....

  • #2
    My wife went to this concert, she was very concerned about the toilet situation, and as such, hardly had a drink all day before she went. She had been to the take that concert late last year (or was it early this year?) at the same venue, she couldn't believe the toilets then. The take that concert was more groups of women than cold play (which she said was more couples).

    When at the take that concert she witnessed girls peeing in urinals for the first time, to which she was very shocked by !! (they use gents toilet as ladies, as there were much fewer men, but football stadium much more geared up to men !, so they re-badged the toilet rooms) Only two cubicles and lots of urinals in the one she visited. She said the toilets were rank, her friend dropped mobile in toilet, and retrieved it !!!!

    I think she has led a sheltered life, she rarely pees in public, occasionally when drunk and very desperate. I have seen her pee in a sink though, but it was a long time ago.


    • #3
      I saw loads of desperation also when queuing in the merchandising queue on the Sat evening.

      I actually did video one girl. She was in a serious state of desperation and couldn't stand still.
      She had tight black leggings, a short top and boots on. I would say she was 25 ish and had two bottles of Fosters in her hand, so had obviously been drinking beer. This was before Coldplay came on around 8 ish.
      I was waiting in a queue for the merchandising stand and the queue for the ladies was running alongside mine. I filmed her quite discretely and have a few mins of her frantic desperation on my iPhone as she was moving alongside me in the queue. I never have luck like that normally as I see things like this occasionaly, but can never stay around to look for long.
      She kept saying to the girl in the queue behind her that she was going to burst and kept looking up and blowing out through her mouth and grimacing. As she got towards the front of the queue she kept bending over and crossing her legs before dancing in place. She said to the girl in the queue that she wasn't going to make it.
      Unfortunately she did make it, but it was close. She ran into a port-o-loo and when she came out she was a different person, all smiles.
      I had reached the front of my queue by then so didn't see her after that.

      I also have a fantastic desperation clip on my iPhone from last year of a girl at a tube station literally rocking from side to side sat next to me waiting for a taxi with her friends. She keeps saying she's not going to make it and her friend is trying to push on her bladder so she's freaking out. Such a sexy clip. I filmed this quite descretly with my phone as she was sat right next to me so didn't notice.
      Thanks to all those sexy drunk ladies hey?


      • #4
        good point, Id not thought about the stadiums being geared for men, I must start looking for more boy bands appearing at large football grounds ....


        • #5
          Thepeer, would love to see those clips


          • #6
            Imagine if there had been no toilets. It would have been all yellow....

            I'll get my coat.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Thepeer
              I saw loads of desperation also when queuing in the merchandising queue on the Sat evening.

              I actually did video one girl. She was in a serious state of desperation and couldn't stand still.
              She had tight black leggings, a short top and boots on. I would say she was 25 ish and had two bottles of Fosters in her hand, so had obviously been drinking beer. This was before Coldplay came on around 8 ish.
              I was waiting in a queue for the merchandising stand and the queue for the ladies was running alongside mine. I filmed her quite discretely and have a few mins of her frantic desperation on my iPhone as she was moving alongside me in the queue. I never have luck like that normally as I see things like this occasionaly, but can never stay around to look for long.
              She kept saying to the girl in the queue behind her that she was going to burst and kept looking up and blowing out through her mouth and grimacing. As she got towards the front of the queue she kept bending over and crossing her legs before dancing in place. She said to the girl in the queue that she wasn't going to make it.
              Unfortunately she did make it, but it was close. She ran into a port-o-loo and when she came out she was a different person, all smiles.
              I had reached the front of my queue by then so didn't see her after that.

              I also have a fantastic desperation clip on my iPhone from last year of a girl at a tube station literally rocking from side to side sat next to me waiting for a taxi with her friends. She keeps saying she's not going to make it and her friend is trying to push on her bladder so she's freaking out. Such a sexy clip. I filmed this quite descretly with my phone as she was sat right next to me so didn't notice.
              Thanks to all those sexy drunk ladies hey?
              yeahhh sooooo post them?


              • #8
                Guys, I would post them but they don't seem to be in any recognisable format.

                If I email them to my PC for instance, as I have done to back them up as I didn't want to leave them in my phone, I can't play them. The file is unrecognisable and won't play in MP4 or any other format. I've tried converting them, but no player playes them, not Realplayer, Windows media player, QuickTime Etc.


                • #9
                  if you search online for 'mp4 convertor' there are loads


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mr Jameson
                    Imagine if there had been no toilets. It would have been all yellow....

                    I'll get my coat.

                    Excellent !!!!!! i like


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Thepeer
                      Guys, I would post them but they don't seem to be in any recognisable format.
                      VLC will play virtually anything and can convert things to more web-friendly formats.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mr Jameson
                        Imagine if there had been no toilets. It would have been all yellow....

                        I'll get my coat.
                        Ha, that song does always make me think of pee!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Aloo
                          Ha, that song does always make me think of pee!
                          Yeah, because people who listen to Coldplay probably all wet the bed.

                          And I mean that in a totally non-sexy way.


                          • #14
                            just to let you know Mr Jameson, I don't wet the bed, so your statement is incorrect..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mr Jameson
                              Yeah, because people who listen to Coldplay probably all wet the bed.

                              And I mean that in a totally non-sexy way.
                              Does that mean that anyone called Jameson drinks whisky ?

