I've always been mystified why they've never provided source information for the material on their board, all the while slapping a watermark on the photos.
Me too. They do not create most of the pictures they posted, and it seems ironic to insert the FD logo on everything they've found on the web while superimposing the word "Sample" over the wet spots on their proprietary material.
What really puzzles me is why WetSet, FD and Patches don't all band together as one site. They're all dying communities, both Patches and FD have been in very poor shape for years. Why not combine the three sites and have one source for pretty much everything watersports related?
Strangely, exactly THIS link does not work for me.
Shara and Ger's site has never allowed linking directly to their pics. Any link that you copy and paste from their site will take you to the home page.
Based on the URL, which has the number 22270 in it, the original post appears to be referring to the third photo on page 600 of Shara & Ger's collection.
It's a rather grainy photo of a girl's ass with a wet spot, and you don't get to see the girl's face. Quite frankly, I don't see what is so interesting about this photo.
Unless the original poster thinks that he recognizes the location, and might be able to figure out who the girl is... or something like that.
... Patches and FD have been in very poor shape for years...
I don't know about Patches because I have no reasons to go there anymore but FD is still the site I visit daily and where I find the best (real) wet pictures. Each its own, but for me it's not poor at all.
What really puzzles me is why WetSet, FD and Patches don't all band together as one site. They're all dying communities, both Patches and FD have been in very poor shape for years. Why not combine the three sites and have one source for pretty much everything watersports related?
Although not a member of Patches, I post occasionally here and at FD and, I couldn't agree more. I belong to several though not all of them, but it's long been my view that there are too many watersports sites, all offering broadly the same sort of thing. It would be better to have fewer but better quality sites on the net. A case of less is more!
Lawerence my apologies I never knew that, but your exactly right I'm pretty sure the location is place in at all the time and if it is I 100% know the female I just want to know where the pic came from caption etc to confirm...my apologies it didn't work but it's the pic with a girl in green shirts standing infront of a baige roll up door
Although not a member of Patches, I post occasionally here and at FD and, I couldn't agree more. I belong to several though not all of them, but it's long been my view that there are too many watersports sites, all offering broadly the same sort of thing. It would be better to have fewer but better quality sites on the net. A case of less is more!
While a natural reaction would be to get defensive to what DeltaFoxTrot and Adrian6970 have said, I find myself agreeing with them!
There are too many watersports sites these days. Wet Set and Patches' Place have been business partners for over 15 years so it would be a natural evolution to combine our sites and our businesses. Paul and I have not had discussions about this but we could begin a dialogue about merging our sites and our businesses that could be beneficial for both of us and for the watersports community at large. Thanks for the suggestion!
Regardless of where such discussions might lead, I do plan on some major changes to my website later this year which I cannot do right now because of other time commitments. Patches' Place will continue to evolve and improve regardless of whether it is folded into a larger combined website with Wet Set or not. (BTW, Adrian, you cannot be a member of the Patches website because we do not have any memberships. Everything on my site is open and free!)
FD is aligned with Skymouse since Skymouse provides the bandwidth for FD. I believe those pics on FD which are stamped with "Sample" are pics which are supplied to FD by Skymouse and WettingHerPanties. FD may not be a natural fit with a combined Wet Set and Patches' Place but hey, anything is possible and I would not rule it out.
So, while criticism does not feel good, I am choosing to take these comments as constructive criticism which will be helpful to both Wet Set and Patches' Place as we seek to reinvent ourselves and respond to changing times, new technology, and increased competition. Stay tuned... we are not dead yet and I anticipate we will be even more alive in the future!
Shara and Ger's site has never allowed linking directly to their pics. Any link that you copy and paste from their site will take you to the home page.
I know that of course. No, it is different: I open the page which contains the pic (I know it is the pic showing a girl in green shorts, the third in the first row), click on it - and I am re-directed to Shara and Ger's home page! If I click on any other pic it opens fully, as usual.
Is it just me? I find it strange that nobody else seems to have that. And as I said, this is the case exactly with that pic and with no other.
I know that of course. No, it is different: I open the page which contains the pic (I know it is the pic showing a girl in green shorts, the third in the first row), click on it - and I am re-directed to Shara and Ger's home page! If I click on any other pic it opens fully, as usual.
Is it just me? I find it strange that nobody else seems to have that. And as I said, this is the case exactly with that pic and with no other.
No, it is not just you. I noticed the same thing. They either have a malformed link to the enlarged photo corresponding to that thumbnail, or the thumbnail is all that exists and there isn't a corresponding large photo.
I know that of course. No, it is different: I open the page which contains the pic (I know it is the pic showing a girl in green shorts, the third in the first row), click on it - and I am re-directed to Shara and Ger's home page! If I click on any other pic it opens fully, as usual.
Is it just me? I find it strange that nobody else seems to have that. And as I said, this is the case exactly with that pic and with no other.
(I agree with your other comments by the way!)
It works fine with me. I guess you pressed the direct link in the first post and now the hotlink direction to the menu page is in your cache for that picture. Clear your cache and it should work normally. I think.
It works fine with me. I guess you pressed the direct link in the first post and now the hotlink direction to the menu page is in your cache for that picture. Clear your cache and it should work normally. I think.
Any cache is disabled in my browser. There is no memory of anything ;-) Not even bookmarks of any spicy page. (Believe me that I know what I do.)
The thing remains mysterious. But bwetfan confirms the problem. It is not important in this case to know the reason because I am not really keen on this pic anyway. But it might become a nuisance when it should happen with a really hot pic.
I have been a loyal follower/visitor or what have you of Patches Place for years having purchased several videos, read all the stories and keep constant watch on the movie database. I hope Patches never quits and never goes away. I do feel similarly about wetset but Patches was the first site I found for such a fetish and I will always be a loyal supporter. Long live Patches Place.