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Was looking up some top 20 lists of actresses that like pee and found this...

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  • Was looking up some top 20 lists of actresses that like pee and found this...


    It is basically a who's who in pee pee performance actreses.

    Doesn't list celebrities, and there are a few of those too, but not in that list.
    What was interesting is i found an interview of a bunch of adult video actresses asking if they ever did pee scenes. A few had.. but almost all of them had pee play lovers, even the ones that had not done it on camera.

    It was also estimated about 10 years ago over 1 million people have pee fetish in the UK, its was like between the 7th and 9th most popular fetish.. and given not everyone would admit to it, probably a lot higher.


    PS: of all the porn stars interviewed, only 1 insisted they didnt like it. One!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Enkil View Post

    It was also estimated about 10 years ago over 1 million people have pee fetish in the UK, its was like between the 7th and 9th most popular fetish
    That may be our fetish's biggest problem. Americans, and from what I've heard Brits as well, seem to think anything that happens in a toilet is nasty or just plain wrong, Probably wearing diapers and pissing themselves while they say "that's disgusting!" Me, I'm out of the pee closet. And all of us should be.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Enkil View Post

      It is basically a who's who in pee pee performance actreses.
      I can think of a few they missed, unless they're deeper in the site:
      • Monroe from Young Legal Porn / Wow Girls: Perhaps the most adorable pisser ever. AFAIK, only 1 pee scene.
      • Tanner Mayes from ALS and other companies. Quite a little hottie And we went to the same college! But unlike her, I didn't claim to blow the dean.
      • Sahara Knite who breaks the stereotypes and shows that middle eastern women can be hot and gay and pee pervs.
      Leaving several out I'm sure. And intentionally left out models that work exclusively for pee porn companies, like Dido Angel and Noleta.


      • #4
        Ah yes, that is Tanner Mayes? She legit had her girlfriend pee on her so she could lick at it. The best pee pee performers are always the one that legitimately are turned on by it. Even the best actress will make a face that clearly shows she is NOT into it on film - and its why brazillian movies suck so much, they all think it is about the domination or degredation and are not particularly creative.. although there are roughly 4 of their performers who legit love it, but you usually have to sit through 30 minutes of crap to catch their scenes - god only knows their names - and their scenes are usually short because the idiots at SG video seem to prefer making abuse and degrade videos instead. I get the impression their biggest, meanest ugliest looking dominos are probably co-owners which is why they keep getting cast; and why they keep making terrible abuse porn instead of the kinky pee porn. (if you sit through their pee drink comp there is one girl who gets so turned on after her turn, she starts madly going down on the girl who peed on her, and the fat ugly director chick running the competition interrupts her to rush the next girl in.)

        ALS also had that other dirty blonde girl too, i forget the name - who was one of their first models who when requested to do the generic ALS pee scene left her panty on and promptly wet them when they started the camera, then after having the matter clarified did it again to do the generic naked pee video.. but luckily the photographer was not a complete moron and released the panty set with the main set too - and i think it became one of their best sellers.. and probably a major reason why ALS also sell bikinis that go transparent when wet now in addition to their mesh sets that are always transparent

        That and girls who are horny get wet too for other reasons.. and your knickers turning into invisible cling wrap the moment you get even remotely horny is only going to make you even hornier if exhib is their thing, which for most it is.

        Originally posted by Peevert View Post

        I can think of a few they missed, unless they're deeper in the site:
        • Tanner Mayes from ALS and other companies. Quite a little hottie And we went to the same college! But unlike her, I didn't claim to blow the dean.
        • Sahara Knite who breaks the stereotypes and shows that middle eastern women can be hot and gay and pee pervs.
        Leaving several out I'm sure. And intentionally left out models that work exclusively for pee porn companies, like Dido Angel and Noleta.
        Last edited by Enkil; July 3, 2021, 04:00 PM.


        • #6
          I think the other ALS girl i was thinking of who pissed herself was Brea and shortly after Franziska followed suit and they added it to their usual shots. This was their St John shoot 2006 i think. Bit dated now. Wonder where the girls are 15 years later..


          • #7
            Originally posted by Enkil View Post
            P.S. Of all the porn stars interviewed, only 1 insisted they didnt like it. One!
            That's really comforting to know!


            • #8
              Originally posted by Enkil View Post
              Wonder where the girls are 15 years later..
              Waitresses at IHOP

