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Mainstream Films

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  • Mainstream Films

    Can anyone identify the films that these clips came from?


    (girl wets herself in a police holding cell after they refuse to take her to the bathroom)


    (girl wets herself after falling asleep on the sofa)

  • #2
    where are the clips from? the sofa scene has a character name in the sub titles, if you can work out the language, you can probably narrow it down to movies from a particular country and movies using a character with that name, both movies seemed to be foreign ? The jail one looked to be pretty old by the film colors, but the sofa one had more modern looking clothes?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Enkil View Post
      where are the clips from?
      Don't know where they came from... a friend sent them to me. They "found them on the internet," and either they don't remember or don't want to tell me exactly where.

      The first one is obviously in French, and yes, it does appear to be an older film.

      The second one has dialogue in both English and probably in Spanish... but that portion of the audio is so weak that I can't tell for sure. It could be Portuguese or something else, but it's probably Spanish.

      I would love to see more of both films LOL

      In the first one, it almost looks like the guy brought her a dress or something to change into. But I can't understand enough of the dialogue to be sure.

      In the second one, I would love to see the rest of the scene, i.e., how other people react if they see that she has wet herself, and how the girl reacts when she wakes up in a puddle.

      Both scenes are almost certainly not real wetting. But very well done, in my view.

      Originally posted by Enkil View Post
      you can probably narrow it down to movies from a particular country and movies using a character with that name,
      The girl's name is Vero, which is short for Veronica. But I can't even begin to guess what country the film is from. And I speak Spanish fluently LOL. The dialogue in Spanish is background conversation, and it's just too weak for me to discern an accent or dialect. It might be the Spanish of Spain. But even armed with that info... looking for a movie made in Spain with a character named Vero is still kind of looking for a needle in a haystack...

      Last edited by Lawrence; December 1, 2021, 01:36 PM.

