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It was just a dream...

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  • It was just a dream...

    Woke up from the strangest dream this morning..

    Anybody else have any interesting dreams they woke from?

    In the dream there was some sort of riot, escape, rebellion or civil protest.
    We were all in some strange facility, could have been anything a university, detention facility, military outpost, shopping center, political building or residential building.

    Emotions and passions were high and many people were simply trying to make their feelings known. In our group was myself, an attractive female, who apparently was some indirect cousin, and a couple of girls slightly younger than ourselves.. of whom we were in charge of.. we had managed to escape the main building and found ourselves all on the outer wall of the building which served in part as a sort of overlook or balcony along the east side of the structure. As we all sprinted from the carnage behind us north along the railing the two younger girls spotted a couple of vehicles parked on the lane following along the bottom. Presumably these vehicles belonged to those oppressing us.

    The two younger girls stopped running a moment and stood leaning on the side looking down at the vehicles in anger. They looked at one another with a grim look on their faces. The older girl and myself stopped when we realized they had fallen behind, and caught our breath. Turning I went to the inner wall and peered around the corner into one of the doorways returning inside the building. The older girl about 10 meters further north than the girls looked over the cement rail too and noticed the cars as she panted.

    The look of anger on the younger girls faces changed from anger to a defiant grin, and they nodded silently to each other - the same idea occurring to them both. The pair of them climbed onto the cement safety rail and squatted down turning slightly south as one, then pulled their knickers down, and aiming awkwardly started peeing together off the balcony onto the southern of the two parked cars below in an act of impassioned protest in solidarity.

    The older girl, understanding the sentiment was now reminded of the urgency in her own bladder at the sound of loudly splashing liquid below, and inspired by the energy of the moment she too climbed onto the cement rail herself now, over the more northern vehicle. Her skirt was much shorter than the other two girls so she simply opened her knees and using her hands simply pulled the elastic of her cotton underwear to the side - and with what was cleared much more practiced ease soon had an arc of well aimed piss spraying over the window of the other vehicle below.

    The girls were all whooping with glee as their wet protest struck home and tainted the vehicles below that represented everything wrong in their world.

    I had confirmed, for the moment at least that there was nobody immediately near inside the building and turned to see what the girls were making so much noise about. From my position it was clear what the three of them were doing, and i found myself grinning at the form their defiance was currently taking. Emotions were high and all of our hearts were racing. More so for myself, because in her current position the older girl's current position gave me an unobstructed view between her legs not 3 metres away.

    Feeling inspired myself, and my normal restraint lost in the chaos of the day.. I couldn't resist standing and moving towards her in the moment, and could not resist the urge to lean over and plunge my face between her legs, where her pink button of a cliterous glistened temptingly in the light just above the pee arcing out of her, and I found myself licking her cliterous with glee.. her pee spraying a little onto my chin as I did so.

    She gasped, but already committed didn't stop her stream - nor was there any immediate need to, her charges the other two girls were facing away and wouldn't see what was happening anyway.. and it felts pretty good. It had not occurred to her that he might have liked her in that way.. and now that it had she was rather pleased with herself..

    I pulled away after a few more licks, grinned at her and wiped my chin. Her eyes sparkling she grinned back and nodded at me in an unspoken promise of more fun to come later and I returned to the doorway to keep watch until the trio ran out of pee and climbed down again. We resumed our escape along the wall to the north.

    Then I woke up.


    So did anyone else dream anything this interesting this weekend? Let us know below
    Last edited by Enkil; January 10, 2022, 06:43 AM.

  • #2
    Not this weekend but about two weeks ago I dreamed of one of the first guys I shared my fetish with. It was right after my husband and I got divorced and I made a promise to myself that I would explore my kinks and fetishes all the way to my limits now that I had no one to answer to. I called on a good friend from the fetish bar where my hubby and I used to go. He took some lingerie pics of me so I could put up profiles on fetish oriented dating sites. All those sites have a list you can make to check off your likes and dislikes. I listed water sports as one of my likes and you cannot BELIEVE the response I got. I was living in LA at the time and the first guy I emailed a whole lot who really appealed to me was in San Francisco so we met halfway at a motel near Hearst's Castle. You can't imagine how many times I wet my pants in a single weekend! Haven't seen the guy for years, but two weeks ago I dreamed a dream in which some of the things we did on that first magical encounter were replicated, so when I woke up I was super horny. I was sleeping in my underwear so I went into the bathroom, sat on the toilet without removing my panties, and peed. Then I wrapped myself in an old blanket so that I wouldn't damage the mattress and had a really really nice sleep.


    • #3
      To go off on a IRL tangent - About the most interesting thing I did this summer was go for a walk in the forest, in shorts, and not bother to remove them or even stop for the most part to pee. Mind you I had drank heaps of water before hand with the sneaking suspicion that if my walk was long enough I may eventually have a problem. They were more or less dry again by the time my walk was over.

      It is a wierd cosy feeling, and in the heat actually helped cool me down.

      I found myself wondering (or perhaps day dreaming) if it was worth trying to arrange some hiking or walking groups of locals into wetset, and have a set route where wetters might happen upon one another. Imagine the fun if that same walk occured with a few ladies doing the same.

