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Web Finds

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  • Web Finds

    Hi all

    I used to post web finds here a lot but they kind of died out a bit as people stopped posting on Twitter, etc. But as it’s been so long there’s quite a few around, so, for old time’s sake…

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnzh96e-Ads (Go to 4m 53sec)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mj63Xt1sLk (Go to 6m 40sec)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q95Lnmytduc (I love her!)
    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML1ReVqH/ (Nothing shown but what a hottie)
    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZML1RNCs7/ (Mature woman who doesn’t realise)

    No wetting in this last one, but I like the humiliation of knowing girls think like this - and knowing I was this guy a few times in my early 20s (and very clearly seen).

    Seeing this last vid reminded me of a time about 9-10 years ago when I was on a train in the UK, and a group of girls were sat near me, I’d guess they were late teens. They started talking about a lad they knew who’d evidently pissed himself on a recent night out, which immediately got my attention. Now I have no real interest in male wetting but I’ll never forget one of them laughing (but almost sympathetically) and saying “I thought only girls did that!”. I found the comment very sexy because it was like a window to the kind of girly discussions I rarely have access too and clearly within that group, a girl pissing herself drunk had both happened and had been considered a regular part of being drunk.

    Last edited by Aloo; January 10, 2022, 12:24 PM.

  • #2
    Hmm reminds me of a trip in my own younger days.. was returning from the city on a train and across from me was a group of teens some of which evidentally had a mental handicap. It appeared to be a field trip returning. Aside from one red haired firecracker who probably had the mental age of a child, but the sex drive of a porn star by all appearances and overheard words would have dragged a boy she saw on the station into the bushes and had her way with him had the others allowed it - there was another girl who didn't appear to have anything wrong with her at all. She seemed more or less smart, articulate and polite. The only issue I could see at all was that her jeans were entirely wet, and the others, apparently taking it for granted that was her problem were entirly unconcerned by it at all. I was of course still a shy early 20 something myself at the time, and cute as the probably 18 or 19 year old girl with the wet jeans was, i couldnt get up the courage to introduce myself. I suspected she liked wetting, and had joined the group so she could be free to do exactly that. She could have easily dressed as the other of her group in a skirt etc, and discretely done her thing - but the impression i got was that was exactly why she had the jeans on to begin with. She may have been feining a disability just to be free to wet herself as she pleased. Probably wishful thinking, but its one of those what if moments in my memory.


    • #3
      Thanks, that might be the most disturbing reply any of my posts has ever received.


      • #4
        Great finds, Aloo, good to see them again. Especially the video of the girl on the stairs is amazing. She walkes with her legs wide and her jeans are still glistening. She must have peed seconds before, or perhaps she was still peeing.

        One small addition, from one of the accounts from your finds, because the girls look so nice:



        • #5
          Some great finds there, well done!


          • #6
            Aloo, nice to have you back!

