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More Genuine Accidents

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  • #91
    Yet another acrobatic stunt on TikTok...

    In this one, there is not much to see. Near the end, you may be able to see a tiny wet spot in her crotch, but unfortunately it is somewhat obscured by text on the screen. In this case, I don't think this was intentional. We do get to hear the girl giggling, "I peed! I peed! I just peed my pants."

    The video is only about ten seconds, and, for my tastes, well worth a look just for the awesome view of the girl's tits, in a tight top with a bare midriff. This is definitely an unscripted genuine accident.





    • #92

      This is one of the finest real accident videos I have run across in a long time. Ranks right up there near the top, along with the video from Ukraine of the girl soaking her jeans on the metro.

      This girl wets her pants while doing backflips at a gym. Part of the audio is generated by one of those annoying text-to-voice simulators, which is reading the text on the screen. But you really need to resist the urge to mute the sound. There is genuine live dialogue embedded within. It is not drowned out, but you have to listen carefully. And this girl owns it. She is not too happy about it, but she is not shy, and she seems to enjoy laughing about it.

      Although the text says "piss your pants on a date," the smaller parenthetical text says that she is "jk, he is just my bff." And he loves it. Someone else is filming. He laughs when he sees what has happened. She sits on the mat with her legs closed, covering her crotch with her hand, and says she peed her pants. And he tells her to "stand up, or open up." And she readily complies, opening her legs to show us a beautiful wet patch.

      And there's more!

      She shows us her wet patch again, as they are walking to the car. She has a sweatshirt tied around her waist, but she pulls it away, giving us a front and rear view.

      As she gets into the car, he asks her, "What do you have to say for yourself?" And she replies, "Obviously, I have to do more kegels."

      File is about 12 MB and the video is about 45 seconds.





      Last edited by Lawrence; December 4, 2022, 04:49 AM.


      • #93
        All these are wonderful, thanks so much for finding/posting them....and the last one especially, she's totally cute and sexy, and clearly has a good sense of humor and not very self-conscious given how she shoes off her wet leggings knowing she's being videoed....


        • #94
          Thanks for all of these wonderful videos. And thanks for posting the direct links when possible.


          • #95
            aqua 2021 wrote:

            and the last one especially, she's totally cute and sexy, and clearly has a good sense of humor and not very self-conscious

            The girl has a serious presence on social media. Did not know this when I posted the link. I never look at TikTok except when I'm searching for videos of girls who wet their pants LOL

            I'm not on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. They are all different branches of the same sewer system. You could not pay me to spend time on those sites.

            Chloe V. Mitchell is the girl's real name, and she is a 19-year old college athlete who has 2.8 million followers on TikTok.

            You can read a little bit about how she built her following in this article:


            A casual look at her TikTok account indicates that this particular video was just posted a few days ago. Does not look like there are other videos with wetting.

            She may not be aware of just how much sexual interest there is in wetting accidents. But the girl is not naive. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's living much of her life online, for the whole world to see, and she's making money from it. The guy in the gym video is gay, but she took a trip to Aruba with him LOL and it looks like they pretended to be a newlywed couple to get some extra perks.

            You can't do this kind of thing if you are shy or easily embarrassed. Sooner or later she will probably figure out that the backflip video is getting attention from men who are into wet girls. And she probably won't care. More clicks = more money. And it's not porn LOL it's just real life.

            She's got an awesome body. Have a look at this one, where she is literally carrying two other young adults in her arms at the same time:

            Last edited by Lawrence; December 4, 2022, 11:28 AM.


            • #96
              Peed gray leggings. Huge wet spot, reaching below the knee:





              • #97
                Interesting background, thanks Laurence for the info. These are absolutely the best, and something about really cute, athletic girls/women wetting themselves accidentally which is a huge turn on. I've know dancers and gymnasts who've described accidents during practice and performance of girls/women wetting themselves...in two cases themselves included...makes life so much fun.


                • #98
                  can you tell us more about this one, maybe share the video? I don’t think I’ve seen it.

                  “This is one of the finest real accident videos I have run across in a long time. Ranks right up there near the top, along with the video from Ukraine of the girl soaking her jeans on the metro.”


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by smilieface888 View Post
                    can you tell us more about this one, maybe share the video?


                    • Wets her shorts at Walmart. Not the best camera work, but we do get to see a wet spot, and some drops on the floor. Looks like a real accident to me.



                      The file is about 6 MB and the video is a little over one minute.


                      • Wet her pants in the car. Poor camera work, but we do get a quick view of the wet patch in her lap. She is in the driver's seat. The car is parked, and the passenger is filming.

                        I can't get a decent screenshot. Everything is moving too fast.




                        • This is a narrative about a genuine accident, with nothing shown.

                          I don't generally watch "story time" videos. But this one is not some random teenager babbling on her own YT channel with 63 subscribers. It's something else.

                          This is a professional quality podcast called Zane and Heath, and they are interviewing a comedian named Brittany Broski. There is some very entertaining dialogue, in which Brittany tells a story about how and why she wet her pants while dining at Olive Garden. The hosts ask lots of questions, and she briefly demonstrates how she had to get up very carefully to try to conceal the wet spot. She then goes on to talk about how she peed on a couch at an AirBNB--more than once.

                          Again, nothing is shown. But worth a look if you'd like to hear a real woman, talking about real accidents, with plenty of detail, in a natural, unscripted conversation.


                          File size is about 14 MB; the video is about three minutes.




                          • And another very interesting narrative from the podcast world...

                            This one is audio only. The file is video format, and you get to see a still photo of the girl they are interviewing. She's hot. Her name is Natalie Mariduena. But no video.

                            Great story, told in the interview format, about how she was stuck in traffic and desperate on the way to a nightclub. She wet her pants shortly after getting out of the car. The host does a great job interviewing her. We hear the story in great detail, including how she bailed out on her friends, accepting a ride home from a male stranger, in her soaked black leather pants.




                            • http://www.tiktok.com/@chloevmitchel...80806832540974

                              cute woman in leggings wets herself in public on a trampoline............nice booty she has


                              • This is not new... I know I've seen it more than once within the last year or so. But I don't think it has been posted in this thread.

                                Asian couple attempts a stunt in which they are duct-taped together, back to back. While they struggle to get free without falling over, she wets her jeans.

                                Good dialogue in English, and good camera work, too. The duct tape was obviously planned, but the wetting appears to be unexpected and unintentional.

                                I don't have a link for this one. It has been living on my hard drive.


                                The file is about 10 MB and the video is about three minutes. Some parts of the video are preset to fast-forward within the file. This was not done by me. And there is some corny music at the beginning. But the wetting is not in fast-forward mode. The music stops quickly and you get real dialogue. Great views, front and back, of the wet patch as it spreads rapidly across her light blue jeans.

                                Last edited by Lawrence; December 12, 2022, 11:23 AM.

