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Klara Lukan, yet an other female athlete going in her pants during the race

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  • Klara Lukan, yet an other female athlete going in her pants during the race

    Klara Lukan (born 8 September 2000) is a Slovenian athlete. I can't remember if this lovely girl has been mentioned before. Anyhow, she peed in her pants during the 3000 meters event at the 2021 European Athletics Indoor Championships. There are pictures of her during and after the race all over the place. Just Google it. And I found a video. Start at 11:07


    klara lukan_006.jpg
    Last edited by dalton; July 8, 2022, 03:16 AM.

  • #2
    A lovely find. Wet runners are a favourite of mine There aren't many clear shots in the video during the race but one about halfway through shows no wetness so it happened in the last 4 laps or so.

    Here are a couple more high-res pictures from Getty at the same race:

    With just the beginnings of her pee stain visible:

    Celebrating over the line just a minute or two later with a much bigger wet patch:

    Cooling off:

    Celebrating with her flag:

    That's it for Getty though. Time to go rooting through Google Images
    Last edited by xxxxx; July 8, 2022, 07:01 AM.


    • #3
      A few more in the form of an imgur album:


      Clicky for bigger on them, some are quite high-resolution...


      • #4
        Those are awesome pix of Klara and Jessica. I love the fact that these girls just don't care. They have obviously just accepted the fact that their bladder is not always going to hold up when they run. And there's no way to hide it, and I'm sure they don't want to wear any kind of protection. So for some girls it's just part of what it means to be a serious competitive runner. It's great!


        • #5
          Agree, these are fantastic pics, and vids. Love that there is no shame; it just is what it is. I'll be posting a series of pics of a woman I'm with who's a frequent, accidental wetter and while she doesn't like it, accepts it and sometimes (often?) wets her pants in public settings, almost always a didn't make it on time near the toilet wettings. Usually a few inches down her pants, but sometimes almost to her knees. I've taken many pics and a few vids of these accidents...while not a runner delightful to see her in wet pants in public. (Although more often she's wet at home.) One example attached; wet at home but then we did some errands and she didn't change her pants/panties..... wet her pants 07-08-22 IMG_2099.jpg

