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Accident reports, please, share your sightings too!

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  • Accident reports, please, share your sightings too!

    I might have witnessed a handsome girl having a pee accident, last night. I sometimes find myself in a situation, that I see something which attracts my attention, but I'm not able to get a closer look, because things develop too fast and I'm not alone very often.

    Last night I was looking trough the main window, when I spotted 3 girls just in front of our apartment. They looked good and were dressed stylish as well. Classy nice girls, about 21 years old. They probably had just left a bar or party and were going home by bicycle, which is common here. They also behaved decently, although they were noisy and probably a bit drunk. This is what you often see here at Friday nights.

    What interested me was, that one of the girls was squatting behind her bike. I decided too keep an eye on her, because I've seen girls peeing between parked cars in front of our building before. The other 2 girls were already holding their bicycles, waiting and ready to leave. It was freezing outside, but there was no rain or snow. I noticed that the squatting girl was trying to unlock her bike's chain lock, but she acted very slowly and didn't seem to be in a hurry at all. Perhaps there was something else... or she was still doing something else... She was wearing a a pale brown winter coat, which was open, a black tight skirt, and a black pantyhose.

    Until that moment, I did not hear what was being said, but one of the girls suddenly seemed to warn the squatting girl: 'Then your buttocks will freeze!". About 3 seconds later, the squatting girl, who was still trying to unlock her chain lock calmly said: 'Oooh, I'm all wet!' Then, one of the girls stepped in to help her with her lock. There was no puddle visible.

    This is what I saw and heard and were this story unfortunately ends, because my sister in law started talking to me and asked me why I was staring down the window. I was sorry I wasn't home alone and unable to grab my phone camera. Today, I'm still trying to visualize and figuring out, what I saw last night.

    Please, share your sightings too!
    Last edited by dalton; December 18, 2022, 03:17 AM.