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Where is our fearless leader?

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  • #16
    I would be willing to purchase


    • #17
      I will gladly pay shipping to US, and $ for your time


      • #18
        Hi Paul, I just emailed the store owner, I'll let you know what he says. This might be easier if I have your email address. - Peevert


        • #19
          Originally posted by newhere149 View Post
          I will gladly pay shipping to US, and $ for your time
          Ok, great. Send me an email to support@wetset.net and we can discuss specifics.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Peevert View Post
            Hi Paul, I just emailed the store owner, I'll let you know what he says. This might be easier if I have your email address. - Peevert
            Thanks. My email address is support@wetset.net


            • #21
              (Sitting silently on the sidelines wondering which Wet Set issues Peevert is missing and needs to add to his collection.)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Wet Set View Post
                I can assure you that your fearless leader (and the Vice President) are both alive and well. As has been pointed out, I’m just kinda busy. My latest task, sadly, is to shred thousands upon thousands of printed magazines dating back to 1993. We need the space. I bought the most expensive shredder I could afford, but it’s still not up to the job. I did try getting a quote from a professional shredding place, but after showing initial interest, they must have looked at the website! I don’t suppose anyone wants a mountain of Wet Set magazines?
                Best wishes to you Paul! Without wishing to get too soppy, the black and green forums had a bigger impact on my life than you probably ever envisaged they would have for people. I was 16 (I lied when I ticked the over-18 box, sorry!) in the Y2K when dialup internet entered my home and I discovered, far from being the only weird kid who liked hot girls who peed their pants, there was a whole population of people out there who enjoyed the same things and it turned out, I wasn’t that weird after all. I’d genuinely spent my teenage years up to that point assuming I was the only one.

                I’m nearly 40 now… mad to think I’ve been coming on here half my life. But this forum genuinely saved people from a lifetime of self doubt. Thank you.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by patches View Post
                  (sitting silently on the sidelines wondering which wet set issues peevert is missing and needs to add to his collection.)
                  Patches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Last edited by Peevert; March 7, 2023, 02:22 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Patches View Post
                    (Sitting silently on the sidelines wondering which Wet Set issues Peevert is missing and needs to add to his collection.)
                    Actually, I'm fairly certain I only have that one issue that I bought at the news stand. I'd swear I ordered some from Paul, if so, they probably would up in the hands of a peeverted customs worker.

                    Of course, as we know, the legacy item I really want is not in Paul's collection, it's in your collection. Patches, Volume 1


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Aloo View Post

                      Best wishes to you Paul! Without wishing to get too soppy, the black and green forums had a bigger impact on my life than you probably ever envisaged they would have for people. I was 16 (I lied when I ticked the over-18 box, sorry!) in the Y2K when dialup internet entered my home and I discovered, far from being the only weird kid who liked hot girls who peed their pants, there was a whole population of people out there who enjoyed the same things and it turned out, I wasn’t that weird after all. I’d genuinely spent my teenage years up to that point assuming I was the only one.

                      I’m nearly 40 now… mad to think I’ve been coming on here half my life. But this forum genuinely saved people from a lifetime of self doubt. Thank you.
                      Same here, Aloo. I started coming to Wet Set in 2000. I loved the old green and black bulletin board. Great memories!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Peevert View Post

                        Of course, as we know, the legacy item I really want is not in Paul's collection, it's in your collection. Patches, Volume 1
                        NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!


                        • #27
                          I'm not giving up that easily. :P


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Peevert View Post
                            I'm not giving up that easily. :P
                            The master video tape and all copies of Patches 1 have been destroyed. Give up!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Patches View Post

                              The master video tape and all copies of Patches 1 have been destroyed. Give up!
                              'Master' implies it was used to make copies...

                              Actually to be fair, in my uuh wanderings ive encountered quite a few very obscure sites with videos titled 'Patches volume XX' I've probably seen small parts of all the older discontinued ones by now, if only the thumbnail panel. They are cute little videos of naughty girls playing relatively innocent wetty games (by todays standards at least); but the video quality is so low it would only really be viewable on a small phone screen or perhaps through an old CRT monitor.. and even then Patches, if it was one of the ones you or Debbie(Was that the other girl that wanted her old videos removed ?) had featured in the quality was so low if I encoutered either of you at my workplace, i probably still wouldn't recognise you.

                              I wouldn't worry too much about it if any are still in the wild.

                              Probably the best part isn't so much what they are doing, but the genuine expression of fun and enjoyment they show while doing it. Most modern stuff has girls making faces, gagging, or are really focused at the 'humiliation' demographic which really doesn't interest me. A girl who enjoys it is more likely to do it for fun than one who is so humilated she wont even go out in public, let alone wet herself for you.

                              Tho i must admit the video of.. what was her name - the brunette with the cute "x-men's mystique" style blonde streaks pissing her panties onto a glass coffee table and giggling with evil glee the entire time did rather give me a fondness of girls sporting that particular hair style from that point on.

                              I still have a soft spot for them, if any girls in Victoria have brown hair with cute blonde stripes, and want to visit my shop and accidentally (on purpose) piss her knickers on the floor.. private message me - i would probably let you lol

                              Also I have digital SLR cameras and a photo printer if you want a souvenir afterwards... tho an accident can be explained away, taking a photo of it happenig might be a little more difficult..
                              Last edited by Enkil; March 25, 2023, 03:19 PM.


                              • #30
                                Actually patches.. here is an idea - AI graphics have come a long way - it may be possible to remaster and upscale the old videos with AI regenerated faces and bodies now, thereby preserving the scene, while at the same time anonymising the performers who would then have a glamourous new AI generated face and look nothing like.. themselves.

