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Advice needed - erotic fiction stories

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  • Advice needed - erotic fiction stories

    contrary to the recent lack of uploaded stories, I am actually still working on several projects, however I find myself with a bit of a problem.
    Any suggestions here would be appreciated.

    Firstly i have been trying to integrate suggestions from previous Polls, which seem to suggest a desire by the community for longer storys with more wetting scenes, particularly accidents, and "initiation" events where characters discover an interest in the kinks, and the occasional AB or poop moment just for variety, but not dominating the story (its not really my thing, but my readers like it so i throw a few in). The easiest way to do this is do a complete story including the events that led to their enjoyment of the fetish, of which gives me the concept of "backstory" and "prequel" ive also played with "spin off" such as the super trooper story that occurs in the world of the other story i have not finished yet.

    The problem I have is that firstly the longer stories, ARE getting long, I started doing page counts, and so far my unpublished stories that are not even finished yet easily go into a4 page counts of 100 pages or more, the current one is over 100 and that is just the backstory part. This means they are too long to post on this forum, and contain too much explicit sexual detail to safely publish them as actual erotic fiction stories in physical or e book format on amazon which is invested with the usual "karen" thinking on sexual topics common in the aberrant anti-sex thinking of your typical US corp / society world. . I would like to maybe link the stories together as a sort of multi generational series of pee kink plots.. and publish as an omnibus but given todays Cromwellian social ideals of political correctness, I am likely to end up banned, cancelled or worse. Piers Anthony for example, has found himself on the end of such a tirade of hate and vitriol, for even writing a story where they joke that much to the frustration of one of the young female characters, anytime anyone accidentally catches sight of her knickers, they immediately end up in a coma.. this isn't even a new idea, its a common running joke in Japanese fantasy fiction, that of boys on catching sight of a girls knickers end up puking, blood noses, comatose, or worse punished by society at large even if it was accidental. In another story he includes harpies and demonesses which of course are characters traditionally equipped with *GASP* breasts! who *the horror* are not exactly known for their habit of wearing clothes. That was all it took for his email and twitter to be immediately rendered unusable by offence-bomb campaigns by crusading morons.

    Secondly backstories, need to include at least some references to their youth, i've place my lower limit to any sort of self discovery erotic type material to teenage, and anything prior to that little more than vague mentions that x character arrived here at y age, and has lived here for z years before getting into any sort of detailed story. Even that is problematic, as that puts me on the wrong side of moral crusaders that are of the firm opinion that anyone at an age that might identify as teen or high school never actually get up to anything sexual, autoerotic or otherwise, and anyone who says otherwise will be on the wrong end of a religious lobby group yelling at them, or making unfounded rumors suggesting myself and my readers have an unhealthy preoccupation with youth.

    Clearly most of you actually were teenagers once, unless you had some coma related accident, and know that if nothing else all teenagers DO is spend all their time with an unhealthy preoccupation with sex and experimenting, but apparently once the 1980's ended, nobody was actually every meant to talk about it anymore.

    Thirdly, my other option, that of submitting them to first amendment websites like nifty or lite erotica that concerns itself with watersport and bisexual erotica is not really practical either, as most of these websites have become little more than the shallow pretext for the distribution of ACTUAL pedophile content, which although my material contains teenagers doing things that teenagers actually got up to, (myself, my friends and so forth included back in the day) that still gives me a sort of guilt by association for even daring to write a story where a senior in high school for example, might have gotten up to anything interesting - Then having published it on a site where the majority is lately just weird pedo stories, so many in fact all the legitimate authors myself included have abandoned these platforms.

    So I find myself at a crossroad here, wondering if i should even bother to keep writing erotica at all, my most recent project, could, if i removed all the sexual content be an almost passable romantic adventure story about an orphanage with a secret floor left over from the prohibition days.. but it would be a lot less exciting without all the mischief that unsupervised teenagers might get up to in such a place.

    To be fair my exploration of erotic writing was just to practice my writing to the point I could publish something that I could put my real name instead of a pen name on, but I am not sure I am quite that good enough yet.

    So, what is everyone elses thoughts or opinion on these matters? Cause at this point my fear is, if i keep writing, some asshole will take offense to it, and try to publicly shame me for it, like they have to Piers Anthony, or the posthumous hate that arthur c clarke now gets because he was apparently gay, and twinks were his thing.
    Last edited by Enkil; April 20, 2023, 05:34 AM.

  • #2
    Off the top of my head, and without putting serious thought or research into what I admittedly have minimal first-hand experience in, (I am somewhat well-versed when it comes to video et al, as opposed to what appears to be your need: solely text-specific posting venues) I have two suggestions that may fit the bill, or inspire other ideas:

    1. Making your own website, using a free host with lenient TOS, with a free URL redirect to shorten the obligatory convoluted free address. Perhaps there is something like an erotic Wordpress blogging site. If not, this could be a rather profitable undertaking seeing as it would fill a vacant niche. If feasible, the website hosting and/or url redirect could be paid for, expanding potential options.

    2. The name escapes me rn, but you or other board members may recall the media sharing website that allowed time-sensitive video uploads (that were available to all with the link to the page.) The fact that uploads were deleted after a few days can work in your favour by encouraging people to check in asap and often, as you share a select number or portion(s) of your work; pic erhaps chapter by chapter.

    I'd be willing to bet there is a "Rule #34" when it comes to ideas in general existing instantly online after public expression, given that we can count on there being a porno for every conception.

    I'm sure you've thought of or passed on both of these ideas but I figured I'd suggest in the event you hadn't. If this helps, +1 it; if not 86 them.


    • #3
      Hosting probably wouldn't be a major issue between me and wetset, We have three or four entire hosting platforms between us, which with some clever programming could effectively obfuscate what the content actually is from the actual datacentre, ( simple cgi gakekeeper that shows a boring nothing to see here page, unless you submit the right argument) the issue as I see it is if I want to actually publish (ie print) the books, or sell the stories as ebooks my only options are platforms that will either reject them on PC grounds (amazon, self publish sites etc) or have content that will bring needless public attention in a negative context.because of very questionable material those content platforms already host. At this point I could never publish on the two sites for example i mentioned in op because the way the wind is blowing suggests to me those sites will likely be raided at some point, even if it ends up being overturned, the logs by that point will have been siezed. I could find myself in a kim dot com situation where all my equipment is raided, and although ultimately it would be found, I have nothing of interest at all to them, the damage by that point would be done. The trouble with going off platform for the longer stories is there is /no/ audience there.

      I could link to a website from here, but how many people would actually click? It also takes advertising away from Paul who runs wetset, and he is doing it tough enough already, with his payment processor giving him problems thanks in part to the same PC issues and stupid laws that concern me about my writing. I did bounce the idea of him dusting off the presses and selling print versions of a hypothetical omnibus of my kink stories, but he seemed rather reluctant, since i think most of that equipment is not really practical to use for on demand prints.

      Time limited is fine if my content actually was popular and in need of protecting, but given my reader stats (on average 160 to 300 individual reads after being posted for a year) are pretty low, that would likely mean it would expire before most people had time to read it

      Using my own website also leads to the issue, some damn fool that takes offence and finds a site too well anonymized may well opt instead to hit it with a bot net. Ive had that happen before over another site regarding one of my more scientific hobbies, and it put my main occupation under threat as it rendered my internet unusable in a workplace where internet plays a critical income role.

      This still does not significantly help my issue that for a fully fleshed out story it needs some sort of backstory, and discussing characters childhoods no matter how clinical or vague I am is going to cause problems, because the main audience is the USA, the offended by everything capital, rule 34b in the USA means, no matter what you write about, someone will be offended by it too.
      I could avoid the backstory to jump right into the climax of the erotic scene but then the story becomes empty and lacking in depth or hooks to draw the reader in to the lives of the characters. As an author, that is boring. For me writing is an element of fun, with characters that start taking on lives of their own, where I feel a connection to the characters, almost like they are living things; who need the story to go on to stay alive.. (hard to describe the concept.. but if you ever write a long fiction story, it sometimes feels that you the author are just watching their lives, not making them up.. its weird, almost like they are your children)

      Not sure how much of my work you have read, but there is, unlike most fetish fiction, almost always at least a small element of romance woven into my stories, not just as a shallow pretext, but something people "feel" or failing that; fun or adventure which makes you actually like or relate to some of the characters. I think to date my most popular story (over 700 readers) was the one where I actually threw in how two people meet and end up romantically involved, with a few special moments - that of course being the sucky hike story.. which was a weird romance adventure fetish story experiment that seemed to turn out pretty well considering I had to basically Frankenstein together a few super rare medical conditions into something that would fit the goofy premise.. which of course at its core was basically a story of how a couple of young horny people could end up basically forced to remain in a state of effectively pee play and oral sex non stop for days, and become so bonded by the experience they hook up because of it. It was notable as it was also one of the first story where I snuck in a few "touching moments of vulnerability" inspired by events in my own life, and the result was a story three times more popular to date than anything else i wrote

      .. and it is at this point I seem to have lost the point I was even trying to make in the first place *shrug*
      Last edited by Enkil; April 27, 2023, 01:25 AM.

