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Rare material request

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  • Rare material request

    Is there any material of girls peeing PVC jeans, latex dresses, and other shiny clothing?

    Now here's a thought: if a girl wasn't entirely confident about her bladder, that'd be quite a good choice of clothing. No wet patch, and nothing shows except a puddle round her shoes... Which is, of course, a problem if we want the classic 'wet myself' image. Maybe that's why its so rare.

    I think there's one - just one! - set where the model wets herself in blue PVC shorts. It's a nice shot, she's drawing something on a whiteboard, and the pee rushes down her legs. It's a Skymouse set, so it's all forced smiles and show-what-I've-done in a very formulaic way.

    ...And that's it, as far as I know. Would anyone care to point me towards other sets - photos and video clips? Is there anything a bit more natural?

    At one time this kind of clothing was unusual - 'pervy' and a special 'look' for fetish clubs - but it's went mainstream long before Lady Gaga. Latex dresses are just another 'Oh God she's looking for attention' at the discos and parties I get to these days: nowadays I see girls, out clubbing every weekend, wearing them. PVC jeans and shiny latex leggings are very much the mainstream - considered blatant, but not shocking - and every girl seems to have a PVC miniskirt in her wardrobe.

    ...Which is where I'm at: 'every girl' - ordinary girls, doing ordinary things, and wetting themselves.

    Please don't bother posting links to bored prozzies dressed up to tickle the 'special' punter who wants an exhibition in latex. To put it bluntly, I F*** ordinary women. Attractive ones, but that's not uncommon in my city: and 'sexy' means pretty, confident, natural, and relaxed. So that's what I look for in erotic images and video.

  • #2
    Yes, I'm sure there's loads of such material. Most of it will probably be German.

    I think girls who aren't sure about their bladders are usually a bit past the age where they can get away with a rubber skirt, but it's a nice idea.


    • #3
      Women peeing pleather pants

      Originally posted by Betanumeric
      Is there any material of girls peeing PVC jeans, latex dresses, and other shiny clothing?

      Now here's a thought: if a girl wasn't entirely confident about her bladder, that'd be quite a good choice of clothing. No wet patch, and nothing shows except a puddle round her shoes... Which is, of course, a problem if we want the classic 'wet myself' image. Maybe that's why its so rare.

      I think there's one - just one! - set where the model wets herself in blue PVC shorts. It's a nice shot, she's drawing something on a whiteboard, and the pee rushes down her legs. It's a Skymouse set, so it's all forced smiles and show-what-I've-done in a very formulaic way.

      ...And that's it, as far as I know. Would anyone care to point me towards other sets - photos and video clips? Is there anything a bit more natural?

      At one time this kind of clothing was unusual - 'pervy' and a special 'look' for fetish clubs - but it's went mainstream long before Lady Gaga. Latex dresses are just another 'Oh God she's looking for attention' at the discos and parties I get to these days: nowadays I see girls, out clubbing every weekend, wearing them. PVC jeans and shiny latex leggings are very much the mainstream - considered blatant, but not shocking - and every girl seems to have a PVC miniskirt in her wardrobe.

      ...Which is where I'm at: 'every girl' - ordinary girls, doing ordinary things, and wetting themselves.

      Please don't bother posting links to bored prozzies dressed up to tickle the 'special' punter who wants an exhibition in latex. To put it bluntly, I F*** ordinary women. Attractive ones, but that's not uncommon in my city: and 'sexy' means pretty, confident, natural, and relaxed. So that's what I look for in erotic images and video.

      Let´s get philosophical: That´s evolution.

      First, all the things one didn´t see, are not existing. (Ergo, wet pants must be peed pants.)
      Secondly, women can´t be intelligent – they´re not part of the world.
      Third, MY mind shall reign. There´re no more opportunities for sure.


      There could be so lovely and smart situations with women peeing into their pleather pants ...

      Myself I´m not a fan of latex. I prefer women in leather imitation pants (take a look at the varity of fabrics with so much potential, PVC/PU is a fragment). And I prefer woman in bikinis (nice fabrics).

      But what´s the „market“-reality: Schoolgirls and sluts.

      No more opportunities.
      Small world.

      The offer: Technically only crap. Unsubstantial.

      No more opportunities.
      Small world.

      So, I hope your call is heard.




      • #4
        Happily, you're wrong: LOTS of women in their 20's have wet themselves.

        Originally posted by Percival
        I think girls who aren't sure about their bladders are usually a bit past the age where they can get away with a rubber skirt, but it's a nice idea.

        Er, no. Try Googling for 'Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in women aged 20-30' and see what you get.

        Start here: Published medical data from four European countries suggests otherwise.

        Definitions vary in the published papers but 30% of British women aged 20-24 answered 'Yes' to the question "Have you experienced any involuntary loss of urine in the last 30 days?"

        Most of those women lost a few drops, and rather fewer of them regularly wet themselves: that's moving into a clinical diagnosis of incontinence - which runs at about 12.5% in that age group, with most of that being mild incontinence. However, 2.7% of women aged 20-24 are severely incontinent, suffering a full loss of bladder control on most days.

        I have no erotic interest in women who are ill and I wish them a speedy recovery from their condition.

        However... We're left with a very large number of healthy women in their early twenties who have wet themselves a little or a lot, and are not medically 'incontinent'. For some, it comes as a surprise, and alcohol was probably involved. For others, who are a little way outside that 12.5%, it was something they knew would happen every now and again.

        Not all of those women are fat and ugly.

        Actually, most women in their early 20's are attractive, unless you live in Nuneaton... And I could throw in the numbers for women in their late 20's, which are slightly higher due to the effects of childbirth, and hope that there are some attractive ones in the remainder.

        I've trawled through the figures in the past and my best estimate is that among women aged 18-30, who are healthy (and not among the medically incontinent), about 5% of them have a major accident every year. As in: soaked clothing and a puddle. Could be as low as 2%, could be as high as 7%. About half of those wettings come as a shock to the woman and her friends: the other half are less of a surprise, or at least an embarrassment that was unexpected at the time but not entirely unimaginable to the woman in the middle of the puddle.

        Here's why: about 20% of young women report being 'careful' in restricting fluid intake and choosing dark clothing, as a precaution against involuntary urination.

        So yeah, there's a lot of active young women who know they might wet themselves, because they have, and they are well aware that they probably will again.


        • #5
          Do you like the result with those many answers?

          Originally posted by Betanumeric
          Er, no. Try Googling for 'Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in women aged 20-30' and see what you get.

          Start here: Published medical data from four European countries suggests otherwise.

          Definitions vary in the published papers but 30% of British women aged 20-24 answered 'Yes' to the question "Have you experienced any involuntary loss of urine in the last 30 days?"

          Most of those women lost a few drops, and rather fewer of them regularly wet themselves: that's moving into a clinical diagnosis of incontinence - which runs at about 12.5% in that age group, with most of that being mild incontinence. However, 2.7% of women aged 20-24 are severely incontinent, suffering a full loss of bladder control on most days.

          I have no erotic interest in women who are ill and I wish them a speedy recovery from their condition.

          However... We're left with a very large number of healthy women in their early twenties who have wet themselves a little or a lot, and are not medically 'incontinent'. For some, it comes as a surprise, and alcohol was probably involved. For others, who are a little way outside that 12.5%, it was something they knew would happen every now and again.

          Not all of those women are fat and ugly.

          Actually, most women in their early 20's are attractive, unless you live in Nuneaton... And I could throw in the numbers for women in their late 20's, which are slightly higher due to the effects of childbirth, and hope that there are some attractive ones in the remainder.

          I've trawled through the figures in the past and my best estimate is that among women aged 18-30, who are healthy (and not among the medically incontinent), about 5% of them have a major accident every year. As in: soaked clothing and a puddle. Could be as low as 2%, could be as high as 7%. About half of those wettings come as a shock to the woman and her friends: the other half are less of a surprise, or at least an embarrassment that was unexpected at the time but not entirely unimaginable to the woman in the middle of the puddle.

          Here's why: about 20% of young women report being 'careful' in restricting fluid intake and choosing dark clothing, as a precaution against involuntary urination.

          So yeah, there's a lot of active young women who know they might wet themselves, because they have, and they are well aware that they probably will again.

          Do you like the result with those many answers?

          http://smotri .com/video/view/?id=v431927c9ed
          (from ca. 09:30 to 10:50 min)



