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Goodness Gracious!

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  • Goodness Gracious!

    Vic wrote, re: his wife:

    If by "in public", you mean in view of others, maybe 6 or 7 times, only maybe 3 on purpose.
    All I can say is that it's a good thing we live on opposite sides of the country. My boyfriend has a bit of a heart problem, and if he ever saw a woman deliberately wet her pants in public, he might go into cardiac arrest!

    Of course, it would a blissful image to take with him into the Otherworld, but we're having so much fun in my big old undies that I wouldn't want to lose him!

  • #2
    In view of others...(Halloween!)

    Once again, I posted this on the old board before, so forgive me for repeating...
    It was the late 1990's, Marie & I were at a Halloween costume party / bonfire held by friends of ours that live in an area where "city" transitions to "rural".
    They owned a couple of acres, and would build a HUGE bonfire, had good drinks, good food, great fun.
    Marie & I went as "Mr. & Ms. Zorro". We each wore black leotards, black leather ballet slippers, black "Zorro" type hats, and short black capes.
    We both had "swords" made of wooden dowel rods, which we'd soaked in lighter fluid so as to present a "flaming sword duel" (which ended with a kiss, of course)!
    My Dear Marie was wearing a "one piece" leotard / catsuit, which requires, as you can picture, a fair amount of "dismantling" in order to pee.
    However, since the last time we'd been there, it seems that our hosts had adopted a kitten. My Dear Marie is HUGELY allergic to cats. We aren't talking sniffles, we are talking- "Get Marie to the E.R. before her airway swells shut and she DIES". There was absolutely NO WAY she could enter the house.
    Since we'd been about the first guests there, we were the first in the driveway. (I'd brought a pickup full of firewood and had to help set-up as our contribution to the party).
    As the evening went on, Marie's Diet Cokes started to make their presence "known".
    She certainly couldn't go in the house, or to be outside & NAKED from the ankles up in order to pee!
    Our truck was blocked in the driveway (as mentioned before), so there wasn't really much choice. We went to a corner of the big yard (it was well dark by now) Maire crouched down, reached her sweet, soft hand up to me, said "Steady me".
    I held her hand as she squatted & soaked her leotards & the ground with pee. No other choice for either of us.
    Once the initial "situation" was dealt with, the rest of the evening sort of just "flowed" from there, shall I say...
    Marie very seldom drinks alcohol (maybe once every couple of years), but when she does, she favors green apple martinis. After the first wetting, she decided it was "martini time".
    Have you all ever HAD one of those?! WHEW! I drink often, and they blow me out of the water!!!
    As the evening went on (and she had a few more martinis) Marie finally got to where she was just FED UP with having to go pee through her leotard in a dark, distant corner of the yard, and she just LET LOOSE while sitting on a log around the bonfire, in front of our friends.
    It was quite visible to everyone, a pencil-stream of pee arcing through the crotch of her leotards, making a muted splashing sound in the dirt in front of her.
    There was a moment of stunned silence.
    Marie said- "Well, you adopted a damn CAT!! What the hell am I supposed to do?!"
    Another moment of silence.
    Our hosts & their guests then slowly hoisted their beer cans and plastic cups overhead in a silent toast, and each took another drink.
    Marie & I were both a bit hung over the next morning, but WOW! what great playtime we had!
    Best Wishes!- Vic


    • #3
      Wish I could get that bold. Of course Richard would love it if I did something like that, and I have an exhibitionist side to me that finds the whole notion very attractive.

      It is getting cold here now, and it looks like winter is coming early, so we decided to go to Cabo San Lucas and get warm.

      I promised him that I will really do it this time. I am going to play one of the oldest parts in the book of this fetish: The Girl Who Got Too Drunk in Mexico.

      Wish me luck.


      • #4
        Oh, wait a minute! I feel an intelligent discussion coming on!

        I am interested in how other members of the party appeared to respond psychologically. In the story I told about my "incident" at the porno theater, the situation wasn't a typical social situation. But these were ordinary folks at a Halloween party, right?

        So I'm wondering.... Did other party-goers seem disgusted? Did they avoid her and more or less ostracize her from the party? Or, if you were busy talking to someone else, did any men approach her and try to get friendly?

        Some years ago I knew a woman named Angie Romero who honestly couldn't handle more than a few beers without wetting her pants whenever she burst into laughter. You'd think that would be enough to cause most people to quit drinking, but not Angie. She was a bit of a drunk. The thing is, it sure didn't seem to have a negative effect on her being asked out on dates. It sort of made me wonder if there were more perverted guys out there than I had imagined.

        Oh, and just because I am getting along a bit in years, I also cannot help but wonder, how old was Marie when this incident took place?

        And just for the sake of an intelligent discussion, I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who has ever been with a wet woman in public. What kind of reaction did she get from other people?


        • #5
          Hi- When Marie did that, it was at the very end of the evening. There were only 8 or 10 people remaining, sitting on logs around the dying-down fire. She would not have wet in front of our friends, except that she'd had her inhibitions lowered due to having several "apple-tinis", and was frankly irritated that our hosts had adopted a cat, them knowing how allergic she was. I pointed out to her that we only go to their house maybe once every 3 years or so, and if the situation were reversed, would we have not adopted our dog?
          She agreed with the logic, but was still upset anyhow.
          When she wet that time, (about her 3rd or 4th wetting of the evening) it was not really a "HEY!- Look at me!" sort of thing, it was more of like- "Dammit, I'm tired of going off in the cold, dark field!" Sort of casual, matter-of-fact. Our friends knew what was up, and understood. Maybe only 4 of them even noticed, because it was VERY late, and the fire wasn't giving off much light by then. Several of the people on the other side of the fire pit probably didn't even know what the reason for everyone raising their drinks was.
          At the time Marie was in her late 30's.
          Later when I have more time, I'll post about our tubing trip, and how she got a couple of her female friends to wet themselves intentionally! Hint- it was to avoid-
          A) Poison ivy
          and also
          B) Being seen dropping their shorts!
          Best Wishes- Vic

