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Our Foreplay

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  • #16
    As PP1 remarks, I was not trying to get off on a tangent about what constitutes AB behavior and what does not. All of us who are into this fetish have explored our individual erotic landscapes more deeply than the average guy who is satisfied with looking up Britney's skirt, and we ought to be proud of our unique and individual qualities, whatever they may be.

    Vic says "Take it outdoors!" Well, Vic, that is very much part of our orientation. As I said, Richard and I met through the Sierra Club and our mutual passion is the great outdoors. I would love to REALLY "take it outdoors" and express myself in public as I did that one time when I was younger.

    I am a little bit afraid, however. There is a law in the US which is called "creating a public nuisance." The law is only vaguely defined, but I have heard that cops can use it as an excuse to arrest bums who pee in the street. Can I get arrested if someone calls the cops on a cell phone because my pants are wet in public?

    That may sound silly, but I was once arrested in my early 30s for what I would have considered a trivial matter indeed. I was baking a cake and realized that I didn't have enough milk. There was a convenience store right down the block, so I set off walking to get some milk. I was wearing a raggedy little house dress which was quite short and perhaps I should have changed into something more modest, but I honestly didn't know I could get arrested just because my panties were showing. Of course the whole world is aware of the fact the the Los Angeles PD is notorious for being a bunch of racist pigs, and I honestly believe that the only reason they drove me down to the police station was so that their piggy pals could get a stiff one from staring at some "dirty Mexican" girl's underwear. One of the police matrons eventually blew up at them and told them to stop staring at me and let me go.

    So I am a little bit nervous about "acting out" in public. I think the best course of action for a public wetting would be to follow Vic's advice and "take it outdoors." If you're at 10,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains, there's no cell phone reception, so who could call in and complain? There are many ponderosas and aspens on our local trails; anyone could hide behind and tree to pee, so other hikers would almost surely realize that I'm a "sex pervert." And hey, that's a BIG part of the turn-on!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maria
      I am a little bit afraid, however. There is a law in the US which is called "creating a public nuisance." The law is only vaguely defined, but I have heard that cops can use it as an excuse to arrest bums who pee in the street. Can I get arrested if someone calls the cops on a cell phone because my pants are wet in public?
      I'm no expert on US law, but I find it hard to believe that you'd be arrested for having wet yourself unless you were also obviously drunk/on drugs/in a state of undress/shouting or otherwise drawing unnecessary attention to yourself. I doubt the police would do any more than advise you to go home and change.


      • #18
        Law enforcement, ANYWHERE on this planet, is a function of those individuals carrying the guns & badges, rather than official public policy.
        When I said- "GET OUTSIDE"- I was referring to nature's great outdoors, where people are VERY FAR away, or, within the confines of your visually shielded private yard.
        My Dear Marie & I have ZERO interest in being arrested as a function of our playtime!!!
        We are quite discreet. So damn discreet, that we haven't DONE anything in a DAMN long time.
        Sorry for the rant. Life has just sort of sucked for us lately.
        Hope life is well for you all- Vic


        • #19
          When I said- "GET OUTSIDE"- I was referring to nature's great outdoors,
          Yes, exactly. If you see my last post, it will be clear that this is what I actually meant. Nature makes us feel horny in general. Wet pants in a mountain meadow --it doesn't get any better.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Vic
            Law enforcement, ANYWHERE on this planet, is a function of those individuals carrying the guns & badges, rather than official public policy.
            When I said- "GET OUTSIDE"- I was referring to nature's great outdoors, where people are VERY FAR away, or, within the confines of your visually shielded private yard.
            Fortunately they don't carry guns here

            Unfortunately it's not possible in my country to get even far away from people, let alone very far (unless maybe you live on an island or are a wealthy landowner). I have a garden - but the neighbours have a clear view of it.


            • #21
              To Percival-

              To Percival-
              I don't know the location of your "home turf", but from the clues, I'll guess somewhere in the U.K.
              Here in the mid-USA, you won't be "shot on sight" for being caught at consensual-adult kinky play, but you WILL be dragged into a nightmare of legalistic bureaucracy that NOBODY needs. I'm guessing it's the same most places in the world.
              I used the phrase "guns & badges" to symbolize the power of authority over the general populace, especially when it's an act of consenting adults that they TRIED to conceal from being viewed by anyone else. Bottom line is, I can't think of any place on Earth where, if you defy authority long enough, eventually "men with guns" won't show up at your doorstep.
              In the "Free World", there are many more bureaucratic steps involved, but the end result will be the same.
              "Men at your door with guns"...
              OK- I'll now step down from my "Libertarian Rant" soapbox.
              Best Wishes- Vic


              • #22
                Originally posted by Maria
                My boyfriend Richard and I are middle-aged folks who enjoy sexual wetting as part of our foreplay. We might have been inhibited about "kinky stuff" when we were younger, but after a certain age .... Hey, anything that's harmless fun between two consenting adults is COOL.
                Maria, why do you say on the poop board that your boyfriend is not into your panty pooping, and that you cheat with someone who is? It seems like you have two different identities: A BF here who says "anything that's harmless fun between two consenting adults is COOL", and a BF there who isn't turned on at all by your kinky panty pooping.


                • #23

                  Just because Maria's BF may not like the poop thing doesn't mean he doesn't generally believe that what two consenting adults both want to do is cool. It takes TWO to consent. He may not like it...therefore he does not consent to join her...I don't see the inconsistency


                  • #24
                    Possible. And it's also possible that we have another poser on our hands.


                    • #25
                      Let me explain. During the years after my separation from my husband, when I was "exploring my sexuality," I arranged several real-time liaisons with individuals who were into the pooping fetish. I have mentioned this many times.

                      I have also mentioned that one such individual became a "fetish friend." I have always consistently said that he wanted it to become a full-on relationship whereas I did not.

                      I also said that he was in California, while I am elsewhere. When I visit my family for the holidays (everyone knows I am originally from LA), I usually pay a visit to my "fetish friend."

                      What I was trying to say previously was that these "visits" were beginning to be painful to my conscience because, despite the fact that our "fetish connection" is NOT a real "relationship," my visits still felt a whole lot like infidelity, which is something I was trying to avoid.

                      I resolved it in favor of the boyfriend. Fetish isn't everything. My friend will always be my friend, even if we no longer indulge in fetish fun.

                      I hope that explains the apparent inconsistencies.


                      • #26
                        Despite my life-long fascination and the erotic consequences of wetting, pooping has never had any appeal for me. One of my ex-wives, a daily wetter, was also into filling her panties ocassionally. We experimented a couple of times. She got aroused; I didn't.

                        Since her arousal was so high, I wanted her to enjoy her kink. So we reached a compromise whereby she would tell me about her adventures while we were having fun a night. She liked to use a "Pocket Rocket" vibrator, which always led to a flood whether we were in bed or on the couch. But on those nights she told me about shitting her pants, her voice took on an even more husky tone and she experienced orgasms on a different level.


                        • #27
                          Usually I try to keep these fetishes separate, since many on this board do not like or appreciate scat play. I only brought it up because my integrity was challenged.

                          Not the first wife I have heard about who liked it, pp1. And the gossip among us Spanish-speaking girls is that the Brazilian women will do ANYTHING.

