My name is will and I am new to the whole posting thing, i'm pretty shy. I first realized that peeing turned me on was when I was 14 and I watched one of my friends hot moms leak a little into the crotch of her tight designer jeans. It turned me on so much I ask to be dropped off at home and I waited until I felt the need to relieve myself and stood in the shower and drenched my boxers and I have been hooked ever since.
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First time experiences?
Originally posted by asdf44I first realized that peeing turned me on was when I was 14 and I watched one of my friends hot moms leak a little into the crotch of her tight designer jeans.
Was it a laugh wetting or did she have to go that bad or was she tipsy and lost concentration? Or what else was the scenery?
I was into women/girls peeing by the time I was 4. Of course, I did not figure out the sexual aspect of it until the time came (pun intended), but even when I was that little I would try to get playmates to pee for me - and I would always pee for them. Sometimes it wasn't going to happen at all, sometimes they tried but could not coax anything out, but on a few memorable occasions I got to watch in full detail.
There was one particularly adventurous girl, she was 10 and me 9 at the time, that wanted us to pee in each other's mouths. We pulled it off, without spilling a drop or feeling too grossed out about it, but sadly she was a friend of the family that lived far away and it wasn't something we ever repeated later in life. They did visit a few years later and I suggested a repeat (even only one way with me receiving), but she wasn't interested. Oh well.
The first time I ever had an orgasm while awake (had been having wet dreams for about a half a year at that point) was when I was reading The Stand shortly after its release. There are number of brief peeing passages in the book (pretty sure Stephen King is one of us), and one of them had me at full attention. All I did was briefly touch myself and bang. I'd say the majority of my whacking off imagination involved peeing from that point on.
Sadly, I had no experiences in high school - never any opportunity. There were a few times where my passenger needed to make an emergency stop (living in a rural area rules!), but save for a few sounds I picked up, I got nothing out of that.
When I hit college, I saw a number of girls that wet themselves - usually drunkenness. Only once did a I see an active wetting in progress, and that sent me in a jacking off frenzy over the next week.
I love these kinds of conversations...
I remember multiple separate events that were mini-realizations for me...the timeline is not 100% clear to me as many of those events occurred when I was very young...things like:
- when I was maybe 3 years old, I seem to recall relaxing to pee thinking I was in a diaper when my parents had actually decided to try to potty train me and what I was wearing was just underwear...I remember my mother yelling "no no!!" when she realized I'd misunderstood my situation and I remember being legitimately stunned that the pee was going right through the underwear
- when I was about 5 or maybe 6, I remember playing outside after a snowstorm...I was in snow pants and all of those layers that parents of the eighties over-bundled their kids in and I had to pee, but didn't want to come inside yet, because I knew that if I did, my mother would take me out of the winter stuff and my fun would be I was holding it for a while until, while I was sliding around on some plywood in the backyard that was covered in melted snow that turned to ice, I lost my grip and it all came out...and I distinctly remember saying "whoa...I feel warm!"
- when I was maybe 7, I stayed at my aunt's house with my two cousins (a third would arrive later, but he wasn't yet born), and I remember we were in the attic playing around and my oldest cousin found some old diapers on a shelf way up high...I dared her to wear one all night and use it when she had to pee...she put it on to be funny, but then there was a very bad thunderstorm while she was still wearing it and she did end up using it after being startled by a close lightning strike and the associated loud thunder...I remember not believing her when she said she'd peed and her disappearing to take it off and then showing it to me to prove she'd completed the dare
- the same year, I think a bit later early fall when I was just eight or almost eight, I remember watching a dull movie in class about how plants grow and change using time-lapse photography to animate things so you could see it happening and having to pee really badly, but not wanting to leave class then, though I do not remember why I wanted to wait. I remember it starting to hurt to hold it in and I remember almost losing it...and then realizing that I was really excited (not sexually...just adrenaline or something) in that moment where it almost came out...and then I remember very deliberately thinking "let's do that again!" So I relaxed just long enough for the feeling of almost going to come back and then stopped it...and then I thought "what would happen if I stopped it just a bit too late?" And I tried it out...a small bit escaped, not even enough that it would show...but I wanted to do it again...after a few small dribbles like that, I wondered what would happen if I let go even I counted to three after it started leaking out the next time I tried...then to five...then to ten...(mind you, this was a quick count...not like counting seconds)...and I kept letting out spurts a few times a minute for a good ten minutes before I wondered what it would feel like if I just let it all go. By which point there wasn't all that much left...but I remember being ECSTATIC with how it felt to completely relax...and I'd done it so slowly that it didn't even leak over my chair and make any dripping just soaked into my corduroy pants all the way up to the belly button (they were overalls) and down to the knees. Unfortunately, the next activity was a spelling game and when I had to get up to go to the board and spell something, I was busted. The teacher took me outside and said accidents happened to the best of us and I (truthfully) insisted that I had not had any accident, which must have seemed hilarious to her given my condition...but I went to the nurse and got spare pants to wear for the rest of the day and hid the peed pants in the laundry chute...of all the dumb places to put peed parents never said anything about it, but they did reappear in my clothing after the next wash day...
Somewhere around this time...I think it was right before the incident I just described...that previous summer...but I can't grandparents' neighbors let the family use their pool and I was having too much fun to get out to pee...and accidentally lost control while in there...and realized to my great delight that I could enjoy the warm feeling and no one would notice...and I spent the rest of that afternoon stopping every few minutes to try to pee more.
Next thing I remember was when I was 10...I was on a bus ride back from a field trip with my gym class (back when kids used to actually have field trips routinely - God Damn the Lawyers!)...there was this girl who started getting upset that she had to pee - they asked her why she didn't go before they left and she said she didn't realize she had to go...there was no way they were stopping for just one kid though when all the parents were waiting at the school to pick us up, so we kept on going...I remember her whimpering and toward the end even yelling a bit every time the bus hit a bump in the road...and I remember realizing rather suddenly that I was hoping she wouldn't make it, because I wanted to see what that would look like...I remember feeling guilty about that...this was the first time I'd ever realized that I was not only fascinated with peeing, but that it might be unusual/weird/wrong
But then I got "married" to a friend in the fifth grade and I have VIVID memories of her afternoon walks home with me...we both lived close enough to walk home from school and she hated using public toilets, so she always held it all day and always really had to pee by the time we were going home. Some days she would make it all the way home (running away from my house when I got to my door saying she's see me after dinner or somesuch), some days, she try her hardest and end up peeing her panties (she always wore skirts/dresses when it was warm enough)...then when it got colder, if she wasn't going to make it home, she'd have me play lookout while she peed behind the bushes...and toward the end of that school year, she stopped caring whether I saw or not and started peeing her panties on purpose rather than put up with the pain of holding it all the way home...I think she even liked that I watched...but...mind of a 10-11 year old, so I can't say for certain.I do know that these walks were my first real erections by the end of the year.
I also remember hanging out at my neighbor's house the summer after fifth grade - he had a barn in his backyard that we used to climb around in...and we boys always peed around it, on it, out its' windows and such rather than go inside...had a few contests for distance and such and my friend's sister even joined in, peeing wherever the mood struck her...but she always made sure no one was watching...(this was the first time I remember getting hard just from the sound of a girl peeing)
Then...I stopped being so fortunate. I moved to another state...forgot about a lot of this...and then my sister just in an offhand way mentioned that there were websites out there with crazy stuff that people got off to...she listed a few things including one where people liked to wet themselves in public and actually enjoyed being seen. This trigged a zillion memories (I was 14 at the time) so I started looking around the web a bit, but more importantly, started experimenting on my own again...and that...was the beginning of my long life of watersports enthusiasm as a means to sexual arousal and release.
Quite a long story...sorry.But the point of it seems to be...I can't pinpoint one moment that changed me whole childhood seems to have been anchored by memories relating to pee...even during times where I remember nothing else. Not sure why those associations were the most important to my brain...but there's no changing it now.
A Similar Experience
I thought that I would add my own first experience at what really got me interested in my pee fetish for me . When I had experienced a girl wetting by accident right in front of me while I lead the roomful in doing exercises , one day ,in P.E. Especially when doing jumping Jacks .
This girl . Who was just standing not more than 2 ft. away from , facing me , as I lead the roomful at exercises . She literally flooded at my feet ! ! Making a very large puddle of pee on the floor . That had gushed uncontrollably from between her legs .
Everyone in that room at that time . Burst into laughter,scoffing at that girl . Humiliating her to the point that . That girl started to crying . out of shame , Humiliation , and being so scared at what had just happened to her.
This had a most profound effect . Even more than the effect of being so aroused by what I saw right in front of me that day.
That what I felt for what that girl was going through . With all that snickering , laughing , and being Humiliated by what had occurred to that girl .
Made me try to reach out and console her somehow . Because I had been in a similar situations , not wetting myself , but , being picked on by others .
Who made fun , Harassed me , for the disabilities I had growing up throughout my life as is .
So I knew deep inside . How that girl felt at that precise moment in time
That I wanted to reach out to her to somehow protect her . From those wishing to make fun of her . Scoff at her for wetting herself . Humiliating her Making her feel no one cared about her at all ! !
This I tried to do in looking into her , Tear - filled eyes . As she looked up at me. As I came close to her . That when we both were looking into each other eyes .
That she knew . That I understood how she was feeling right that moment . That I had stopped the class from Exercising to allow her to ask the Teacher for permission to go to the rest room . Before hand .That the teacher didn't allow her to do .
In that connection we had made between the two of us , at that short moment in time . Before the Teacher took her out of the class room to get cleaned up and changed . We both understood how each of us felt over what had occurred to her that day . That I really cared about what had happened to her .
That was not all I felt over watching that girl pee her panties . That I was able to see . When her legs separated wide apart in doing jumping jacks . When she had started to wet herself uncontrollably like she did.
This lead me to my long search in finding out why I was so aroused by watching a girl wet her panties ! like that other girl did way back then.
Since the internet was not around at that time when I experienced that wetting . Now with the internet I can now find some answers to my long term search for what I'm interested in on my pee fetish .
I have tried not to portray the ages of the individuals in this experience of mine . To keep from breaking the rules here . Please , advise me if I need to change or edit anything to change in this at all .
Dusty Harold