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Thisvid alert (?)

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  • Thisvid alert (?)

    (Not sure if this is the correct forum or if there is one, basically copy pasting my post from another message board)

    Hey, something odd happened regarding thisvid, where it made a bunch of my videos public. I noticed however that this also happened to many other profiles, particularly with what I believe to be older videos (2+ years old). This allowed me to snag some videos I had been keeping an eye on.

    Wasn't sure what to make of it but there you go. For anyone else.

    (Seems to still be the case? Any explanations?)

  • #2
    Not a site i would normally view, although i see it has a pretty good variety. A few videos show in listings for me but come up private if you try to view them, so presumably they fixed it already?
    Could also be a case of idle accounts reverting to public to keep things from going stale? Who can say, I don't think anyone here manages that site that I am aware of. Could even be a 'fappennig' style hack too. Can't imagine a lot of thought goes into security for erotic compilation video share sites.

    On the topic of sites that many might not know about - it appears one of the staff running xhamster has a pee fetish and has been moving a lot of stuff over to their lesser known subsidery site pisshamster. Mostly seems to be amateur, reused, expired copyright, linked or extended preview clips of pee videos, although there does seem to be a bit of newer and full length stuff too. You may find some of the videos "you had your eye on" that are still restricted on thisvid being publicly available there instead. Unlike other "pee category" sites, someone seems to be screening them here - so you dont end up with many "when i pissed off my friend" titled videos being scooped up by accident on there with no relation to pee play.

    As always tho use an adblocker if you frequent such sites, unless you like trolling phishing scammers


    • #3
      Originally posted by Darkknightz69 View Post

      (Seems to still be the case? Any explanations?)
      Thisvid is an extremely unstable, unreliable site. I've had many, many negative experiences. Search not working properly, videos not loading properly, and sometimes the whole site goes down.

      And lots of problems with messaging other users and friend requests. Many users have reported that they do not get any notification on friend requests. The requests sit there pending, and they don't know about it, because there is no indication that they have a message or a pending request.

      Over the course of a few years, I have sent several messages to their support team.

      I have never received a reply. Not even an automated acknowledgement of my message.

      Most of the problems seem to get resolved after a while. But support for users is simply nonexistent.

      All of their revenue comes from advertising. The site does not sell anything else. I suspect that their support staff is often overloaded just trying to respond to requests from their advertisers.

      You get what you pay for.

      I once inquired about a paid user subscription with premium support. No response.

      I will say this: When I sent a message reporting a video that had obviously underage content, it was removed within an hour or two.

      But they didn't reply.


      • #4
        Actually it goes the other way by making public videos private or just deleting them outright. Other than that I like this vid

