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Boyfriend's Birthday Wish

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  • Boyfriend's Birthday Wish

    So my boyfriend's birthday is coming up really soon and I teasingly asked him if I could fulfill any sexual fantasy for him, no matter how bizarre, what would it be.

    He said he would like for us to go to a club we know where the lighting is dim and we can find a really private booth. He said he'd want me to wear a dress so short that he could easily see my panties and watch the wet spot get larger while I pee in them right there as we are sitting in the booth at the club. He said if I would do it, he would walk really close behind me when we leave, holding his coat in such a way as to disguise my behind.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    I think 3 things-
    1- He's a lucky guy!
    2- You're an excellent girlfriend to even pose the question!
    3- You should post about what happened!
    Best Wishes!- Vic


    • #3
      I'm thinking if you arrange your dress properly it won't get wet at all.


      • #4
        Maria ,
        Excellent idea , your B/F has given you to do on His Birthday .
        I Hope everything will go well for the both of you ! !

        Please , keep us informed . As to what all occurred that evening . It would prove most interesting to read about it all .

        What I would do if I were your B/ F / if I was in a similar situation . I would put my hand on the crotch of your panties . So I could then feel the warmth of your pee streaming through my fingers ! ! As it slowly seep out of you ! !

        As you slowly relaxed and allowed everything to flow in a slow trickle / a
        gushing stream ! !

        It would feel so very Heavenly ! ! The warmth of it all . Plus also knowing how arousing it must be for you , As well as for Him too . If allowed to be dome that way I had suggested .

        Good Luck . Share the adventure with us after wards as well ! !

        Dusty Harold
        Last edited by Dusty Harold; January 7, 2013, 03:56 PM.


        • #5
          Okay, it's not till Friday but I think I will do it. In my "slut" days when Internet dating was first getting popular, I pulled a few similar stunts with kinksters I had met online, so why not with someone I love?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Maria
            Okay, it's not till Friday but I think I will do it. In my "slut" days when Internet dating was first getting popular, I pulled a few similar stunts with kinksters I had met online, so why not with someone I love?
            Maria , Good call , there .

            Hope you both have a great experience together that evening . That everything goes accordingly to your and His plan in what might be a night to remember for some time , after wards ! ! !

            Enjoy it to the most as the both of you partake in this experience together .
            Please , keep everyone informed of what occurs .

            It will be of interest to others to follow your lead in duplicating the situation for themselves with their signicificant other as well ! !

            Dusty Harold


            • #7
              I bet you'll find way to really blow his mind, Maria. And I'm sure he'll show his appreciation afterwards.


              • #8
                Go for it, you know you want to!

                Hi Maria,

                You've said you used to do it for "kinksters" you met online.

                Your man who you love and who loves you has been bold enough to ask for this, imagine how much better it will be knowing that he loves you for it. Not only that, but he has been such a gentleman as to offer to cover you and save any embarrassment.

                If you like doing this, and your BF wants you to do it, what is stopping you? Go for it, you know you want to!

                Yours wetly, and with best wishes for however it goes,



                • #9
                  Happy birthday present to both of you!

                  I really wonder what was the look on your face and your reaction when he told you this.

                  I think it was a fantasy of yours for quite some time to see this good man turn a bit "bad".

                  Hope you've had fun!


                  • #10
                    Looking forward to hear how the evening went!
                    Please let us know- Vic


                    • #11
                      Uh, Maria...go for it! That will be hot for him and, hopefully, you too! Keep us posted, please.
                      That is a very daring thing to do, for sure. WOW!


                      • #12
                        I have to tell this story

                        I don't want to take anything away from the anticipation everyone has for Maria to report on her experience nor do I want to change the purpose of this thread. So please do not respond to what I am about to report. Just consider it a brief diversion while waiting for Maria's report.

                        One of the things I used to do when interviewing girls about being in my videos is take them to a restaurant and discuss what is expected and how we do it over dinner. This was a leisurely time with lots of questions, answers, and story telling about what had been done on previous video shoots. I made sure to provide lots of drinks for the girl being interviewed.

                        When the girl eventually asked to be excused to use the bathroom, I would challenge her to pee right there where she was sitting and consider it an audition. I will never forget the time I did this with Mela. It was the first time we had met and we were sitting in a well lit Friendly's Restaurant. Mela looked a little shocked and protested that she knew our waitress because she was a personal friend and someone she went to school with. I asked her if she wanted the job. Then rather nervously she asked how she would get out of the restaurant without being seen. I told her I would walk behind her and that the more people that were around, the less likely she would be seen by anyone. (There were a lot of people in the restaurant.)

                        She then sat in her seat and made a little wet spot on her pants. I told her that if she was asking to use the bathroom, she obviously had to do more than that. She then proceeded to flood her pants with the pee running off the seat from between her legs onto the floor. I had done this before in other restaurants with other girls that were dimly lit but never in one that was this bright. I looked at her and said, "You just passed the audition. You are hired." When the waitress came back to our table, I asked for the check and also asked her to take the payment for us so we did not have to wait at the register. I gave her a big tip and Mela and I walked out of the restaurant and as far as I knew, no one ever saw what she had done.

                        After we were outside, I asked Mela what she was going to do now. She said she was supposed to get groceries before she went home but she was going home to change first. I asked her what her mom would say when she walked in the house with wet pants. Mela said she was just going to tell her that she just got hired for a new job wetting her pants. Now I was surprised and ask her, "Won't your mom be shocked?" Mela replied, "No, she knows I am a stripper and she knows I have done a lot of worse things than this. She will be happy for me." Little did I know at the time that Mela was crazy enough to do just about anything! You can see why this event sticks in my mind.

                        Now... back to Maria's story. Please don't reply and make this thread about me.


                        • #13
                          BF Wish

                          Sounds really hot except for peeing in a booth. That messes things up for the next customer, especially if you REALLY have to pee and there's lots of it! That's my only caution. Puts the burden of clean up on the proprietor. Otherwise, wish my lovely wife was into that! Major turn on! You go, Maria! Oops, did I really say it that way?! LOL!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by northerner
                            Sounds really hot except for peeing in a booth. That messes things up for the next customer, especially if you REALLY have to pee and there's lots of it! That's my only caution. Puts the burden of clean up on the proprietor. Otherwise, wish my lovely wife was into that! Major turn on! You go, Maria! Oops, did I really say it that way?! LOL!
                            It doesn't have to mess up a seat for the next customer at all. You only pee on seats that are naugahyde or that hard plastic so nothing soaks in. Then as you get up to leave, you take your napkin and wipe it over the seat where it is wet. It is dry for the next customer. Yes, there will be some pee left on the floor but the night cleaning crew will mop it up while they are mopping all the floors. No problems for anyone!


                            • #15
                              BF Wish

                              OK Patches, explanation excepted. Makes sense. Although, the pee on the floor might make for some interesting fragrances for the next booth occupants! Yes, hope Maria pulls it off successfully. Sounds very HOT! And we expect a detailed play by play from her!

