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take this waltz - 2011.avi

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  • take this waltz - 2011.avi

    take this waltz - 2011.avi


    scene 1: Margot accidentally pees in her bathing suite while in a pool, and chemicals cause the water to turn blue and reveal her misdeed.

    scene 2: Margot pees in her toilet at home, as her husband comes in to brush his teeth. She is heard peeing for 7 or 8 seconds, then she wipes and takes off her clothes and gets into the shower.

  • #2
    Thanks for posting. Consider using sendspace.com in the future: No annoying countdown, no capcha spam, no low end throttling.


    • #3
      Quite a bit of content in those few seconds. Including Sarah Silverman naked in the shower. "This is where you PEE Margot, in the shower, like a lady".


      • #4
        BTW, when I hit 500 posts, do I get a free video download from Nikki ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Peevert
          BTW, when I hit 500 posts, do I get a free video download from Nikki ?
          Peevert, you will get a bill from Nikki for causing extra bandwidth on this server! (Just kidding!)

          Personally, I think it would be very nice and generous of Nikki to give at least a free clip. How about it, Nikki? Are you in a generous mood?


          • #6

            This is a very good clip. Nice shot of the actress peeing in the pool, nice bum! Pretty lady. What is the actress's name, btw? Nice shot of her peeing on the toilet and a very nice bush shot of her standing up from the toilet and undressing then stepping into the shower. Outstanding!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Patches
              Personally, I think it would be very nice and generous of Nikki to give at least a free clip. How about it, Nikki? Are you in a generous mood?
              Thank you, Patches. <3


              • #8
                Peevert, I sent Nikki an email with the suggestion because she may not be monitoring the forum right now because her family is visiting from the UK and she is likely spending most of her time with them.


                • #9
                  my favorite part of that was...

                  Sarah Silverman naked...but the whole thing was cool Thanks!!!


                  • #10

                    Looked the flick up on IMDB, the actress is Michelle Williams. She has a very nice figure, pretty boobs, just right size. Very nice bum in a bathing suit. Just curious about the scene of her with Sarah in the pool where she supposedly pees in the pool. It shows her bum from behind and what could be her peeing and the pee turning blue. With all the odd stuff in movies, I wouldn't put it past the producers to have her hold her pee until that scene and actually pee in her suit in the pool, if there was actually something that would turn it blue. Or, since the camera shot is from her rear, she could have had something fastened to the front of her abdomen that had a tube that went down to her crotch and pumped blue fluid towards the rear at the right instant. Then a cut to another shot from the front without it as she and Sarah bust out laughing about it. Just curious what actually happened.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Patches
                      Peevert, you will get a bill from Nikki for causing extra bandwidth on this server! (Just kidding!)

                      Personally, I think it would be very nice and generous of Nikki to give at least a free clip. How about it, Nikki? Are you in a generous mood?
                      I would go for that as well . Nice call there , Patches , I Hope , Nikki , will consider it when she has the time to do so .

                      Thanks , for that suggestion there ! !

                      Dusty Harold

