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Where to chat.... android chat app?

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  • Where to chat.... android chat app?

    Hey guys, just wondering where everyone goes to chat with like-minded individuals.
    I know about the pool chat room but it doesn't work on my phone. I also know about the messenger apps but you need to know emails.

    I'm just wondering how to connect, as I have fun quite often and it would be nice to share

  • #2
    Originally posted by wetcanadian
    Hey guys, just wondering where everyone goes to chat with like-minded individuals.
    I know about the pool chat room but it doesn't work on my phone. I also know about the messenger apps but you need to know emails.

    I'm just wondering how to connect, as I have fun quite often and it would be nice to share
    Wet Set , has a so called video chat room set up under Wonderland links at the top on the Header banner . Click the down drop list and locate the video chat room click on there to enter in .

    I , myself have had trouble getting on there . Though you might not , who knows for sure .
    Hope this will help you in what you need .
    Last edited by Dusty Harold; February 27, 2013, 02:03 AM.


    • #3
      What's your trouble dusty?


      • #4
        Nikki ,
        The times I have tried to access the chat room on the Wonderland links drop down list panel . This after I had registered using my user name , Dusty Harold . Plus that of my pass code as well . I kept getting a warning notice
        that I couldn't access this site . After trying several different ways . Plus
        re - registering as well . I gave up on it out of total frustration of trying to access the video chat room here .

        I had been on the chat room at the , " Pool Chat Room " , as well . Though that site has very bad lagging problems . So I came here to see about this website , Wet Set , to see what they had to offer .

        The sad fact is I have lost desire in chatting with others . Especially , when they all ignore you . Why , I don't quite understand . Except for my age .
        I get a feeling that most want to chat with some one their own age & no one over the age of 30 yrs. old either from what I had experienced on other chat rooms I have been in before .

        So I just quietly read the posts on here . Reply , to some . Plus look forward to reading , looking & Watching the videos that , Patches , presents at times on here .

        I Hate to admit this here , But , I Miss Her when she doesn't start a thread or reply to one on here . { Long Story } . .
        Though I know she checks this place quite often .

        That's besides the point & question you asked . Though all I have said leads to what I do now . I was just trying to help , Wet Canadian with the question he presented here .

        Though I do appreciate your efforts at trying to solve mine as well . That I Thank You , for answering .

        Dusty Harold

        P/S/ Maybe I should have sent you a Private Message instead of this long reply . I still having problems with having to logged in after being logged in , in the first place to start with when replying to a thread on here .
        Last edited by Dusty Harold; February 27, 2013, 03:19 PM.


        • #5
          Harold, when I took that survey a thread or two up from this one and looked at the results, I was surprised to see that the most popular age group was my age group (I forget the exact numbers, something like 36- 50). It seems like any other place I go like experience project etc all the women are in their early twenties or younger. I am not surprised you are seeing the same thing in the chat rooms.


          • #6
            I'm thinking about re-opening the chat room at my site. Not sure if it's worth it. I won't post my link as I don't want the Mods to delete my post. But, as you know, a member's home page is on his/her profile here.

            If I get enough positive feedback I'll bring my chat room back. I did away with it 3 years ago. Let me know what you all think. It will be free and easy to use.

            There really aren't many free pee chat rooms around anymore.

            I welcome your comments. Thanks!


            • #7
              Originally posted by wetcanadian
              Hey guys, just wondering where everyone goes to chat with like-minded individuals.
              I know about the pool chat room but it doesn't work on my phone. I also know about the messenger apps but you need to know emails.

              I'm just wondering how to connect, as I have fun quite often and it would be nice to share
              Would someone post a link to this "pool chat room" I can't find it


              • #8
                The Pool chat room

                Address is http://users10.jabry.com/thepool2/login.asp

                This is on a free web hosting service and regularly has problems becoming unresponsive as other hosted websites overload the servers. However, it is still the place where most people with our interests seem to go to chat. The person who made this available when the original Pool pay site closed so making the original free chat room unavailable is looking for a more reliable way of hosting it.


                • #9
                  I have been on there many times in the past . When the lagging problem was really bad . In trying to carry out a chat with one or several people at times . It got so bad I gave up in trying to deal with the waiting at those times .

                  Though I found it most rewarding when the chatting really got going at times on different forms of each others pee interests on there ! !

                  I truly Hope that they will solve the problems with lagging . So it could be more popular among those of us that share in this pee fetish we have in common on here .

                  Dusty Harold


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wetcanadian
                    Hey guys, just wondering where everyone goes to chat with like-minded individuals.
                    I know about the pool chat room but it doesn't work on my phone. I also know about the messenger apps but you need to know emails.

                    I'm just wondering how to connect, as I have fun quite often and it would be nice to share
                    I opened a chat room at my site. It will work on mobile devices too. If you go to my profile, click on my home page to go there.


                    • #11
                      I had originally thought it would be fun to do things like who can soak their jeans the most (I would have won for sure :P ) on Wonderlands video chat. But for some reason the site went very much in the way of members who are in to diapers and hardly anyone uses the wetting room in the chat.

                      Good luck in getting a nice crowd of peoples!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nikki
                        I had originally thought it would be fun to do things like who can soak their jeans the most (I would have won for sure :P ) on Wonderlands video chat. But for some reason the site went very much in the way of members who are in to diapers and hardly anyone uses the wetting room in the chat.

                        Good luck in getting a nice crowd of peoples!
                        Nikki ,
                        I would appreciate it very much so , if you can . To join into chatting with those of us in what we enjoy doing in that of wetting / peeing / weeing that we all have in common on here and would appreciate a young woman's point of view in chatting with us all on the chat room 2prnot2p had given a link to on here .

                        It would be most inter3esting in chatting with you some time on there ! !


                        • #13
                          We need exclusivity!!!

                          Originally posted by Nikki
                          I had originally thought it would be fun to do things like who can soak their jeans the most (I would have won for sure :P ) on Wonderlands video chat. But for some reason the site went very much in the way of members who are in to diapers and hardly anyone uses the wetting room in the chat.

                          Good luck in getting a nice crowd of peoples!
                          Hi Nikki, interesting statement you make here. I have long held that our niche being somewhat narrow, if you allow other interests to invade, it quickly gets taken over by any number of other wetting-related interests, and pushes out the wetting. I've seen this again and again. It interests me that the ABDL movement is as huge as it is, and that this is the usual one that smothers the wetting movement, but there are others. There is also the fact that the term "wetting" itself means to some people simple urination, and so there are those who come to talk about straight peeing or other watersports.

                          In short, if we ever hope to keep interests in wetting going in a particular forum or chatroom we need to make that forum exclusively for wetting and nothing else. There will always be those who complain but it appears to me there are any number of other places they can go, so why let them invade our space??? The reason Wonderland went the way of ABDL is probably because noone said that this is the wrong forum for that, or perhaps it wasn't even spelt out that clearly in the beginning, if at all.


                          • #14
                            Thanks but......

                            2pornot2p: i appreciate you setting up the chat room.and I can log on just fime, but none of my messages show up using the post message or chat options


                            • #15
                              I'm happy to spend more time on cam and chatting in the wetting section of my chatroom. As it happens I just go in the AB/DL room as that's the only room that ever has people in lol. I didn't get crazy enough to start talking to myself yet

