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New Wetting Site

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  • New Wetting Site

    First, I have no connection with this website and I do not know anything about them. I discovered them through a couple of promotional video clips they put on Y/T. You can view the clips at:


    Their website is http://mywettingstories.com/ and requires signing up or becoming a paid member to view anything on the site. I have not done either so I don't know what is there.

    If anyone has more info about them, feel free to post it as a comment on this thread. I am not promoting this site. I just never heard of them before and I thought others who visit this forum might like to find out about them.

  • #2
    That's Interesting

    Patches ,

    You have found a very interesting website there . Though it seems like that of Young Pee Girls that has a DVD , " Young Pee Girls '' , that you have at Patches Place , but , might prove to be of interest to others wishing to find more sexy young women . Who like to wettin their clothes when they can't hold it any longer !

    Well Done and Thank You , for finding this and sharing it with everyone here

    Dusty Harold


    • #3
      Looks (and sounds) Russian, like wet in public.


      • #4
        Just what we need! Another wetting site, yeah, that's the ticket. Jeez! How many are there now? Enough, I'd say. I'd like to see more variety pee sites that show all the various niches in the pee fetish. Just my humble opinion.


        • #5
          No, more is better. For those of us who want something more than a woman nonchalantly pissing into her panties, there are not enough.


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by wiseguy
              No, more is better. For those of us who want something more than a woman nonchalantly pissing into her panties, there are not enough.
              Agreed, there are not enough sites that I enjoy enough to be willing to subscribe too.

              I would personally like a site with good girl - girl wetting and sex scenes but but that part of the market doesn't exist.

              WHP is ok, though there are also a lot of not so good sets.
              Wetset has scat so I won't spend money there (It is bad enough with all the adverts they put on here...... not conducive to feeling turned on seeing them)
              IN2P is very hit and miss.
              B2B allows buying set by set but is expensive.
              HDWetting girls aren't to my personal taste.
              N2P doesn't update enough and has no way near enough wetting.

              We are hardly spoilt with choice imo.


              • #8
                Having had a quick look at what you can see for free on this new site! I have to say it does not look that exciting to me! I suppose the problem with this are great pee / wetting fetish is there are so many different angles and facets and turn on's to! What may do it for some! But then may turn others off! And I for one have said many times on this board and other places on the Internet in the past 5 years we do seem to get a lot stuff that is little interests to me these days on the wetting pay sites! Hence I wont pay anymore.

                For me I like as believable wetting scenarios as possible for my brain to make it exciting it has to think the girl has no other option other than to wet her self in the dire situation she finds her self in! Now OK deep down we know this is only play acting and I can accept that as I would not want to see women humiliated or deeply embarrassed by someone going round trying to film genuine wettings even if they could! As they are far to rare any way I think! I mean what is it about as in my view WHP was the greatest wetting site a few years back But well WHP now, all they seem interested in doing these days is having one of there stunning models they use wet her panties and cloths in some bland room or garden with hardly a try even at some sort of believable wetting scenarios! I have approached them with a few what I feel are good sound ideas and OK yes for a price they would do custom made stuff for you! But I suppose its much easier and cheaper and less hassle to churn this type of very bland stuff out they do week in week out!! Plus it might be me! As I assume there must be a market for what they are doing I assume! But long gone are the days when I could not wait till Saturday morning knowing the WHP site would have been up dated on late Friday night and how long it took to down load on my old dial connection up before faster Broadband came to my part of the UK. They did some really great stuff way back then with Tiffany the original Natalie, Di ,Wendy plus many others. I still think the video of Wendy outside the bathroom locked door trying to get in that short skirt is a true classic to this day! She plays it so well and my brain can believe its really happening.

                B2B they also have some great models and they still try to do some scenario type of desperation / wettings some are really good I love the stuck in a lift one's they do but yet again there seems little effort to appeal to all taste in these it seems the model has to wear what turns the owner of the site on! And why not as after all its his site! But they never feature girls in sports wear or swim wear say. Not all of us like high heel boots or short skirts or leather and jeans all the time! Come to that not many other sites seem to try different outfits and angles it seems to me any sort of planning re these pay site videos is very small maybe it needs to be all planed out and scripted and lets be honest its not hard to go and find good safe locations outside with just a bit of planning and for thought again. Most other pay sites these days out there are just not worth looking at even I find and I'm sure this new one will be much the same.

                I would be more than happy to pay and subscribe to any wetting site that just did say four very high class scenario accidental wettings in a year if they were well planed and thought out with good locations and models up to WHP standards rather than all this bland stuff we get now I have been in to this fetish years now feel there is room for a site like this. I'm afraid just seeing a pretty girl piss her knickers over and over again in some bland bedroom living room kitchen or garden is a bit of a yawning turn off for me now at my age! Having said that I don't want to knock any pay sites as I'm sure they have something to offer someone and these days on most of the sites the video camera work and quality is outstanding its a shame they just can't put a little more effort in often. Do pay sites ask there subscribers what they want to see today I wonder or is it still take it or leave it?

                For me right now I will leave it on the pay site market. I don't think for me any pay site offers what I would like to see But! In the hope one day we do get a real quality site offering well crafted scenario accidents desperation and all sort of pee ideas in a good mix of outfits. So I will give this new site a miss I think as I don't think its going to offer that.



                • #9
                  An Observation

                  Patches ,

                  After reading some of the views and opinions on here about this thread . I have come to realize that I will just stick with your website , Patches Place , . As it offers me what I am very interested in . In what I like to view most often That I have found suits me very well . Then what I haven't found on other sites that had offered the same type of video or other important info on what is currently out there at present .

                  Though I still do appreciate your efforts at finding other website to check out . I believe I will just stay with what I have come to enjoy the most of all in visiting and looking over all it has to offer to others . Who are interested in all types and interests in all things in water sports out there today . That is , Patches Place . { My Opinion Only }

                  Thank You , for your efforts in sharing what you have found and had posted on here . Plus a Most Wonderful Website of Your Own !

                  Dusty Harold
                  Last edited by Dusty Harold; April 28, 2013, 01:44 AM.


                  • #10

                    Thanks for your kind words. When I owned and ran Patches' Place, I tried to make it a site which catered to the wide diversity of interests in various aspects of watersports. This is why I represented other video producers so I would have something to offer customers whose main interest was wetting, nude peeing, desperation, public accidents, adult baby themes, etc. In my own videos, I tried to show girls who intentionally wet themselves in a wide variety of locations because they enjoyed it. In the beginning, I wanted to provide a contrast to GIGA videos where their desperation wettings resulted in extreme humiliation to the girls. This may be a cultural difference where Japanese men are aroused by women being humiliated this way where in the western culture, men like to see free spirited women who defy social norms and wet themselves freely for the fun of it.

                    I feel the discussion so far in this thread has been very good and I am going to alert the owners of various watersports websites to the opinions expressed here so they can read them for themselves. It is easy for any of us who make videos to get stuck in a rut and keep doing the same things over and over. Coming up with fresh ideas is always hard work! So let me offer a big "thank you" to everyone so far who has contributed some constructive opinions about watersports websites and what they offer.

                    Let me also offer some behind the scenes information that most of you do not know about. The continued existence of the various watersports websites has been in jeopardy for several years. The reason is that Visa and Mastercard have had a continuing effort to stop payment processing for adult sites and gambling sites. Most adult website owners have lost their merchant accounts and the only way they stay in business is to use third party payment processors. While Visa and Mastercard would like to stop this practice, it has been difficult for them because the third party payment processors are large and process payments for a wide variety of traditional businesses as well as adult businesses. Visa and Mastercard put pressure on them but they do not take away their merchant accounts. Many of the adult businesses have stayed one step ahead of Visa and Mastercard's efforts but it is becoming harder as their party payment processors stop renewing contracts to process payments because of pressure from Visa and Mastercard. Recently this problem has affected Wet Set, Hightide, Skymouse, Project Pee, Sneaky Pee and a few others.

                    The day may come when you cannot buy DVDs, video downloads, website memberships with a credit card. You will have to use bitcoin, checks, money orders, or cash. This has been one of the advantages of Wet Set and Patches' Place over the years in that they do accept cash, checks, and money orders. Most other watersports website are not able to do this.

                    There is another behind the scenes issue affecting websites. It is the emergence of the new HTML5 for encoding web pages. It is not a finished standard but it is advancing rapidly. Google has been pushing this technology and recommending "best practices" that they want others to follow. Redesigning web pages for mobile use is another big issue with changes that are happening rapidly. All websites including watersports sites will have a lot of work to do to update their sites for the new standards. This is one of the reasons that Flo and Ann have been slow to get http://www.pissmedia.com/ up and running. Some of the standards they would like to incorporate in the new site are changing so rapidly that it is difficult to adjust to the new ways of coding pages. The existing watersports websites will also need to modify their sites in the near future to accommodate the new HTML5 coding practices. It is not easy being a webmaster these days. Pissy Galore probably made a wise decision a few years ago by closing their website and letting Patches' Place continue to sell their DVDs. (Incidentally, someone commented earlier in this thread that they like to see girls have sex and peeing at the same time. Pissy Galore offers this type of content.)

                    Okay, I have gone on long enough with this rant and this expression of thanks to those of you who have offered some very constructive comments to what was originally intended just to be an alert to a new watersports website.


                    • #11
                      Interesting Facts

                      Patches ,

                      Very Well Said . I don't consider it a rant at all , but , A Heads Up on what is to come in the near future to the adult porn businesses . Especially that concerning water sports of all types now out there . Take heed all , things are changing rapidly . As the technology advances in all forms on the inter net Now A Days .I truly appreciate what you had share and had posted on here .

                      Patches Place , while currently still up and running . I go to a whole lot . Not for just what it has to offer , but , for many other reasons I will not go into on here , but , only in private , for what I"m in search of , what I have found and what Patches Place , really truly deep down really means to me .

                      Patches Place , may fade in time . Once , Piss Media , will eventually replace it . Still selling the same content it has now to offer . Though I , Myself , will be sadden at its passing . When eventually that might occur . ):

                      Patches Place , may fade in time . Though may Patches , Herself Live A Long , Prosperous , Fun , Wet , Life ! !

                      Keep On Posting , Patches ! I for one truly Appreciate your efforts on here
                      Plus what you have given me . That time will never dim nor ever take away from how I feel and have thoughts of in knowing you and that of , Patches Place together .

                      Thank You , So Very Much , for all that ! ! !

                      Dusty Harold
                      Last edited by Dusty Harold; April 28, 2013, 11:09 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Patches
                        (Incidentally, someone commented earlier in this thread that they like to see girls have sex and peeing at the same time. Pissy Galore offers this type of content.)
                        I had noticed that but the panty peeing is all I am after and Pissy Galore has far too much naked peeing to make it worthwhile for me. Not a fan of some of their girls either.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by S1m
                          I had noticed that but the panty peeing is all I am after and Pissy Galore has far too much naked peeing to make it worthwhile for me. Not a fan of some of their girls either.
                          S1m, did you notice Patches 30 which Flo and Ann found after I transferred all the assets of Patches' Place to them? Scene 6 with Melissa and Cassidy has exactly what you are looking for. Scenes 7, 9, and 19 with Melissa and scene 16 with Cassidy may not have girl-girl masturbation but they do combine wetting and masturbation in a solo situation. Just think... these videos were made long before Skymouse came along and offered the Wet Panty Masturbation series.

                          Granted, the whole video does not offer scenes with sex and wetting and maybe Cassidy and Melissa are not the types of girls you are looking for but if this content comes close to your ideal type of watersports scene, you can't go too far wrong with Patches 30 now that Flo and Ann have dropped the price of the DVD to $40 and it is even available here on Wet Set for $30 as a download. Check out the video description at http://www.patches.net/videos/patches/p30.php if you are interested.

                          EDIT: My bad! It is not available as a download here on Wet Set but it will be soon.
                          Last edited by Patches; April 28, 2013, 04:17 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Patches
                            S1m, did you notice Patches 30 which Flo and Ann found after I transferred all the assets of Patches' Place to them? Scene 6 with Melissa and Cassidy has exactly what you are looking for. Scenes 7, 9, and 19 with Melissa and scene 16 with Cassidy may not have girl-girl masturbation but they do combine wetting and masturbation in a solo situation. Just think... these videos were made long before Skymouse came along and offered the Wet Panty Masturbation series.

                            Granted, the whole video does not offer scenes with sex and wetting and maybe Cassidy and Melissa are not the types of girls you are looking for but if this content comes close to your ideal type of watersports scene, you can't go too far wrong with Patches 30 now that Flo and Ann have dropped the price of the DVD to $40 and it is even available here on Wet Set for $30 as a download. Check out the video description at http://www.patches.net/videos/patches/p30.php if you are interested.

                            EDIT: My bad! It is not available as a download here on Wet Set but it will be soon.
                            Thank you, I will check it out.

                            I'm always genuinely surprised that it isn't more common. It seems like it would be something that would sell reasonably well.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by S1m
                              Thank you, I will check it out.

                              I'm always genuinely surprised that it isn't more common. It seems like it would be something that would sell reasonably well.
                              It would seem so , if only people would check out , Patches Place . Since it is a free website , no membership is necessary . Plus the quantity and quality of the videos and the video producers that are represented at , Patches Place . Are , in my opinion , some of the best around . That includes , Wet Set , as well.

                              Plus Patches Place , is the only place in the U.S.A. That has all this to offer to those who indulge in every thing in water sports . That most of the videos sold at Patches Place , are shipped directly to the customer from within the U.S and not having to be shipped from the U.K. , France or any other country .

                              Though there are titles at Patches Place that do come from other parts of the world . Just check it all out and see what all you can find there .

                              I Have and still do very often and I'm well pleased at what I have found there . Hope your search is productive in what you like and want .

                              Dusty Harold

