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  • Unbelievable!

    Hey guys, WC here. You may remember my post about my wife wetting herself for me. http://www.wetset.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4620
    Well we ended up splitting which was hard but shortly after that I ran into an ex of mine. Now, back when we dated before, things were pretty vanilla. But this times Iwas on a mission to see if Icould get her to have some wet fun. I felt pretty confident because she told me that when she was about 12 or so she would wet her pants under her snowsuit just to warm up. Well Igot her to hold it until she lost control. It was a big flood and she said that she loved every part of it.... the release, the heat, everything. Th next night Igot her to try a diaper and she said that it was very comfortable to sleep in; and that she might have to wear them all the time...... yippee! and the icing on the cake is that she gets off on/ prefers her guy to wear panties and tight jeans.... which Ihave no problem with.... she seems too good to be true and it is all surreal right now.... looking back, between her and my ex; I've been pretty lucky!

  • #2
    Time Does Tell

    wetcanadian ,

    Congrats to having gotten back with a G/F from your past . That now loves to indulge in water sports with you once again . I truly Hope you will stay dit and trimmed to help your G/F indulge and be aroused by what you wear for her to get her Horny at times in having some fun together with her .

    Enjoy you two and have a great time in doig it . Hope to hear more in the future of what the 2 of you get into .

    Take Care ! !

    Dusty Harold


    • #3

      I will be sure to keep you guys posted.... and her being into all this is a new discovery

