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Emphasize the sensations

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  • Emphasize the sensations

    For me, I enjoy every sensation which comes from releasing a full bladder, wetting my pants or panties. Peeing provides every sensation: feeling, touch, seeing, hearing and smelling that really triggers my arousal.

    As I've had much of an estrangement from my husband... knowing he will never desire to entertain my fetish (just as I've been asked to understand and partake in his) and for the mere fact we don't even share a room or connect anymore, I don't think he will ever really fulfill my fantasy of being watched or for a man to make me pee myself.

    When I watch a video of a girl wetting her pants or panties...or a man soaking his pants....god it is a turn on. However, I noticed that some people do not express what I look for. I like to hear the pleasure. I like to see a glimmer of humiliation. (Not real but fabricated for fantasy). I love to hear all the right little taboo words you want to say but never do. I enjoy watching the videos. Yes. But I always wanted to watch someone touch someone else who is peeing their panties or pants. It's so erotic!! Such an exciting hot way to initiate sexual intercourse, by tickling, tantalize, restraining, begging, submitting and releasing to the peevishly stern glares which cause a stream of pee warm the body, soaking the clothes, feeling the warm hand slapping the wet ass for daring to do such a misdeed.

    My only wish, is that in describing the fantasy of my fetish (which has always been what I needed to trigger my sexual desires for sex) that I could actually one have a real live breathing person play out these things for me.

    I'm a pretty decent person. I'd never expect it of anyone who would not want it. As I have for all of my marriage never once asked my husband to partake with me in expressing my most sensual desire to express by peeing so that I can at last feel what it is like for my fantasy to be real.

    However, since that may never happen or I may never find a real live person to communicate or participate with in that fashion I am left with watching videos and such. But something is always missing from the videos. Something is always missing from the stories. And maybe I am too perverted really or too dirty...Maybe what I think is wonderfully dirty other people never do....or maybe they don't mix other taboos and no no's I don't know. Or maybe I would think even the pants wetters would think me strange just for having fixations on top of my fetish. I don't know. I just think that there should be just a little more expression in the videos I see. Why? Because guys, in my head, I see more, I say more, I am downright dirty and downright wrong...totally abusive in my mind demanding a little bit of dirty fantasies of being humiliated and spanked and even daddy fantasies....which would send me to hell....if I believed that way. Enjoying to hear and see it like it is...and feeling good for it. Recognizing it as such for my fantasy makes it so very good.

    For me, it works. To express fantasy is wonderful. To have some real life action fulfilling the fantasy would be spectacular. I know the line between fantasy and reality and the fact that I concentrate on it so explicitly touching every single sensation makes me enjoy it as such....that is since I can't enjoy it with my spouse....and sense I cannot even connect with him on a sexual level. I used to say....IF he only knew....if he only would touch me and let me pee or look at me in a way that would intimidate me into doing it....and then playing it to the point of delivering a spanking for such misbehavior.....wouldn't he know....that is what makes me so feverishly animalistic in bed and to have the deepest most erotic night of fire hot sex?

    But no. It never happened that way. He never cared to explore my desires when I dared let him know about what I've enjoyed since childhood.

    Women do in fact pee their pants or panties. Of course they do. Women pee when they have sex too all the time. It's normal to want to pee when your body is being heightened and aroused to peak and orgasm. It's natural to want to feel the inhibition...the urge to hold back....as a part of the beginning of initiating sex. And for me, it's natural to give in to the looks, the glares, the demands and let it go. Ultimately, I believe 2 wet bodies, erotically transferring their eruptions of fluids is ALL Natural. With clothes or no clothes. If it is consensual and understood then why should there be an issue?

    Don't know why my husband would have an issue with it. He used to make me dress up like a nurse or a school girl with hose on. I was willing to do those things back in the days when we actually had sex. He rolled his eyes and looked at me disgusted when I shared with him my fetish. The one thing you don't want your spouse or mate or companion to ever do is scoff at you when you share your deepest thoughts and fantasies.

    He said, I don't want to make you feel "ashamed". I didn't know how to tell him I love to play "ashamed" all the time. He just wouldn't understand.

    And so the path of my self exploration continues.

  • #2
    Originally posted by aimeenwoods
    For me, I enjoy every sensation which comes from releasing a full bladder, wetting my pants or panties. Peeing provides every sensation: feeling, touch, seeing, hearing and smelling that really triggers my arousal.
    aimeenwoods, what a wonderful, open, honest and candid post! I feel very sorry for your husband not realising what he is missing, not being able or wishing to indulge you. You sound just like the sort of woman I've been looking for all my life and if you lived in Australia, I know I would definitely have been looking to make your day. Keep positive - there are guys EXACTLY like you are looking for out there - I know this, because I'm one of them. They are there, just keep looking.


    • #3
      Aimeenwoods ,

      My Heart goes out to you in how you feel my dear friend . In that I have been searching , myself for such a woman like you . You are so descriptive of what you need in your intimate life you have and want , but are denied the right to feel that . From who you had married . I feel at a lost for what I can do to help you fulfill your dreams and fantasies . I know you have and desire . All I can do really to Help you in any way I can . Is to tell you of my own fantasies and desires to you . To make and ease some of the pain of being ignored for what you want the most of all . To express yourself . As you see yourself in being aroused for sexual intercourse and fill those needs to be satisfied . You have opened your heart up in what you want . Can I describe what I would love to do . With a woman , like yourself ?
      Should I remain quiet and watch you slowly suffer from the neglect of some one not willing to understand nor listen to the one that needs him to fulfill what you want in being loved by some one that cares about you and how you feel , think and get aroused by what you are denied from achieving in your life .
      Honestly I understand where you are coming from and where you wish to go

      Take Care , We all here support you in your endeavor to find what you are searching for in your life .

      Dusty Harold


      • #4
        To those who have responded and who will in the future, I most indeed do wish to hear suggestions, ideas and thoughts. It is exactly why I looked for a place like this.

        I welcome your thoughts. Please feel free to private message me. I am such an open door willing to hear ideas and suggestions and things that have worked for you. I also just enjoy hearing your stories and fantasies. It all will lend to my education and exploration of myself which I do gladly.

        Please write more. I want to hear. Thank you so much for replying to me and welcoming me here!

