It's been well over a year since Patches sold her site. And the site of the new owners is still not up and running. Just curious.
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Why the hold-up with Piss Media?
Originally posted by 2prnot2pIt's been well over a year since Patches sold her site. And the site of the new owners is still not up and running. Just curious.
Until the standards are finally set with the newer HTML 5 coding . It's been very difficult for Flo Moore & Ann Yuresis , to set up the graphics needed to show properly om Ipads , Ipods ,tablets and that of desk top monitors . When everything is still changing as newer technology keeps increasing the use of different display devices out there now .
When Patches owned the website in the mid 90's to just last year . Every thing was mostly standardized at that time . Since most displays were on desk top monitors and not on all the newer items that now have evolved over that space of time . Since Patches Place first open for business .
I truly Hope that Patches reads this thread and will grace us with Her knowledge about what's now happening at this present time . It would enlighten us all to hear from her . Her side / as I like to put it
'' '' The Rest Of The Story " . Since the newer owners of ,
Patches Place are not members of these message boards on here . Though Patches Herself still is and does keep pace with what's going on , on this particular Message Board . In which this topic is now being discussed among us all
We all must be patient in what's now being developed in computing technology of today . That when that technology is finally standardized . '' Piss MEDIA " , will be finally brought fully into the light of day to finally open it's doors for those of us that enjoy in water sports that it will all offer us
Though I will be sadden to see Patches Place , to be absorbed into Piss MEDIA , because I felt so very comfortable at visiting ,
Patches Place , as it meant so much to me in going there in the first place and how I felt of not being alone anymore , being accepted , and finding those friends that I had made while there a comfort in getting to know them all for what we all had in common in sharing our joy in the pee fetish we all indulge in while visiting there . I will miss that time because PISS MEDIA , will not have the same feel as Patches Place had and still does hold for me in visiting it at this time . Though time will tell on when and if that time will eventually come to past and Patches Place will be no more ! !
I will then bow my head , pray a silent pray and then cry ..........
Though I do Hope That PISS MEDIA , { I like PEE MEDIA Better } ,
though that title has been already taken . Might be even better than Patches Place ever was with newer technology to offer all of us more then what Patches Place could have .
So the dream and work of what Patches had developed , ran for some 15 years . Since it opened will go on . Since most of what Patches Place had to offer us all . Will still be available in PISS MEDIA as well ! ! !
The only difference is that the friends I had made there while visiting Patches Place will no longer be around to share their unique joy at what they loved to do to arouse themselves as well as us all ! In the many films that were made by Patches Herself ! In having so much fun in this wet amusement we all now share and cherish at this time ! That's what I want to remember the most of all and not ever forget who they all were to me
Thank You
Dusty Harold