Hello! Well, it's been several years since I've been here, actually. About the time the forums changed was about the time I got busy as hell being "middle aged", LOL!!! This is as much a test post as anything, first to see if my user name/password actually still worked, and also to figure out how to navigate threads and replies. For those friends old and new…I'm male, 54, military active duty, currently stationed in North Dakota. I enjoy female desperation, as well as self-induced desperation and public accidents. once I figure out how to navigate the threads, I'll start catching up. In the meantime, cheers to one and all, and stay desperate and wet!
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A Long Time Ago, On a Forum Far Far Away
Great to see some familiar names still!!! Thanks! I've been busy like a madman for the last few years. I moved from California to North Dakota about a year ago, and work still keeps me pretty busy. Not much time for any public accidents, unfortunately, but I've always been wanting to engineer a couple here and there…but just not any good opportunities or time. I have some time over the next several days, so who knows? One of the things I'll be doing is reading through the posts here to familiarize self with the "new" board. Hope to interact and chat with you all as I get caught up!