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Waiting in Line Vids

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  • Waiting in Line Vids

    This fellow on Youtube has a very good set of waiting in line vids from the ladies' queue at a German festival, with girls in traditional German dresses...

    One of them is from over a year ago, and it is well known as a favorite in this community.

    The others, however, have all been uploaded within the last few weeks. I don't know if they are old vids that he has just added to his channel, or if they are new material. They are new to me.

    A couple of them are rather lengthy, e.g., six minutes and fifteen minutes. Your patience will be rewarded. There are girls that do the pee dance, girls that give up and squat in the grass behind the loos, and girls that negotiate jumping the queue. No actual wetting. Still worth watching, in my view.


    Last edited by Lawrence; October 21, 2014, 08:56 PM.

  • #2
    Great stuff, thanks.
    The 5th one down, the one that's 9:29 is phenomenal.


    • #3
      There is one video that I think is 14:59 long... around 10:20ish there is a gal in line with tan shorts... she looks wet... thought it was shadowing -- but it doesn't go away when she moves (she is in other parts of the video too as the long moves along)...


      • #4
        far be it from me to rain on parades

        but shes wearing two tone lederhosen ...


        • #5
          Wet bum?

          In FILE0015 (the one that is 6:26 in length), there is a girl with her back to the camera at 2:12 who appears to have a wet patch. She is blond, wearing jeans and a black top. She is tying her hair up, and she has a tattoo in the middle of her back. She abandons the queue after about 15 seconds.

          Wishful thinking, maybe. It could be the design or pattern of the jeans. But I don't think it's a shadow. The sun is not in the right place for this to be a shadow.



          • #6
            These are the best potty line scenes. Squirming, desperate queue jumpers, mad dashes for pop-a-squats. Thank you. I think pop-a-squatters are a close cousin to wetters. Some even are, like the wet stripe when she pulls her pants down.

            If you listen carefully, American women are particularly desperate. Maybe they have it easier with America's "potty parity" laws and aren't used to waiting. I'd like to see my countrywomen represent and hold it, even if it means getting a little damp now and then. And if any accidents happen, maybe the German women will pee in solidarity with their American cousins.

            An Oktoberfest from German TV. Unfortunately the squats are blurred.
            http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p159wFHXvQ It seems like the woman in the black vest is acting as a pee buster, like that "People Behaving Badly" in San Francisco.
            Last edited by PottyDance; October 26, 2014, 12:30 PM.


            • #7
              Lovely stuff Lawrence, thanks for the link. I wonder if he has a camera mounted on his glasses? The movements are consistent with that, and once or twice what looks like cigarette smoke floats up across the view. Or maybe it's in his hat.
              Last edited by Burstyn; November 2, 2014, 05:27 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Burstyn
                Lovely stuff Lawrence, thanks for the link. I wonder if he has a camera mounted on his glasses? The movements are consistent with that, and once or twice what looks like cigarette smoke floats up across the view. Or maybe it's in his hat.
                I thought the smoke was from a food concession cart, but then I noticed the the person filming moved around. Cigarette smoke make more sense.
                Last edited by PottyDance; November 2, 2014, 08:17 AM.

