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First time experiencing this fetish in real life

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Betanumeric
    Clothes: try asking her to do it in really *tight* shorts.
    ...Or whatever the average attractive girl is wearing, on any ordinary day, in the town you live in.

    Make it 'ordinary' - sexy, because any attractive girl who dresses like she enjoys being attractive is sexy - but not a 'sex show'. Make it a wetting that you can imagine seeing with any girl you see tomorrow.

    Location: get her out of the bathroom. Lay down an absorbent undersheet, put a towel over it, ask her to stand on that and let it go, down her legs and into her shoes.

    How's that for starters?

    For advances lessons, read this and see if she'll 'scene' any of them:


    Yup, finally got the time to book another session with her. All things same as before except going to have her wet in jeans first before proceeding to the grind and bj. Hopefully this time I could get excited and really enjoy.


    • #17
      Sounds like fun. Should ask her to try it outside.


      • #18
        new girls

        So I went and saw this girl one more time, and I really do think its just lacking the vibe. Think even if someone is performing this fetish for you but if that person does not seem to be enjoying it with you, it just kills it.

        So I decided to branch out a little and reached out to other girls. Got couple replies back. Seems promising.

        Going to see one of them in couple weeks, and I will write how this new girl approaches this fetish. 22 years old, fit, probably her first time in this fetish.


        • #19
          It seems to me that you are placing a bunch of demands on the gal. Perhaps by treating the next one like a date rather than a person you've hired to do as you command both of you will get off.


          • #20
            Originally posted by PP1
            It seems to me that you are placing a bunch of demands on the gal. Perhaps by treating the next one like a date rather than a person you've hired to do as you command both of you will get off.

            That is a very good point. Never really thought about it that way. But then again, from my standpoint if you just meet a girl and immediately 5 mins later you guys are getting it on for something intimate , kind of tough to treat her with any degree of chemistry. Maybe its just me. I'd try though.


            • #21
              Question- just curious, since I'm happily married & wouldn't be in the market, but how much did you pay for these experiences?
              Later- Vic


              • #22
                Originally posted by Vic
                Question- just curious, since I'm happily married & wouldn't be in the market, but how much did you pay for these experiences?
                Later- Vic

                Varies among girls and how much extras you are looking to get.

                ranges from $280 to $300 USD for grind and jerk with panty pee

                $400 to $450 USD with bj/cim

                I have not been able to get anyone to try panty poop, which is something I am interested in experiencing.


                • #23
                  Just remembered an "on topic" joke-
                  An elderly billionaire approaches a gorgeous woman sitting alone in a bar, opens a large suitcase full of $100 bills, and asks her- "Would you sleep with me if I gave you this ten million dollars in cash?" The stunned woman pauses a second, replies- "Um.. OK, Yes I will"!
                  The old billionaire shuts the suitcase, pulls out a $20 bill from his pocket. "Will you sleep with me if I give you this $20"?
                  Billionaire replies- "We've already established what kind of woman you are, now we are just negotiating price"!
                  Ba-da-bump!- Vic


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vic
                    Just remembered an "on topic" joke-
                    An elderly billionaire approaches a gorgeous woman sitting alone in a bar, opens a large suitcase full of $100 bills, and asks her- "Would you sleep with me if I gave you this ten million dollars in cash?" The stunned woman pauses a second, replies- "Um.. OK, Yes I will"!
                    The old billionaire shuts the suitcase, pulls out a $20 bill from his pocket. "Will you sleep with me if I give you this $20"?
                    Billionaire replies- "We've already established what kind of woman you are, now we are just negotiating price"!
                    Ba-da-bump!- Vic

                    lol good one. true


                    • #25
                      My engagement with this fetish has been very very stale recently.

                      It seems like the few girls that just want to try this once but then don't really want to repeat.

                      Haven't experienced this fetish in over a month and counting. sigh .


                      • #26
                        Anyone here on this forum has never experienced this fetish in real life? If not, what prevented you from trying it out?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by overquitethereyet
                          Anyone here on this forum has never experienced this fetish in real life? If not, what prevented you from trying it out?
                          That depends on which aspect of wetting you mean.


                          • #28
                            wow it has been a while and man a lot has for sure happened since.

                            I met this one sorority girl.... 24 years old blond hair blue eyes. Very girly and first time trying this fetish about 3 months ago. I somehow convinced her to try it the first time and while I can't say she has a blast doing it but she has since done it many times with me. Usually I have her either standing and bending over and peeing her panties or lie on her back with knees pulled to her chest and pee her panties. It's great and from the outside you'd never ever guess that something she would be willing to do. I think this should be an encouraging indication that there are many girls out there who are not abash about giving this fetish a shot.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by overquitethereyet
                              wow it has been a while and man a lot has for sure happened since.

                              I met this one sorority girl.... 24 years old blond hair blue eyes. Very girly and first time trying this fetish about 3 months ago. I somehow convinced her to try it the first time and while I can't say she has a blast doing it but she has since done it many times with me. Usually I have her either standing and bending over and peeing her panties or lie on her back with knees pulled to her chest and pee her panties. It's great and from the outside you'd never ever guess that something she would be willing to do. I think this should be an encouraging indication that there are many girls out there who are not abash about giving this fetish a shot.
                              One of the prettiest girls I ever met back in college loved to pee her pants and was exhibitionist enough to do it in public a couple of times while I dated her. Unfortunately, she was otherwise a total bitch.


                              • #30
                                There are plenty of open-minded people out there. My wife was as vanilla as they come when we first met... it took a few years but now she has more kinks than I do. It's all a matter of finding someone willing to try things and taking small steps from there.

